A couple of weeks ago, we talked about the beauty products we just can’t get into, and I told you mine was nail polish. From comments, it appeared that nail polish and hair care products took top billing on most of your lists too!
Now that we’re done ranting, come share with me what beauty products you are into 🙂
Mine are manifold, and I’m torn between lipsticks and blush but my first love of blush (or blusher as its known in this part of the world) wins out.
Yes ladies, blush is my crack, as they say 🙂
When I first started using makeup on a daily basis, it was just powder, lipstick and blush. It took me a while to learn to stop looking like a clown, but I persevered because I love how blush, depending on the colour you use, can make you look fresh faced and brighten your skintone even when you are looking and feeling dull and sallow or pale.
From my first blush which was from L’Oreal Blush Delice, I quickly progressed to others, both high end and low end. If you take a peek in my blush drawer, you’d find quite a healthy mix of brands in there, from Maybelline all the way to NARS and Chanel 🙂
So oui, give me a choice of beauty products to take with me on a desert island and blush will probably feature. It is still the beauty product I splurge on the most, nevermind that I can’t fit anymore into the drawer. They can stack up 😛
Very quickly and generally, my favourite low end blush will be the Maybelline Angelfit blush coming in at a respectable RM30 or less and my favourite high end blush will be the Chanel Joues Contraste blushes weighing in at a hefty RM140. If you’d like to read the blushes I’ve reviewed and will review from time to time, click on the blush category and have fun browsing 🙂
Your say: What beauty products can’t you get enough of? Which one’s your fave product?
Paris B
p/s “Beauty products” include skincare… if that’s your thang 😉
Mine will be lipstick and blusher! I love the nude and peach hues~ I wanted to switch to red lippie but found that it is too strong for my liking. 😉
Mmm… I can’t wear Nude shades on lips, but peach colours are very pretty 🙂 As for red, go with a sheer red first. Not every red has to be strong and bright
Blushes were my all time fav, but now I’m more into BB creams and foundations. >.< Even though I have only one face, but still I love to try around with the different texture and consistency. gah. 😛
Haha that’s a common lament we all have – just 1 face and so many products? But hey! At least we aren’t all doing drugs 😛
It used to be lipstick, but nowadays I’ve stopped collecting lipsticks & started collecting M.A.C eyeshadows.. There goes my money.. *sigh*
Oops! Now that’s a tough addiction to kick!
Eyeshadows are definitely my weakness! But eyeliners are a close second. 🙂
Hiya Gio! Do you have a fave in either? 😀
Certainly blushes! I could do without eyeshadow and even lippies (gasp!), but not blushes 😛
*high 5* I’m the same!
I can’t can’t can’t resist buying eye palattes and second… blushers. Lastly bronzers and liquid foundation. It’s a disease I say. And yes it’s a good thing nars is not easily available here else I know not what I do! I’m dreading Burberry arrival in January. Seems like there’s good reviews on the blushers and eye colours. Not friendly on my pocket!
Aren’t eye palettes the best invention ever? It takes the hassle out of looking for colours to use and to ensure they match! 😀 I have read good things about Burberry makeup too, although its all looking a bit dull at the moment.
i can’t get enough of mascara!!! ^^
Ah that’s a first! Won’t they dry up though if you collect them?
Blushes, eyeshadows and eyeliners. I just can’t stop buying them. I tried 😛
LOL at “I tried” I know what you mean! I told myself no more blush and look what happened.
Blushers of course. I have about 10 only and mostly are from Stage cosmetics. The colors are very lasting indeed.
Strangely enough, I don’t own blushes from Stage! At least I don’t think so 😛 Glad they work for you though 😀
Definitely my Benefit Brow Zings! I have sparse eyebrows and without filling it I’ll look almost brow-less. I can never go out with untrimmed and almost non existence brow. Btw I really love their brow bar service, especially brow arch + brow tint! But it’s soooo expensive, cost me like £15-18 without the brow tint! I never knew they have Brow Bar in Malaysia until few minutes ago! And the price is so cheap compare to here, should have just get it trim again before I left, so frustrated. Anyway being a cheapskate I did try threading, shaving and tweezing, and God forbid threading was an awful experience. It look great all right, but it was mad paiful and the skin under my left brow was sort of injured, luckily there wasn’t really visible scarring or I will curse myself for the rest of my life for being a cheapskate (but really how can I resist not trying it, £5 and £15 is really a big difference!). Lesson learnt.
Blush and Chanel lip products!
Blushes most definitely!
Ha. I missed out reading the most popular post in dec??
Never too late to reply. For me, in my late teens I was very much into lipsticks. I wonder how many of you remembered Elizabeth arden’s famous lip spa lipsticks??
In my early 20s, I was into foundations and fascinated by shu uemura ‘s loose powders in different shades such as pink, purple, peach etc. In mid 20s, it was blushers. Now in my early 30s, it got to be eyeliners and eye shadows I can’t go without. Think I’ve got my whole face covered along the way. Haha.