I never thought I’d be trying cosmetics from Amway, but here I am. Artistry is Amway’s in house cosmetics brand and I’m sure many of you are aware of that. I’ve never used any of their products prior to this.
I was offered the Artistry Creme L/X to trial so I took it up to see what its all about. When I received it a couple of months back, I spent a lot of time just staring at the case that holds the face cream. Its large and unwieldly and if you have no space on your dresser, it can be a bit of a pain. That’s not to say that you have to keep the whole case of course. But the tub of cream too is quite of the space age design – flat like a UFO 🙂 It appeals to the sci-fi geek within me 🙂 I found it best to leave it in its plastic pod on the top of my dresser.
One thing I will say about the Artistry Creme L/X is that it smells wonderful. I absolutely love it especially at night because its refreshing and relaxing. It smells of grapefruit and oranges! Nothing strong or sharp but a soft subtle comforting scent. Love! Why can’t other creams have this scent?
The cream comes with a plastic spatula for you to scoop out the cream. It looks like metal but its a light plastic which for me was a bit of let down. You’ll understand why if you keep reading 🙂
Texture wise, the cream actually feels quite light in texture. Its not very thick which is when it becomes a bit deceptive. I used this as per instructions, twice a day and after 2-3 weeks, found that it was a little too rich for me used this way especially on oilier areas. I was using a pea size amount as per instructions and was getting a few clogged pores on my forehead. So I cut back the amount used (about half a pea size), and also only used it once a day at night. My skin cleared up and everything was perfect!
The Artistry Creme L/X is an anti-aging cream so its targeted at women who want to stay looking young. The active ingredient is Cardiolipin which is a rare and unique lipid supposed to help renew the skin from within. Its also 30 times more expensive than gold.
Still with me?
I’m afraid I can’t quite tell you if it did help my skin look younger as I have been regularly maintaining my skin and I do use home masks, scrubs and go for regular facials. But I can attest to my skin feeling softer and smoother by now 2 months down the road. This is especially on my cheeks where my skin is drier. It just looks better. 🙂 This cream works great in dry atmospheres like air-conditioned rooms because I always wake up with nice soft skin in the morning.
Now, what’s the clincher? The Artistry Creme L/X costs RM1,025 a tub. Yup! Pick your jaw off the floor 🙂
Granted, it can last you a very long while. After nearly 2 months use the tub I have still looks full (pictures were taken just before this review was written). But at this price, you can understand why I am displeased with a light plastic feel spatula and a plastic case. There might be a scientific reason for it, I don’t know. Perhaps metal reacts with the cream. But it would be nice to have something a little more luxurious or a little more substantial. Whilst product efficacy is important, women are swayed by packaging too so that’s just as important.
Pros: Only very little cream is needed, Skin feels smoother and softer especially on dry areas
Cons: Unaffordable for the masses, Packaging could be improved to match the luxury factor of the cream
If you have the budget and Amway believes that women will pay the price for beautiful skin, I believe this is comparable to many high end luxury anti-aging face creams that are within the same price range. Many of us might balk at the price but there will be many too who might just give it a shot.
Personally, I believe if Amway were to sell this in smaller tubs and at lower prices, they could get more people to use it because its really not bad especially for people with dry skin. Perhaps I’ll pass this to Mom if she bugs me for a new face cream 😉
Paris B
Artistry Creme L/X retails at RM1,025 /45ml and is available from Amway. If you might be interested, you can read more about it on the Amway site or contact your local Amway distributor.
I’ve been using Artistry long time ago. It’s work well for me. My mom used to and yah..it’s even better than SK2. Her face is now better than mine!!
That’s great to know!
At first I was thinking to myself, hey, nice design, Amway has really improved on their products since ages ago (my dad used to work for them when I was a baby and brought home Artistry products for my mom)… then my eyes popped out of my head upon seeing the price… that’s just… flabbergasting… 🙁
I did like the design of the tub – sci fi as I said. A bit hard to manage but once you get used to it, its alright. I guess this is only for those who enjoy prestige skincare 🙂
Being in m’sia now, I notice you gals have lots of different skincare products here! haha, just picked up this month’s Female. I think since it’s a company thing, Amway sg will have it too. But I really find them too costly to try anything more than household products. :p
Incidentally I’m in Singapore this weekend and I have realized that whilst we have similar products, the emphasis is quite different in both countries. I guess its how the marketing strategies are run – both are great though 😀
It is so expensive!! really need to see a lot good reviews before deciding to try it out.
Yup its meant for those who are already using prestige skincare and may want an alternative. Its really quite good though, especially for dry skins
gosh! for that price it better works better than miracles man! *no energy to pick up jaw from the floor*
Haha! I prefered it to the other brand that proclaims miracles 😛
Wah, even Artistry has a luxury cream now. I know what you mean about the packaging! Eg. Giorgio Armani’s Crema Nera is just in a very plain black plastic tub. But the special edition creams had a spatula made of black obsidian…
Reading around, I found out its been out a while. I think Artistry Malaysia is just getting it in 🙂 I love the smell though if it came in a more swanky looking packaging I’d be even more swayed.
I’m an Amway/Artistry user too but this is crazily expensive O_O
Haha L/X ma – Luxury 😉
can actually get cheaper price, just get sumone with membership
That’s crazily expensive! I have a lot of friends been pushing Amways products to me but I’m kinda reluctant because of their ‘pushy’ attitudes. I’d tried some of their products but it triggered my dry skin into sensitive type since then. I wasn’t in sensitive before that, hence I stopped using it. A friend also told me her experience with Artistry, she was also in dry skin before trying full set of Artistry products and not she ended up becomes oily skin until today. No idea what went wrong here. Their products not cheap, although they always saying is exchangable if we don’t like the products for some reasons.
