Its Fri-i-day! So lets get In The Groove and shake that booty! 😀
My first MAC Mineralized Skin Finish was Porcelain Pink and I liked it very much so I picked up Petticoat from the new In The Groove collection. This is the 3rd incarnation of Petticoat if I recall correctly. Its my first time getting it (last time I only tested it at the counter and passed – not sure why this time was different 😛 )
Unlike Porcelain Pink MSF, I found the Petticoat MSF very shimmery. It almost reminded me of Bobbi Brown Shimmerbricks. Its that sort of high shimmer that might tend towards being frosty and that you can easily overdo and end up looking like a disco ball. “Disco” – does anyone use that word anymore? Its so…. 70s but then so is “In the Groove” 😛
Petticoat looks rather mild and deceptive in the pan. It looks gorgeous, rather like Jupiter (the planet) and depending on the stock you get, you will get more or less gold veins and more or less rose colour in your MSF. I was happy with mine – I did not want too much gold veining because that would translate to more shimmer I did not need. I did not want too much rose too in case it was too dark. You can compare mine above with that of Watercoloursky and you will see each piece is quite different.
Why I say its rather deceptive is because Petticoat swatches a much darker deeper rose red than it looks and that took me aback. How on earth could I wear a colour like that?!
With a light hand, that’s how. Here’s how I use mine.
- Tap (not swipe) the brush on the top of Petticoat MSF
- Tap brush on back of arm twice
- Apply to cheeks and blend
- Grab the good lighting while it lasts 😉
- Repeat Step 1 if necessary
Remember, when working with intense colours, its always easier to start sheer and build up, rather than whack on strong colour then try to sheer out. I find that my method of application for me, results in a less shimmery look too because you build up the shimmer. Its more subtle and less disco ball and gives me a nice pinky-rose blush colour.
You can use a skunk brush or duo fibre brush which offers lighter application and makes pigmented blushes easier to work with. I use my regular Ecotools blush brush that I use for all my blushes – I guess I’ve just gotten used to using it with a lighter or heavier hand depending on the texture and blush colour I’m using.
Some readers have mentioned that the shimmer from the MSF tends to make their pores look bigger. Unfortunately that is quite true. It does not quite accentuate my pores, but it can settle into pores and make them look more prominent. This is more apparent in Petticoat compared to other shimmer blushes or highlighters I own so I think its the formula.
The MSF can be used for various uses – all over highlighter, eyeshadow, blush but due to its pigmented tone, I’d say Petticoat is purely a blush (or maybe eyeshadow) only. Its a pretty blush and I’d use it often. But its not a must have because there are many more blushes that look similar and are easier to work with 🙂
Pros: Nice colour and texture, Gives a nice subtle glow if used properly
Cons: Very shimmery, pigmented, liable to give a disco ball sparkly effect
Petticoat MSF is limited edition and by this time, I’m informed that Petticoat MSF is almost sold out at our MAC stores and counters but do check just in case I’m mistaken. You might be able to find it being sold online though – some people might buy into the hype and then realize it doesn’t work for them, or they could be greedy and buy backups and then sell them.
Whatever you do, do not pay top dollar or a premium for this. It retailed at RM115 or US$28 and you shouldn’t pay more than that. In the alternative, be patient – MAC might just re-release Petticoat in a future collection – just as they have done with this 🙂
Do you own Petticoat? Do you have any tips for application for those who might find it hard to work with?
Paris B
MAC Petticoat Mineralize Skin Finish is Limited Edition and retailed at RM115 at MAC stores and counters
I bought my Petticoat yesterday after reserving it for 1 week. It almost sold out in all the MAC Stores and online. I had to agree with you that this MSF gonna go lighthanded or else we’ll look like a disco ball and too red. 🙂
I aodres Stereo Rose much more than the Petticoat.
Stereo Rose made me look orange and sunburnt LOL Guess it just didn’t suit my colouring
It looks so pretty on you!!! You make me itch for my first MSF… yes, i don’t own any MSFs yet!! Hahaha!! 😛
Jenn! No! :O You gotta remedy that asap! 😉
Bonjour Paris! It’s been a while = = Have not realised that I have been THAT busy.
Anyway, I like how the colour shows on your lighter skin. It’d probably be less obvious on my darker skin.
I am passing all MAC products (I actually went in to MAC in Pavilion during lunch hour) as I am saving and gearing up for other autumn launches! The only blushes I am dying to own are the ones from Chanel Fall’s collection.
