Happy Saturday Ladies!
This weekend is going to be a quiet one for me. I have however, been itching to re-colour my hair. The last time I did, I got highlights which were really nice but I allowed them to grow out, not intending to colour my hair again (until I start greying 😛 ) but after finding out about this new ammonia free hair colourant called INOA, I’m itching to take my hair deep purple!
I’ll tell you more about it below. For now, take a breather and see what my beauty blogging gal pals have been up to in July!
- Eye makeup inspired by the forest – SkinDeco
- All you need and want to know about facial masks – Lipglosseater
- Why expensive nail polish might just be better! – AskMeWhats
- Beauty Budget guide for brides to be : The skincare edition – Pretty Beautiful
- Pretty pink lipstick by Maybelline Watershine PR31 – Soloverly
- Rouge Dior in Celebrity Red is a cracker! – Redlusciouslips
So coming back to my hair colour. I have been contemplating going deep purple ever since I saw it done on a model when they launched INOA. What’s INOA then? (I have a bit of a hair colour dilemma you can vote on below 😉 Help! )
INOA is a new revolutionary hair colour from L’Oreal Professional. Its an ammonia-free in salon hair colour that does not stink and is comfortable on your scalp and covers grey hair by 100%.
I think its all great because one of the things that puts me off colouring my hair is the strong chemical smell and that funny tingling I get on my scalp whenever the chemicals touch it. When I’m done, it always feels like my hair is about to fall off 😛
I can vouch for the no smell bit. You know how when you walk into a salon and you just know someone’s having their hair coloured by that sharp acrid smell of ammonia that hits your nose? This time, you smell nothing. The bowl of chemicals was directly under my nose and I still smelt nothing. Very convincing!
INOA is currently available only at L’Oreal Professional salons and I’m seriously contemplating going purple. But I’ll need to find the time (and a salon and how much it’ll cost) before I do that. What d’ya think? Purple suit me? 🙂
But while I don’t have the time, I might do some home hair colouring with the new Kao Liese Bubble Hair Colour (available in pharmacies from August 2010). Which shall I use – Mocha Orange or Chestnut Brown?
Both are very safe colours – not quite as drastic as purple 😛 Although Kao Liese does have one in pink that might be quite interesting 😛
I’ll color my hair with whichever colour gets the most votes – Mocha Orange or Chestnut Brown. Vote in the comments box below! 😀
Happy weekend!
Paris B
I think mocha orange would look amazing with your skintone, paris! I tried that once cos the colour was so pretty but it totally brought out the yellow undertones in my skin and I looked so sallow and tired. But with your fair, glowy skin, you’d look really fresh and kawaii!
Thanks for the rec Lynne. I’m wondering too if it’ll bring out the yellow tones in my skin. Guess nothing ventured nothing gained! 😉 Thanks for the warning!
No, neither. I live in jb and went to Singapore to get it. Chestnut brown may seem fine at first, but after a week or two, my hair color became very very light. I’m using ash brown now and a week into it, my hair color is getting lighter too.
I’ve always had lighter hair pigmentation, so maybe it depends, but just a warning.
Ah… thanks for the warning. I’m not too worried about hair getting light though but I will bear it in mind 😀
Mocha Orange! That looks way more interesting than Chestnut Brown. 😛
I wish I could go titian-red again. Did that once before and the results was that I looked wonderfully fair while it lasted. But the regrowth bit, not so pretty. 🙁
Yep! Red does make me look amazingly fair too! I always wanted bright auburn hair growing up but I’m too lazy to maintain (plus its too expensive too 😛 )
I’ll vote – Chestnut Brown! 😀 of course, the default first pick would be purple…hehehe…although I cannot imagine you going to work with that kind of haircolour…hmmm…
I know right! Next day immediately circular will come out banning purple hair LOL
Hey PB–I actually think the purple is less drastic than the orange or brown! Haha!
I guess because the purple is more subtle. It looks more like a purple shine rather than purple all over. And from what I know about ammonia-free colourings, they generally don’t last as long as the ammonia ones. So if you don’t like it, it will fade off fast anyway. Go for the purple!!!!!! 😀
This purple is actually quite straight out purple but my only worry is when it starts to lighten. Will I end up with lilac hair or something weird? I’d hate to look like an aging hippie 😛
1 vote for Mocha Orange! This is the summer color right now!
Save the Chestnut Brown for fall…. & Purple for winter….
Happy weekend!
Thanks Trinity! It looks like Mocha Orange it is!
I’m more into darker colours but hey! Mocha orange could be the colour of summer! ok, it’s always summer here.. 🙂
Haha… yeah its always summer here although when I see mocha orange, I think of chocolate oranges mmm…
I remembered days in uni when I coloured my hair a chestnut orangey colour. i thought i looked good until the colour lightened after a few months and someone actually pointed out to me that my hair looked like a lion’s mane. haha! i then realised that omg, yes… it became too orange ;P
ROFLOLLLL Oh dear I better lay off it till the important event is over next week *wipes away tears of mirth*
Purple!! I think it is bold and classy at the same time. The others are just “meh”.
That’s true 🙂 Only problem is the other 2 are all I have on hand and I haven’t yet figured out where to get my hair done in purple 😛
I’d be really interested in seeing how this goes for you! I am thinking of dyeing with Prettia again and also using a home straightening kit! But my hair is already so damaged!
Hi Rowena! I’ll be sure to update. This is only the 2nd time I’m trying a home colour – the first was an unmitigated disaster.
I just did my own hair colour using Liese Bubble too! The turn out is really nice. And feels very gentle enough. Love it!
I think both colours would be nice. 1 month later just do the other, hahah.
Its great to know that it works well. I will be trying these out soon and yes possibly using the darker shade to tone things down once the regrowth starts 😀
Anyone tried INOA or Organics Colour System before? I am curious. I have some grey that need to be covered. Usually I highlighted my hair, but thought of trying full dark brown colour done professionally. I am still contemplating which brand to go for at the salon.I have sensitive scalp. But my search on the net review from users of INOA mostly are negative or bad news in the US. I am not sure how genuine they are. Maybe the salon workers never follow proper instructions of applications? Appreciate feedback if you have tried INOA or OCS. Thank you:))
What local pharmacies here in Manila can we find the Kao Liese hair colors? thak you very much.