I have a very adventurous Mom when it comes to beauty. It must be where I get it from 😛 Anyway, about 3 months back, Mom came up to me and excitedly told me about collagen beauty drinks she’d read about in the papers and asked me if it might work to boost collagen in the skin, to prevent sagging skin and wrinkles etc.
I laughed cynically and said “I don’t believe it!”
So, to prove me wrong, and to try it for herself so we’d both know what the results were, she went out and bought a 3 month course of NH Colla-Plus Collagen Beauty Drink! All without asking me first. I tell you!
Anyway here’s her story written from her point of view based on my interview with Mommy PB.
Review of the NH Colla-Plus Collagen Beauty Drink by Mommy PB
I have been on this collagen beauty drink for 3 months. There are many brands in the market but I chose this one because I saw that it contained 5000mg of hydrolyzed collagen which was a much higher content than other brands and did not contain chemical additives.
The drink is not too sweet which is good. It contains marine collagen and a mixture of fruit drinks. Its quite tasty so it wasn’t hard to drink this everyday.
I followed the directions for the recommended dosage and took 1 bottle a day for the first week. On subsequent weeks, I took a bottle every alternate day.
After 3 months, I am convinced that my facial skin is feeling much more taut and is looking brighter. I have a patch of pigmentation on my cheek that is clearly lighter as my husband (Daddy PB) tells me (I don’t use whitening skincare products).
I did not have very saggy skin before this, but I can feel that my skin is much more taut all over even on my arms. I must say however, that I do take supplements and in this time, I have been using the Vichy LiftActiv CxP day and night creams for the face. PB says its because of the creams but I don’t think so. It is possibly a combination of everything and I do think this collagen drink has helped my skin all over.
The box says that you need 3 months for there to be visible effect and I am happy with the results. I will continue to take the drink possibly once a week from now on and I’m trying to get PB to take it – but she’s stubborn 😛
PB says:
I keep saying this, but Mom does have very good skin for her age. I did notice over the Mother’s Day weekend that the skin on her face is looking a little less lined. Sure, deep lines are still there but the very fine lines are blurred. I believe its a combination of everything she takes and uses on her skin and perhaps this Collagen drink has helped her. Mom is very diligent – much much more than I could ever be so when she says she takes it everyday – you can be sure I’d believe her.
I do agree that the skin on her face and arms too feel firmer – she made me do the pinch test and her skin is firm to the touch which is very admirable for her age. I know she does not use lotions or creams on her body so perhaps there is some effect from the drink after all. She’s now trying to get me to take it and see. Eeps! Should I? It costs RM89.90/box of 6 😛
Pros: Skin feels more taut and firm all over the body, Skin is brightened
Cons: Expensive to take for the initial 3 months
Have you tried this collagen drink or any other collagen drink? Did you experience any results? Should I try it and see how it fares? 😉
Paris B
A box of 6 bottles of NH Colla-Plus Collagen Beauty Drink retails at about RM89.90 at major pharmacies but there are sometimes discounts or special offers
NOTE: For all medical queries please direct them to the manufacturer. This post is no longer monitored and we are not medically trained so we cannot tell you if you can consume this if you have allergies/ medical conditions/ are pregnant/ breastfeeding etc. Please consult your doctor if you have queries.
i think i believe your mom PB! hih
a friend of mine been using swiss collagen (i guess that’s the correct brand). and she really glows in few weeks time. and she claimed that even her heels are smoother now.
but yes, collagen drinks are too expensive!
Its such an expensive investment although if it works, it could be worth it 🙂 I’m still thinking about it
I am really enjoying your mum’s reviews once in a while in your blog. Wish my mum is that adventurous ^^
Hehe glad you’re enjoying it – she’s such a wealth of info (and too adventurous sometimes 😛 )
your mom is too cute! i was considering trying some when I was back home but didn’t know which ones were good brands to try. Next time I guess! 🙂
If I were to try it, I’d go for the one she tried and recommends. I don’t trust brands like Kinohimitsu after the debacle with the detox drink!
Hey ya Paris!!
LOL 😀 I just started this collagen drink when I saw it was on promotion at the Guardian pharmacy in Malaysia. Only MYR167 of 12 plus 4 bottles.
Am on the 2nd week only and my pores on my face visibly smaller now. I have tried many collagen drink brand & i chose this becoz it delivers better absorption rate 🙂 i consume it every night for 6 days and now on alternate nights to see if it improves my complexion 😛
no harm trying Paris!! 😉
Hey AnT! So it works for you too? Ok now I”m curious. I’ll try to identify a problem and see if I should try this drink to see if it works for me too haha!
It works though & I will keep you posted if it could brighten my complexion coz i have had some sun burn lately 😛
You don’t have pores problem you know 😉
That’s coz you haven’t seen me in real life – lighting (and makeup) is a wonderful thing LOL
I am seeing this quite often in M’sia! Kind of as popular as Meiji in sg and Fancl. haha. Hmmm, I’d have to plan long and far to maintain on this for 3 months.
