If we had Bourjois here in Malaysia, I’d tell you to stop reading this right about now and head out there and get your very own Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation! Yes, its that good and I like it that much!
Its a pity therefore that we do not have Bourjois here in Malaysia. However, they do in Singapore, so you can always get your Bourjois fix if you head down to our Southern neighbour 🙂 I got mine a while ago from the UK and it was a purchase on a whim. And for once, a whim paid off 😛
The Healthy Mix foundation was introduced early in 2010 but as Bourjois isn’t a brand we get here, I tend to not pay attention to it. Still, when confronted with a counter in Superdrug, I just had to pick something up. And this was one of the “somethings”.
My colour is No. 51 Light Vanilla which is my shade to a T. The product comes in a slim plastic bottle as you see in the picture, with a pump nozzle. 1 pump is about all I need for my whole face. The texture is medium-sheer but buildable. Doesn’t go much further than medium coverage though if you prefer something full coverage.
Like all Bourjois products, there is a strong scent. This one smells of fruits, which is really quite strange. Not strange when you consider that they have enriched it with fruit ingredients. As you can see from the label, its Apricot (radiance), Melon (hydration), Apple (anti-oxidant) and Ginger (energy). The scent is mostly that of Apricot/Melon. It does dissipate, but only after quite a while but on the hands, it can linger.
This foundation does not clog my pores, does not accentuate pores, gives a nice glow to the skin and does not look cakey, thick nor artificial on the skin. It is about as good as or even better than any high end foundation in the market and this is probably what I wanted Teint Miracle to be like, which that wasn’t.
On my skin, this foundation feels like nothing on (its so lightweight!) and does not cause my skin to turn any oilier than it naturally does. It is non drying, does not accentuate flaky skin and importantly, it makes my skin look good. Ultimately, that’s what we really want in a liquid foundation right? 🙂
Pros: Inexpensive, Light texture, Not cakey or thick formula,
Cons: Not available in Malaysia, strong scent
Bourjois claims that it can give you “Perfectly glowing complexion and toned skin” for 16 hours. I did not test it that long, but it did withstand the test of a yoga class, pretty much like the Clarins Everlasting foundation did, without the flat effect that Clarins gives. If the Clarins Everlasting foundation and Lancome Teint Miracle had a baby, the result would be this very affordable Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation 😀
Some fun facts about Bourjois I’ve learnt over the years:-
- Chanel and Bourjois are sister companies! You must admit the Bourjois little round pots of blush and Chanel Joues Contraste blushes bear an uncanny similarity.
- Bourjois has been around since 1824!
- Bourjois’ little round pots of blush have been recorded as the world’s first powder blushes
- Bourjois is French and named for Monsieur Alexandre Napoléon Bourjois who is credited with creating the world’s first powder blush
I knew retaining all those trivial facts would pay off some day! 😛
Bourjois as a brand has been mostly a bit touch and go for me but their blushes do still remain in my blush stash and now the Healthy Mix foundation and concealer have joined them. So if you have access to Bourjois do give this foundation a go and let me know if you might agree that its a pretty good foundation for its price 🙂
Paris B
Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation comes in 8 shades and retails at £9.99 each. Its not available in Malaysia at time of writing but you can try StrawberryNET.com which carries a limited selection of Bourjois products
argh! if only we had this in msia right? i am still still surveying on different foundie.
Yup! Bourjois doesn’t seem to be coming in yet. Hopefully soon although their products are all a bit hit and miss 😛 Have you tried the Clarins one? See if you can get yourself a sample.
now you’ve got me tempted! thanks for the review 😀
Haha “Temptation” is my middle name 😉
Got me tempted again. No good! I’m also tempted by the Bourjois Organic Bio Detox Foundation S$35.50. Saw it in the Watson magazine “Glow” recently.
I think I remember seeing the Bourjois Organic one too but I didn’t get that because I didn’t see the point of getting 2 foundations from the same brand LOL! Still, since you have the brand there, you can try both and see how you like them 🙂
ooh I must go check it out now that there are sales everywhere in Singapore 🙂 thanks for the review
Lucky you then! 😉 You’re welcome!
I saw this in Taiwan and I was like: Hmmm, I saw this on PB’s blog before…
But I didn’t get it. I have too many foundies to start with. Both the Revlon liquid ones, an Everyday Minerals Matte, a BB cream, and the Maybelline Angelfit. YIKES!
LOL… Personally I think it trumps the Revlon and Maybelline ones and then some! 😉 The texture can’t be beat 🙂
yup this is one GREAT (not just good) foundation. and you are a lot lighter than me now. I am #53. 😛
awesome review!
