Here’s a little known fact about me. Or rather its something my very close friends know.
I don’t like chocolate.
I could go for months without ever eating chocolate and I don’t ever crave chocolate. I avoid chocolate based desserts and I just don’t eat it. I’m not allergic or anything – its just a personal thing. So when I do eat chocolate, it’d better be a good high quality dark bitter chocolate 🙂 A recent fave is chocolates from Royce.

So its very odd that everytime I use the Zamian Gold Cacao Mask I crave chocolate 😛 The wonderful bitter sweet smell of chocolate on my face is intoxicating!
Chocolate, as many of us know has antioxidant properties and in this mask, which is also infused with gold (if it is to be believed) it has healing properties too. There are picture testimonies online showing how problematic skin have benefited from using this mask regularly and apparently, its a bestseller in Korea – the country from which this hails. But you want to know how this performs right? 🙂
I got this nearly 2 months ago, and initially, was using this mask about twice a week (because I found it a little addictive 😛 ). I must say that there was definitely some improvement in my skin when I was using it regularly. Nothing dramatic I will warn. The biggest test was when a pimple was erupting on my forehead. I slapped on a thick layer of the mask on my skin, let it dry and 2 days later, there was nothing. NOTHING! I was impressed.
Using the mask is easy. Squeeze some out, and apply a thin layer on your skin. Its easy to see where you have covered because you look a bit like a monster if you do it right 😛 Let it dry (and feel your skin tighten) and then wash it off. Make sure you wash it off properly before wiping off on a towel – or you could end up with a dirty towel. Hence it would be ideal to use this before a shower. I’ve gotten used to it so I do it before bed. I must warn you that the dark brown color is a little unsettling 😛
I was warned that with the mask on, you might feel a slight tingling sensation or a slight warming of your skin. I felt nothing. Maybe I have thick skin 😛 If you have very sensitive skin, don’t leave it on too long.
My skin feels very very clean and looks quite obviously brighter after I wash the mask off. Its like all my pores have been cleaned out and all the dull surface skin has been washed away. Wonderful! Its also feels less drying than when using a clay mask and my foundation always slides on so much better then next morning.
A 150ml tube retails at RM89.90 here in Malaysia. You don’t end up using all that much and it works so well so I’m not overly upset about the price. Do note that if you are in Korea or are visiting Korea you might be able to get it cheaper if it goes on sale there – but not all of us can.
Pros: Skin feels very clean after use, Lovely chocolate smell, Helped zap away zits
Cons: Takes a while to clean off, Might make you crave chocolate 😛
This mask is supposed to help those with problem and acne prone skins. If you have sensitive skin, you shouldn’t leave it on too long. If you want to know more about this brand, and can read Korean, head over to
I enjoy using this mask (weekly for best maintenance) and I will repurchase when I’m done. The lovely chocolate smell helps you want to use it more often. Has anyone else tried this with good or bad experiences to share? 🙂
Paris B
p/s I’m not responsible for weight gain due to popping chocolates while using this mask. I’ve done it 4 times! argh! 😛
Zamian Gold Cacao Pack mask retails in Malaysia at RM89.90 and is distributed by I Young Dream Enterprise. It can be purchased from Comian at 3rd Floor Sungei Wang Plaza or online at Apparently the packaging has been changed so mine is the old version.
hi i just want to ask if how can i buy this product? i’m from philippines.. tnx..