I’m making a trip soon and am trying my utmost best to pack light. Yet, I want to look a little more chic on my travels this time.
A bit of a conundrum because I do tend to dress for comfort when I travel, and comfort for me means jeans, sturdy walking shoes or boots and T-shirts. Perhaps a serviceable jacket if its cold. I usually dress this way, be it an adventure holiday or a city holiday.
I’m going to the city this time, and I’m a bit tired of the whole jeans and tee look, so I thought I’d pack some nicer clothes this time, just in case I get the chance to go somewhere nice or to dine in a nice restaurant. I don’t want to feel out of place in my jeans and T-shirts 😛
I was thinking a wrap dress that travels well, and perhaps tights, in case it gets cold. My main problem is the shoes. I don’t want an extra pair of shoes taking up space in my bag.
Yet it seems that dressing up on vacation tends to result in accessories or shoes taking up extra space in the luggage. Perhaps I’d say hang it all! and just buy my shoes where I’ll be going 😀 What a great excuse to shop eh? 😉
Do you dress for comfort when you travel? Or do you make the effort and dress up a little better (depending where you travel to of course) and if you do, how do you do it?!
Paris B
It’s shorts, T-shirt / tank tops and slippers for me all the way!! 😛 😛
Never got the chance to travel to cold countries yet, but i always tell myself (and the husband) that i MUST get myself a trench coat and a pair of boots if i ever get the chance to go!! Hehehe!! 😛
For me, comfort first definitely. And if I’m on a business trip, I’d wear something a bit more formal than jeans, but there’s no reason I can find something in my closet (or go shopping for) something both comfortable and nice.
I’m trying not to shop for the holiday (so I save money for shopping while ON holiday 😉 ) I guess I’ll go dig in my closet and see what I come up with. Probably some neutral mix and match stuff 🙂
pssst… PB, if you buy your shoes at where you’re going, you still have to bring ’em back… 😛 But I know you have an extra bag in there, so it’s okay, right? LOL.
Have fun when you get there! 😀
Haha good point! Thing is, I don’t mind lugging extra stuff back – its the going that bugs me 😉 Thanks dearie!
Depends on which country I’m going. But even if it’s gonna be cold, it would be long-sleeved shirts, a winter coat and jeans. Oh, and Converse. How bout wearing comfy, dressy flats?
I’m trying to break out of the sneaker/loafer routine but am thinking flats will kill me feet since I tend to walk A LOT. We’ll see! 😀
the problem with shoes applies to all ladies…men just need one pair anywhere they go! 😛
I know! Its so unfair 🙁
awwww have fun there! 😀 i still think t and jeans are the easiest for traveling…or a summer dress!
Yep I’m a Jeans and Tee girl at heart. I’d wear it everyday if I could 😛
i always pick clothes which i feel comfy with because am always on the go while travelling. but since you’re going there, one or 2 dresses with tights shud be good! i think accessories can be purchased there, but shoes, i always prefer to wear something i am used to, in case i get blisters n what nots 😛
You have a good point. I’m breaking in a pair of shoes as we speak and we’ll see if it breaks in enough to take on holiday! 😀
I usually can’t be bothered by how I look when I’m travelling, as long as I’m comfortable and have plenty of pockets. If I made some kind of fashion faux pas, at least I won’t be meeting anyone I know. Yes, cargo pants make me look three feet tall, but I have pockets!
But it’s also a great chance to experiment with a new look. Last trip, I put together a combination of clothes I won’t have tried at home and it looked great so it’s one of my looks now.
Haha yeah I usually don’t bother too but I thought it would be nice to bother for a change. Who knows who one might meet or where one might go! 😉
I’ve always worn jeans and T-shirts too. Can’t seem to put together anything chic during travels 🙁
You said it. I guess since I’m never very chic nor pulled together most days, I can’t expect to be on holiday when I’m supposed to be relaxed! LOL
😉 And my motto is to pack as light as possible so that I can make room for more purchases! Hahahaha..