Yup! Its excellent stuff! You’re #53? I was dithering between 51 or 52 which look similar in the tube but 52 is noticably a bit darker on my skin
Saw this in Sg and didn’t think of getting it. Now readin this got me all squirmy and regretful.Ooooooooooo!
Teehee… its permament so there’s always next time! 😉
too bad this bourjois foundation is not available on strawberryNET 🙁 hope they bring it in soon~
btw i just received my i nuovi eyeshadow today! love it! thanks for holding the competition ^_^
I’m sure it’ll pop up soon. Keep trawling! 😉 Glad you got your eyeshadows just before NYE! 😀
I don’t have access to this but this looks really nice, will remember your review on this when I visit countries that has Bourjois 🙂
Yup! I think you’ll like this one 😀
i have this and have been using it for the past 2 months! its a huge love seeing that i never liked liquid foundation before and have always stucked to powder ones. but this foundation gave me wonderful glowy skin that doesnt look oily even after hours of wear. holds up well with singapore’s dreadfully humid weather too.
Yay for another fan! Its really good and as you said, stands up to our tropical humidity which is awesome!
This sounds wonderful! I’m tempting to ty but unfortunately we don’t have Bourjois here either. I will have to remember to get it when I nxt go abroad. 🙂
Gosh! Not there either? But I’m sure you’ll spot it at some point the next time you travel 😀
I’ve got the 10h sleep effect foundation by Bourjois. It’s very light and blendable and gives a subtle glow. It would be perfect if it lasted long enough on my oily skin without making me shine like a supernova! Maybe I should try the Healthy Mix next!^^
I was actually dithering between the 10h sleep effect foundation or this one. I remember a friend telling me that the 10h one was great stuff too. I don’t know how I ended up with Healthy Mix but I’m glad I did 😀
I have the same one, and I really like it – in fact, I would love it, if only they had made a lighter shade. I know, #51 is pretty light already considering many drugstores brands consider a muddy yellow-beige “vanilla” or “ivory”, which it totally isn’t, but I do feel this is just a tiny tad too dark for me.
Oh you are so right about drugstore foundation colours! Towards the light end of the spectrum its always this really weird shade that’s either too cream or too white. So sorry to hear you couldn’t find a colour match. Those with very dark skin will also have a problem I think.
Here in Germany, being white is not really popular, so I guess no one wants to sell light foundations as people like to tan anyway. Companies like Maybelline take their lightest shade from the German releases even. Stupid tanning frenzy.
Coincidentally I was wearing this foundie today. I loved this foundie to bits especially its smooth texture and refereshing scent whenever I use it. I bought both this and the organic one during my trip to S’pore. Sadly, the organic foundie doesn’t suit me well with its colour and my complexion looked muddy yellow and dull. It also dried up fast on my face during application which was quite a hassle to use. It ended up in the bin after a few uses. Glad you bought this.
Oh I’m glad I bought this one too, now I read what happened to the organic one. Glad we both agree this is an awesome foundation!
found it in Vietnam, but didn’t get it as it was too light! wish they made darker shades.
Wow, this looks really promising! I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for this in HK. On another note, I remember you talking about your Bourjois blushes, and so I’d like to ask- Bourjois vs Majolica Majorca, which do you prefer? If my memory serves me right it costs about the same in HK so I’d appreciate your input on this! Thanks Paris :3
Bourjois is available in Jakarta; but Chanel cosmetic isn’t 🙂
gosh i regretted not getting it! i saw it at the bourjois counter few days ago and immediately i recalled that you got it during your UK trip but i thought i would give it a miss! will get it the next time i pop by again! thanks for the review PB!
I have this foundation and I like how it gives this plumped and glowy, smoooooth look with coverage and all, but the shade!!! It’s still yellow and dark for me – I have very ‘white’ skin, think korean-ish …
The foundation is lovely and moist but one thing is that it settles into the lines under my eyes 🙁 and it needs a dusting of some good setting powder to make sure it doesn’t transfer, but what happens is that the powder takes away a bit of its beautiful lucent sort of glow.
I do dust some light loose powder over it too but it doesn’t kill the glow, thank goodness 🙂 I must agree that #51 which I think is the lightest shade isn’t quite light enough for the very pale. Perhaps it just suits Caucasian colouring better? But I’ve read of complaints from them too.
This is a super super foundation!. I’ve been using this for a couple of months now since September and am totally in love with it. Bought this after reading Jojoba (of my makeupreviews). It really does leave your skin looking almost flawless. Recently got the 10 hour sleep effect one. Coverage wise and finish is different…10 hour sleep is more light coverage with a dewy finish. Completely bummed that they don’t have this in Malaysia, as i will be leaving Ireland for good next week. Gonna get hubby to stock up for me before he returns home this July, hehe! Glad u liked it!