I have read lot of reviews about this cream, manily for people who are over 50. I’m in my late thirties, is it worth spending this much money at this age? Please any advice is appreciated.
If you are showing signs of aging e.g. fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin or have very dry skin you could benefit from this cream. I found my drier skin areas becoming more supple. If your skin is otherwise alright, you could wait till you get older.
I am a big fan of Artistry.. I am proud to say that I am 25 year-old male and I have been using this luxury creme 3 weeks now. I have a very extremely oily skin with ocassional acne and large pore size. What I can tell you is that initially my skin could not tolerate with this creme until 1 week of use then I my skin had adjusted to the creme. I just want to share with all of you here, just use a little amount (about half a pea size)…I talk to the scientist, he said this creme is concentrated creme..just use small amount and I am pleased with the result of my skin now. My large pores are smaller about 30%, my skin gets even…and most importantly fine lines diminished, my skin glowing everyday now.
Yeah, it is pricey creme on the market but if you use alone, it will last up to 3-4 months, 2 times a day use…
Is it really suitable for oily skin? I tend to have acne breakout if skincare products are too oily so I’m wary about this Creme L/X.
Not having oily skin myself I’m afraid I cannot tell you if it will not break you out.
Amway says you are not supposed to use it with inflammatory processes. Did you use your Creme L/X with the chemical peels?
I don’t use chemical peels so it wasn’t a concern. Thanks.
i’m 27 and hav been using this cream for about a month. It is on the expensive side but you get results. i use about half a pea size twice a day. i have finer pores now and softer skin. my skin type is normal to oily and i find no problems with breakouts except during period (bcos of the hormones) but even that its considerably less that what it used to be. And I really love the smell.
Please, please, please do your research and look up the facts before anyone of you spend money on this creme luxury. First of all, the “magical”, “rare” and “more expensive than gold” ingredient, aka cardiolipin, is basically found in beef hearts and even in your own body quite commonly. Considering that there are over 300,000 cows killed DAILY just in the US, I find it hard to believe that this lipid is “rare”. Second of all, I also find it hard to believe that Amway could “copyright” something that is produced in the human body ever since the beginning of time. What are they going to do…….sue me for rights to the cardiolipin produced in my body? Third of all, even if this “lipid” was a magical, miracle producing, time turner….there is only a fragment of it in the ingredients…..hardly enough to make a difference with ANY product!! Last but definitely not least, before buying this creme, you should also check out the other products in the ingredients list. Especially the ones at the top of the list…….this means that these make up most of the product. Number one, besides water, is petrolatum! Seriously? Vaseline? Wow, this is not the usual price for your grandmothers old standby! Not to mention, petrolatum is considered a carcinogen these days. If anyone is wondering…..that means in studies, it causes tumors in some animals…..or better known as, cancer. And the wonderful smell? Chemicals. All chemicals. And in this case, the chemical fragrance that you are smelling is quite high in the ingredients…….this must be some AWFUL smelling stuff without it!!! I am sure there are those who will think that I have something against Amway. I don’t. However, I do have a problem with companies who dupe people into buying something with false advertising and something that is no good and no good for the body. The “break-outs” are caused by the petroletum and mineral oil……these substances are not absorbed by the skin……they only sit on top of the skin, making them mistakenly FEEL moisturized, and clog the pores. If that is what you want…….there are moisturizers, TONS of them, on the shelves in drugstores with a price tag of $3 or less……that have the same ingredients. If no one believes me……just go right to the Amway sight and check out the ingredients list for creme luxury. Then…..one by one……look up the chemicals that you see. You won’t find biased information…..only truth, when you do it this way. America needs to wake up and smell the organic coffee beans. The crap that we are slathering on our largest bodily organ…..our skin……..is killing us.
Note from Site Owner: If you are concerned about this comment, please do your own research and know your own skin. The product review was based on my use and I am comfortable with using products that contain chemicals. Information about the composition of the cream is obtained from Amway. You will be advised to do your own research if you are concerned about views expressed by the commentator.
Such as??? I do not understand why people bash on a product or service, claiming to do the “research” and then offer no hard evidence for their claims – and no real alternative. Saying that there are other products on store shelves for $3 or less that have some of the same ingredents is like saying that there are tons of brands of anything else. Let us take dry dog food for example (of which the main ingredent is corn…. oh wait that’s in everything – ha). Anyone can say they have the best product, or that there is a “worse” dog food; results are what you should be looking to obtain. So, where as the ingredents in a product are not special, the way they are put together is what really counts. On a brighter note, if you do not like it then return the cream LX, it is 180 day money back guarantee.
I would like to comment for Lulamae January 11, 2011 at 8:40 am
Of course all things in life actually are chemicals…bear in mind..whatever exists in this earth has chemical structure in it…As I am scient-related person in charge especially undergo professional license for safety and health in occupational, cardiolipin is a lipid that naturally found in human cells (specifically in DNA nucleus)…and I have the manual book for Artistry Creme LX and the cardiolipin used in this product are NOT derived from animal..it is of a synthetic form but safe to use with no known carcinogenic effect based on IARC authorities…and the scents in all Artistry products are derived from botanical extracts (e.g. mandarin orange, grapefruit in Creme LX), and Artistry brand is so far on the top of the list when it comes to safety of the product (based on Steven & Associates- a third party study), and yes, anything is actually chemical…but not all chemicals are toxic…please do research before saying something and make sure you are have science background and you put into practice in your life..
Hi, I would like to try on Artistry cream LX. Where to purchase e product? Please advise. Tks.
Hey Jean,
I sell it but they mention in their policy not to leave info regarding sales or advertising so if you would like you can email me @ [email protected] as I am an Amway distributor.
Hope I can help