Me thinks you can wear a fancier Crocs, both comfy and fancy.
I cant fit into any other Crocs other than the ugly ones 😛 I have feet that like comfy but ugly shoes 😛
I always dress comfortably because I am saving up on luggage space for more shopping 🙂
Good point! 😀
I go with smart casual dresses. =) I normally dress up, so no t-shirt and shorts… Dresses can carry me everywhere.
I do envy those who can wear dresses when travelling, I really do. I guess I’m just a bumming sort of traveller. Its actually the shoes that bug me. What shoes do you wear with your dresses?
wear an old shoe that u think is due to go to the bin along and when u’re there… throw! saves space PLUS u get to buy a new pair whilst u’re there *wink*
Haha… I would if old shoes wouldn’t kill my feet! And at the end of it, I’d find it “sayang” to toss 😛
Dress all the way for me 🙂 no need to mix and match, and I have a pair of strapy gold flats from Clark in London with me, goes well with jeans and dress, plus they are comfy for walking too!
That sounds gorgeous! I shall make it my mission to find a nice pair of flats that feels comfy and looks good! 😀
I always, always, want to travel in style, but too bad I can’t stand the cold inside airplane. So it’s always shirt, jeans, loafer and a sweater coat.
Oh in the plane I’m always dressed down. Gotta fly comfortably especially if its a long flight! 😀
ahhh…. always comfort for me unless I know that I’ll be going somewhere that requires dressing up. but it’d be really cool if one can look like the LV model! If I had a hunk to carry my stuff in LV suitcases then perhaps I could dress more fashionably :p
HAHA! You said it! I was wondering who would 😉 Yep if I had a lovely hunk carry my luggage (LV or not) I’d dress up to the nines too! 😉
I always bring a pair of dressy pumps with me because it doesnt take up loads of space and can go with just almost everything!
Great tip! I might be bringing a pair of decent flats 😀
I dont care for fashion when I’m travelling. Afterall I’m on a break so yes I’ll go for comfort first. But of course it’s always nice to bring one or two nice outfits, just in case 🙂
Yep! I always place comfort first. But its the “just in case” that’s bugging me now coz its more likely than not that I will end up somewhere nice (at least I hope so!)
You can still look nice with jeans. Just add on some accessories. Scarf or sunglasses or hairband. As your sandals you can just bring your fit flops pietra. It looks dressy though. I’m forever a Jeans with t-shirt girl 😛 I hardly go out with any shorts. I’m just too shy haha.
I’m sure you can look stylish and being comfortable at the same time. 🙂
I’m planning to do that with jeans especially with a darker wash 🙂 I don’t have the Pietra but I can’t wear Flipflops where I’m going 😉
I’m sure looking good + being comfortable can be done! Depending on where you are heading & the weather, bring along a nice dress which you can dress down or up with. Pair it with tights if it is cold & a nice pair of dressy pumps will be good!
Have fun & enjoy!
Thanks! I think I’ll try flats coz I don’t fancy traipsing around a city in heels, not even 1 inch ones 🙂
depends on the country I’m travelling to… If it’s gonna be hot and sunny, shorts and T-shirts, sneakers (for walking), and of course a pair of comfy sandals (waterproof, in case it rains)… For city, I tend to bring clothes that are nicer, slightly fancy but not too much as I don’t think I’ll be going for a dressy dinner or something… yea, comfort is the most important to me esp when I have to take a plane… hehe…
Oh the plane I”m pretty much a slob 😛 Especially if its a long plane ride. I’m going to try dressing up a little this trip and see how well I can manage 😉 Thanks for sharing!
I don’t really care how I look when I travel, I prefer to dress for comfort. I usually wear jeans and t-shirts or long sleeved tops if I’m going somewhere cold. But I would bring a nice dress and some dressy pumps just in case.
Teehee… I love how we all have a “just in case” dressy outfit 😀 Thing is, I never did the “just in case” before because I never went anywhere nice or I would just wear my usual shoes. This time I’m trying to be just a bit better dressed 😉