Are you here from the Groupon deal? For the record, I personally do not condone taking this product as it contains hormones. DO NOT take this if you are below the recommended age of 18 or have a medical condition. Please note there may be side effects and Groupon did not check with me before posting excerpts of this post, nor for my opinion ~ Paris B
This review of the F Cup Cookie is written by Erin at the request of the readers. Please note that we are not medically inclined, and your experiences may vary. We are not responsible for any adverse experiences you might experience as a result of trying the F Cup Cookie yourself. If you have concerns, consult your doctor. Otherwise enjoy the review 🙂
I would probably be the last person anyone would expect to try the F Cup Cookie. Simply because, unlike most Asian women, I actually have au naturel non-siliconed C sized boobs.
Picture to prove above. I would have done the whole boobie squish thing, but I’m not Samantha Jones enough la. As for the non-silicone part, you only get upcloseandpersonal privileges if you’re a close friend. Haha. Haha.
So I was killing time in Cineleisure one fine night, waiting for a movie to start. And I had the greatest bad luck to walk into Sasa Cineleisure where they had fantabulously awesome salesgirls that could sell me anything and everything. Which includes the F Cup cookie.
I’m perfectly fine with my current boob size mind you. But hey, we all have gravitational problems and you know what they say about size. The bigger you are…
So this disgustingly awesome salesgirl actually managed to convince me that this F Cup Cookie would solve all my boob woes and somehow magically make my boobs firm and perky ala Jessica Alba.
Really. WHO could resist that sales pitch.
After religiously eating two cookies per day for a whole month, I have to say they DIDN’T turn my boobs into little JessAs. Instead it did exactly what the label said it would. Make ’em bigger.
I didn’t measure them, but my boobs felt fuller, firmer, and slightly swelled over my bra cups. Filled with horror as the LAST thing *I* wanted was bigger boobs, I immediately stopped eating them and handed the remaining 4 bars to my slightly less endowed cousin instead.
Its only 4 bars. Of course it didn’t show any results on her.
But they did on me. After eating them for almost a month. (One box supplies for one month. 60 bars, at 2 bars a day.)
In conclusion: Try the F Cup Cookie for size. And plastic surgery is still the only solution for droops and sags.
Taste: Like any other biscuit. I tried the choc flavour, it was pretty good.
This guest post is written by Erin, a lovely bubbly outgoing young woman who always manages to look comfortable and fashionable everytime I see her. Erin is/used to be a makeup artist and blogs at I Call it Art, her personal and not so personal blog.
Note: This is written as a personal experience and the reviewer experienced no negative effects. Its not to say that we recommend eating these things or that you will not experience negative reactions. If it says it is only for those above 18 years do not take it if you are below the recommended age. Do not take it if you have a medical condition. Do not take it without checking with a doctor if in doubt.
What if 14 year olds try it? I mean, my boobs are very small, and I’m barely an A. Is it bad because teenagers’ hormones aren’t settled yet, so I don’t know. Advice, please? 🙂
I won’t advise it. The minimum age as stated by the brand is 18. At 14 you are just starting out – give it time 🙂
hey can anybody tell me where i can buy them in england or online?? i wouldnt want to get ripped off for the fake biscuits.
you can get it on ebay. the price is decent on ebay. look for sellers selling from japan, usually they are authentic. i buy mine from a japanese seller.
i ate it for a month and plus massaging every morning…im seeing result! yay~
i just bought 2 boxes at hongkong cuz the salesladies somehow convinced me to it.
i dont know if its a good or a bad thing lol
cuz i was taking fenugreek 2 x 610mg each + menopause formula with combination of herbs + olive oil and i was having good results
BUT i was gaining weight
i am a trainer and i was so lean but
aside from the fact that i dont get to work out anymore
i really havent been binging on food so its definitely the herbs making me fat
but i was getting bigger boobs.
the ultra breast is cheaper than bountiful breast
although they both have same ingredients – must be manufacturers that differ
— i feel bad for the cookies so im gona consume them before i switch to the ultra breast. i hope i can sell them to someone though
and oh 1 box was only 30 bars. i got 2 for like 300+ HK dollars for promotional.
the herbs were great, yes getting fuller cup but getting fatter! im a trainer, i should know what is making me fat because i monitor my food, weight muscle and water weight. the herbs give water retention which makes me flabby. stopping it for now (and i feel bad cuz i just bought f cup cookies with pueraria murifica in it- which is supposed to be effective with other herbs)
i wanna say that i’m interest about that product…wanna try it..but not confident…are it really work?
Hey…. im only 15 years old. My boobs are very small they are 30 A.
If i try the f cup cookie will it affect the growth of my boobs???
Is it bad???
Please help……
Yes. Don’t take it
How bad is it if i take it? Im 14. What are the side effects?
Hi, anyone can give me suggestion above fcup cookie is work? Wanna to try, which flavors is nice?
hi ladies, came across this by accident and saw all the interesting reviews on a potentially harmful substance that you ladies would want to risk your lives for. not advisable thou.
the only matter that defines a big bust is your genes and if you massage it everyday it will be growing too and will grow all the more when you are in puberty and massaging them softly and slowly everyday.
these hormones that you have ingested will cause cancer because these ingested hormones will alter the natural body hormones and make the normal cells ‘sick’.
take this for example, when a woman have her woman taken out because of reoccurring cysts and the doc advise her to take it out, she will have to take hormone pills everyday to support the daily natural function of the body, if not the skin will become very dry, wrinkles will result, dry hairs, split nails and even weight gain/loss in massive amount.
don look pretty any isn’t it?
pls ladies, do not believe when it says all natural ingredients and safe, have you check if its safe to to imported into Singapore?the hard truth is its not.
its not cleared as safe consumables by the authorities and something that claims to have an effect is playing on your psychology part to make you believe it works and you presume it works even before using it. this will result in any changes good or bad happening to you when you use the products you think that it works.
and btw, firming up of breast with pain is a caution to breast cancer. pls be extra careful when buying products like this. do the ladies in cinelesiure ever tried this cookies and say it works 100%? they cant because they didn’t try them.
sorry for being an old grand mother :p
helooo..i was about to try diz product..btw, how eat the cookies? i mean before having breakfast or after meal?