2010 has been a momentous year for me. So much has happened both on the blog and in real life for which I am oh so thankful for. On the blog front, we’re picking up some news from new brands and seeing lots of new “faces” in the comments and I love that! More commentators = more ideas and more views and we all need variety in life 😀 Come by and say Hi more often yes? I love it when you visit 🙂
On the personal front, I spent the final quarter of 2010 being bitten by the travel bug where I took the opportunity to travel far and wide and to spend some quality time with my family away from the maddening crowd. (At least I kept one New Year’s Resolution!) I also burnt a giant hole in my wallet I’m still trying to patch LOL! I don’t know what next year will bring, but I know its gonna be good 😀
As a thank you to all of you who have come by to read and most importantly, interact with me and everyone else on MWS and help build our little community, I’m rounding up the year with YOUR favourites from each month (based on comment count) 🙂
Ready? Here we go!
MWS reader favourites from 2010
- January – Sleep with your bra on or off? The debate continues
- February – Hoarding product boxes – a sin we all confess to
- March – I complained about Asience drying out my hair and so many of you agreed – I’m glad I’m not alone!
- April – The Guerlain Meteorites Illuminating powder is my makeup must have and it seems many of you agree too or I’ve converted you into believing so! Teehee… 😈
- May – My mom shared her NH Collaplus Collagen drink story and it seems to have intrigued many
- June – Longchamp Le Pliage Totes – people feel so strongly for or against, you all confused me!
- July – BB Creams – people feel strongly about this too!
- August – Mix and matching skincare brands is the order of the day for most of us it would seem
- September – I told you to apply concealer after foundation to save time but apparently everyone does it already so I’m late to the party! 😳
- October – I discovered that Chinese magazines were more informative and more interesting than English magazines… even if I can’t understand them and quite a few of you agreed too
- November – You all shared the beauty products you just can’t get into and we discovered we have a lot in common
- December – There were 2 popular posts in December and they are a close call so here’s both – Beauty products you can’t get enough of and the “Ouch! You didn’t!” that is the Brazilian Wax experience!
Thank you for the interaction and helpful comments everyone! As you can see, we all have such diverse views on certain things yet we have mostly shown that we can carry out logical thought and be coherent and agree to disagree, without descending into name calling and catfights. Give yourselves a pat on the back for being matured adults! 😀
I’m glad I made it safely through this year, so come in 2011, lets see what you have in store for us all! 🙂
I hope you have all had a good end to 2010 and a lovely start to 2011. If you are going to celebrate the end of 2010 please stay safe!
Thank you for sharing my journey in 2010. I’ll be back in 2011, and I hope you’ll be there too 😉
Paris B
Happy New Year to you & all your readers too!
Cheers!!! ^_____^
Yeay for all who passed through 2010 safely. I’m excited about 2011 already!
Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true in 2011!!
I am doing my usual MWS rounds today and this post made me all warm and fuzzy inside 😀 Awww.. I had so much fun reading your posts and other people’s comments and I will continue to visit everyday next year! You better keep up with your daily updates! 😀 Happy new year to you and MWS readers!
Happy New Year everyone!
And thank you for sharing so much with us PB! 🙂
Have a great 2011 and may it be a even more fruitful year!
A great new year for you too! May 2011 bring more amazing makeup and miracle-working skincare… at reasonable prices! 😀 Well, one’s gotta have dreams!
Happy new year ParisB and everyone reading MWS! I love your reviews and keep up the good work 😉
I didn’t know how much I didn’t know about make ups and what-nots until I started reading you. But alas, I only wished I had the time to comb through your blog, LOL. Anyway, Happy New Year PB! I wish you a more productive 2011! 😀
happy new year paris!!keep on blogging dear…
Happy New Year to everyone and PB!! I love reading your reviews and although your posts had been very regular but I just cant get enough! keep on it in the coming year PB!!! 🙂
Happy new year everyone! It has been a great year of great articles from mws. I’m now a almost daily reader and hope to be still in 2011. Cheers to the new year and may 2011 brings great health,gratitude and happiness, lots of monetary returns, wonderful relationships with our love ones and all around us, and all things good to everyone of us.
Thank you for the blog posts that gives me the energy every morning at work! Cheers for the best new year ever! 😀 Hope to meet #evurl someday!:)
Have a wonderful and blessed 2011! Thanks for all your sharing this year, I’ve really enjoyed the good reads and lovely pictures 🙂
2010 is coming to an end so fast. Love your blog soooo much!! Keep blogging 🙂
Happy New Year~~~
p/s: CNY is around the corner. That should help patch up your wallet. Hahahaha.
What a year it has been! Looking forward to more awesome posts from you in 2011 😉
Happy new year, and hope to see you soon!
Hi Paris
Happy New Year. Keep up the great reviews and good writeups. Really enjoy reading your blog.
Happy new year! Really enjoy to read your blog. Keep up blogging! Wishes all the best for coming year and got chance to meet you in person.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for a great blog year! I’ve enjoyed reading your reviews (many new lemmings created) and participating in the comments.
All the very best for 2011!