Have you tried using a 187 stippling brush? I had a Nars Torrid and you know how pigmented Nars blushes are. The only way to apply light handed is probably using a 187 😀
Another random question: where do you work Paris? I’d love to catch a lunch with you! Call me crazy @_@
Till then xxx
Hiya Lee! You’ve been missed 😀 I think Petticoat will look amazing on slightly darker skins tho and its a lot easier to work with then! I haven’t tried the iconic 187 brush but similar brushes do give a very good effect – you can’t possibly find Torrid too dark, I actually find it easy to work with! I’ll mail you about lunch 😉
Has anyone told you flattery can get you everywhere? 😀
I will try to swatch it if I have the chance but I had something similar…the problem with those MSFs is they have waaaay too much shimmers which will only enlarge my pores! 🙁
Torrid wasn’t dark but it is just too bright 😀 Slightly heavy handed will give a monkey-bum look! lol I gave it away…though I like something lighter now to build up…
I am eagerly waiting for your email *giggle* You have no idea how excited I am! xxx
I WAS fascinated by this one, but since I already have large pores, I think I’ll pass. I’ll be headed towards the eyeshadows instead. ^.^ But it looks great on you, let there be no mistake. Blue My Mind, here I come!
I haven’t even seen the eyeshadows and by the time I do they’ll likely be sold out 🙁 hope you pick out something you like 🙂
yeah, shimmer blush tend to accentuate the pores. i have the same problem with benefit coralista, so i tend to swipe it towards the side of the cheek wherethe pores are less prominent……i’ll give this blusher a pass too…..
nice weekend!
Aww I love Coralista! You might find Sugarbomb too shimmery too. Enjoy the weekend!
Petticoat looks great on you! I was surprised to see that it’s quite pigmented too. from the pan it looked like it’d be a sort of glow powder or highlighter instead of a blush
Thanks! Yep looks are very deceptive with this one!
Wow… how long will it take for you to finish the pan? Hehe
Erm… Let’s just say that forever is a very long time 😉
Yeap, Petticoat does swatch a little darker than it looks. In fact, I almost couldnt tell between my Petticoat and Stereo Rose when I swatched it on my hand! But thankfully, the difference is there when used on my cheeks (no idea why). On the other hand, I really need to spend less time staring at Petticoat and more time using it! It’s so nice to look at!
I need a new blush brush real bad.
Lol get using it girl! Makeup is only makeup when we use it 🙂
I don’t think I have Petticoat, but I think I’ll stick with my Porcelain Pink, being a PPP. I suggest going very slowly and build the colour up and perhaps dust with a little translucent powder to tone down glitteriness!
That’s a good idea to temper the glitter with a little powder. Helps to tone down color too 😉
it is such a pretty color, but super pigmented! but i LOVE the way it looked in your clarins foudnation review, after you did the yoga, such a pretty natural flush! er maybe you have to wear this to yoga class? hehe.
im looking for another blush other than my RMK jelly cheeks in sugar pink (which makes me look weird) and my coralista.
p.s. and i DO have fat face. really looks yuckers in photos.
Aww… Its all in the angle dearie! 😉 unfortunately no guys in yoga class to merit wearing Petticoat all the time 😛
I use Petticoat as highlight when the blush I’m wearing doesn’t have shimmer.
That’s a great idea – thanks Amanda!
I have tried one mineral based product and I was impressed. I like the shimmer on you, it makes a nice highlight. I heard that these mineral products last forever and can be mixed and matched, a touch of vaselline ( I would use a non petrolleum based jelly) you could turn it into lipsticks or even nail polish, just put a top coat on the nail. So maybe you could finish that pan a lot faster. I might pop down and get a pan myself.
that looks beautiful on you!!! i myself have never used a mineral based makeup product, so im really intrigued!! 🙂
Thanks! I’m not sure if this might be considered a “mineral” product but since I’m not fussed I take whatever works for me 🙂
This sure looks pretty, but I have no desire to wear MSF. Don’t know why.
Thanks for the tip! I didn’t know that shimmery blush accentuate pores. Somebody mention that Coralista is shimmery? I didn’t notice that…
I didn’t notice Coralista being unduly shimmery too but perhaps different people have different tolerance levels for shimmer 🙂
Oooh, so pretty! I love how you wear your blushes… but first, I need to get myself a decent blush brush before I can justify creating a new lemming. Heh. 😛
Heh get the Ecotools one – works a treat!
i only own 1 MSF lol.. Petticoat looks so pretty on you!
Thank you Khymm!