So you like beauty products. You like playing with colours. So do I! Yay 😀
I love my blushes and lipsticks and eye colours… but I have no love for nail polish.
Yes ladies, I’m guilty of not enjoying nail polish. At. All.
Whilst I enjoy the pampering of a manicure and pedicure session, I find it suffocating on my nails to have that layer of lacquer on it. I have this irresistable urge to peel off the lacquer at every opportunity. Its a mental thing of course – nails are dead material. They can’t breathe.
I’ve tried to enjoy it … Heaven knows, I’ve tried! But I’ve finally decided that enough is enough. I can’t make myself love nor enjoy having painted nails 🙁
I do admire those who can carry off a painted nail, and who have lovely nails, and better yet, those who are artistic enough to do nail art. I take my hat off to you ladies! (I’m looking at you Xin and Nikki!)
As for myself, I’ll sit here with my naked nails and admire from afar. Perhaps I’ll buff my nails instead. That way I get the shine without the smell and the lacquer… that is if I bother 🙂
Saves me a heck more money anyway eh? 😉
Your say: Do you have one beauty product you just can’t get into?
Paris B
I don’t do hair products (besides shampoo and conditioner of course). Nail polish, body washes, perfume I’m into, but I don’t even own a hair straightener!
psst! I don’t own a hair straightener either! 😉
As you can see on my blog, I enjoy nail polish and nail art a lot, also eyeshadow. But I only have like three blushes, and only very few lipsticks. ^^;
I always try things with my hair, but it never goes the way I want it to. xD
But practice will make it perfect so I’m sure your hair will start obeying you soon 😀
I have no love for hair products. I use shampoo and conditioner and that’s it.
Haha… same here most times. I’ve only just started adding in a treatment on alternate days to help with my dry hair 😀
My list: nail polish, perfumes, fake lashes.
Nail polish looks high on many lists! 😉
Hi, Paris! We met briefly at the Marena event if you can remember. Dropping by to say hi 😀
It’s otherwise with me and nail polishes as I have a small OPI polish collection (read: very small) and I do enjoy painting my nails, that is if I’m not as cockeyed that day and don’t end up with polish all over my fingers D:
I’ve never really gotten into hair styling products as my hair’s…rather stubborn and never stays the way I want it to 🙁 Same thing with hair dyes, I want to try them but don’t want to change my hair colour so…I’m kinda stuck with not doing anything with hair dyes .__.
Hiya Vanessa! Of course I remember you 😀 I still love the look of your top and I should get myself down to Cotton On except I can’t bear the thought of trudging down to 1U 😛 Personally, if you want to colour your hair, and have never done it, I’d suggest you go to a hair salon and have it professionally done. Its more satisfying that way 😉 Also I much prefer highlights – they aren’t as obvious as an all over colour and when they grow out, you can forget about the touching up if you dont’ want to because it won’t be as obvious 😉
Mine has to be hair products! I wash and condition my hair everyday but I never bother to style it. The only hair product (besides shampoo & conditioner) is heat protection spray because I straighten my hair quite often.
Well, I thought I couldn’t do nail polish either. But thanks to my girl, I am beginning to play with it sometimes. but mostly light pastel shades.
Awwww… I like nail polish. I like how they look on other people’s nails, but not on mine. 😛 I find it nicer if my nails are naked, so yes. I don’t understand nail polish either. Also, I don’t enjoy hair styling products like some people here. I find them unnecessary and some of them could even damage not only the hair, but also the skin!
OMG It’s so nice to see someone else who hates nail polish ! It’s never appealed to me at all. It stinks, looks really tacky and never stays over 10 minutes without chipping. Even worse is toenail polishing, yuck. I wear open toed shoes shoes for over 9 months a year and I never wear the stuff. It draws attention to feet in a gross, tacky way. I keep my feet very clean, my toenails very short and clean, my feet are soft, pink and nice looking. Every guy I’ve ever known has told me that they much prefer a woman to have clean natural healthy nails instead of polished, not that their opinion actually would sway me though ! My nails are and will always be “Au Natural”, it looks nicer, cleaner and more practical.
I dislike lipglosses. Just can’t stand even a teeny bit of stickiness on my lips. Hate them much.