A while ago, I ran a giveaway for the Dr. Sebagh Serum Repair if you recall. Suzanne was the winner and she gave the serum to her Mum to try because she figured it would do her Mum’s skin a world of good. This is what Suzanne and her Mum have to say about the Dr. Sebagh Serum Repair complete with before/after pictures. I have my own observations below.
My mom started to use the product on the 13th September. When she first saw the bottle, she mentioned about the size and whether its enough to use for a month!
She uses it at night only before her usual night creme. First time when she used it, she mention that you need to quickly spread it out, otherwise it will seep into the skin almost immediately. After trial and error she manage to maximise the full drop evenly on the face. Takes practice though! The after effect of using it, is the skin becomes taut, almost immediately like some firming action taking place. And about 10 seconds later, you can feel the skin becoming soft and smooth again.
It has a nice scent. Soothing to the nose. After a months usage, my mom felt her skin was glowing and sort of like shiny, like after a facial treatment. Fine lines seems to be plumped out. So its good!
There is still half a bottle left. So I guess if you use it day and night, it will last for a month only.
I actually did try it twice on my skin-well only around the eye area, after a tired night out (the insert says its safe to be used around the eye area). I like the tightening effect, made my puffy eyes look less obvious. Its pricey for me as a face serum, but I wouldn’t mind to use it as an eye serum, as I’m able to stretch it out.
PB’s thoughts on Serum Repair
Suzanne was right about the bottle being tiny. Its just 10ml but as she also notes, it has a watery texture that spreads very easily so one drop is quite sufficient for the face. I did not see the wonderful effects that Suzanne’s Mum did, but I do agree that almost immediately upon using it, my skin feels very soft and smooth.
The instructions say it can also be used as a mask by applying more on your skin and leaving it for 10 minutes before massaging it into your skin. I tried it twice. However, I did not like it because it did not sink into my skin at all and there was a sticky layer on the top of my skin that I did not like. I did not experience this just using it as a regular serum so I prefer using it just as a regular serum where this intensive collagen and hyaluronic serum makes my skin feel soft and smooth.
10ml can last more than a month, perhaps even 2 months if used just at night. I did not try it as an eye treatment although I did use it around the eye area, but now that Suzanne’s mentioned it, I might!
Pros: Skin feels smooth and soft upon use, Helps plump up lines on the skin with regular use, Can be used as an eye cream to plump up lines and make skin more taut
Cons: Expensive, Did not work as a mask for me
All said, although the proof that this Serum Repair works is in the photos, we cannot deny that this is a pretty pricey serum so it probably will not be for everyone. I personally feel that it will work better for those who have skin wrinkles and problems that they might want to repair, rather than to use for maintenance per se. Still, I can’t deny that it seems to have worked very well for Suzanne’s Mum!
Paris B
Usage: Cleaner -> Toner -> Serum Repair -> Moisturizer
Dr. Sebagh Serum Repair retails at RM379/10ml and RM625/20ml at Dr. Sebagh counters at Ken’s Apothecary, Bangsar Village 2 and Isetan KLCC. Find out more about Dr. Sebagh at their Facebook page. From Nov 1, 2010 the 20ml will retail at RM399 while stocks last and terms and conditions apply. Check in store.
Great review and pretty astounding before and after pics!
I wonder if these plumping and firming effects are only when the product is applied or do they last. That is one thing I’ve noticed about anti-wrinkle and anti-aging products. For the most part, they do work … when it is actually on the skin. Once it is removed, the wrinkles become apparent again.
By no means I expect a miracle that removes wrinkles and firms the skin up permanently but please tell me I’m not being incredibly gullible to imagine that there might be a product out there that can have a long lasting effect even after the removal of the product?
My take on this would be that regular use of line plumping products will help decrease the appearance of lines over time. Also, the ingredients can help repair some of the damage to the skin. Some ingredients may work better than others and thus have a longer lasting effect even after you stop using the product. Hence the need for “maintenance”. However, I too do not believe that there is a magical cream out there that can totally erase wrinkles and lines on the skin for good. Actually there is, and I think its called botox 😉 I’d be happy with minimizing the appearance of lines 😉 Just my take.
OMG! This is crazy effective!! I should get one of these for my laugh lines… I laugh waaayyy too much!
Laughing too much is a good thing! 😀