I didn’t know they had Meiji and Fancl collagen drinks in Singapore! Shall look it up when I’m there next week 🙂
I really enjoy reading about your mom’s beauty adventures! I’ve been trying to get my mom to do the same, but with little effect, because she’s stubborn too. 😛
Haha! My mom has been dabbling into this and that for years – I think its a personal interest thing for her 🙂
Your Mom is so cute! Hope that she continues having some awesome beauty adventures. BTW, will your friend do a review on the FCup cookies? ; )
Yup am working on the F Cup cookie thing. You’ll know when it goes up.
Hey Paris!
btw, my cousin tried the collagen drink of this F Cup brand as well.. the taste is horrible.. LOL
Oh good! Thanks for the warning 😛
i’m curious about this product too! laughed when i first saw this online, thinking it was a stupid online gimmick, but then i saw it at sasa while on vacation. man i could use some help in that department T.T
hi PB;
the FCup cookies thing doesnt work…i tried for 1 month…taste was horrible 🙁
drinking collagen is better than ‘applying’ collagen onto your skin… apparently, those cosmetics/skincare products that claim to increase the suppleness of yr skin by applying their products, do not work scientifically… it’s all rubbish… Collagen is too large to enter your skin through the pores and it will actually clogged it… Just a little info for everyone here =)
Hi Paris B,
At what age it is recommended to drink this?
I’ve no idea. Perhaps when you feel like you need it? I’m thinking no one below 35 should need it but it varies from person to person.
nice review by ur mum. I have been taking meiji for 2 months now, bought online. I have seen results, pores smaller, skin brighter. Even my beautician noticed the difference. And my face is less oily. I have stop for now as i am testing other skincare product on my face. I hope the effect still last….
happy long weekend!
lemon 😉
Thanks for sharing your experience Lemon! These collagen drinks sure do sound interesting 🙂 enjoy the weekend!
hi, i just bought it from Gurdian just cost RM167/12 bottles and additional free 4 bottles…So total 16 bottles
i had been taking a popular collagen brand for a few months and did see a bit of improvement. However, after reading abt Colla Plus in the papers really intriqued me to try..no harm, after all… six bottles the first week.
Lo and behold…after the 3rd bottle… i can actually see my facial skin glows and overall body, soft like a baby..! I am certainly going to be an ardent fan. by the way, I am 39 years old…sagging skin and such.
No more expensive treatments or face creams for me from now on.
Whoa~This collagen drink makes skin brighter? How about you PB? You didn’t give it a shot?:)
Not yet – still thinking of the cost 😛
Hi PB,
It’s a pity I was not around before you went to Singapore (I was in NZ and came back on 6/6). I would have told you where you can get the La Roche Porsay Anthelios XL fluid cream sunscreen at a very much lower price.
I was in Singapore with my family early May 2010 and I was looking for this cream in a few shopping complexes but no shops were selling it. One night, we went to Tech Park City (or Tech City Park, no very sure of the name) for dinner at Sizzler. On the 1st floor, there was Carrefour and along the same row, just 2 or 3 shoplots away, was a pharmacy by the name of Vinni (or something like it) . I found the cream there selling at only S$29.50 (Mothers’ Day offer), the normal price was S$30 something (could not remember the actual price but definitely below S$40).
I bought 2 units and now I regretted not buying more as the expiry date is 2013.
Thanks for the tip Belinda! I managed to get the 100ml for 20% off at Guardian during the sale so it was only about S$32.80 🙂
is this Colla-Plus collagen available in watson or guardian in singapore?
I guess your mom is getting more excited now.Does she still consuming it?
Yes weekly or so
I wish I could have seen your mum’s skin. Did she manage to shed some pounds after consuming it?
No, there was no discernible weight loss. The skin just felt better thats all. I think many of the girls here who have tried have also vouched for that 🙂
I see. But I think the skin must be fairer than before. 🙂
My friend take NH collaplus for 5 months, no effect, but the worse is the nh collaplus cause her high cholesterol, suck a bad side effect. because it’s marine type of collagen. pls do more research before consume any supplement.
what a big joke! fish skin will cause cholesterol?? where is the proof? am sure there are other causes for her high cholesterol .. Anyway, if there is no improvement after 1 month, why she keep on taking it for additional 4 mths?.. just curious…
Nh Colla plus is so good for me and my friends .. we’ve seen vast improvements in our complextion.. previously oily problematic skin is now transformed to baby skin smooth problem-free skin.. much better than applying those expensive skin care products at any rate! 🙂 we are 100% support on this product …
ya…..fully support on this ,Nh Colla Plus is a very good skin product, the effective is unbelivebel …. 2 week i can see the difference .. b4 this i try other brand collagen drink ,but all i can not see the effect ,
Nh Colla Plus is mine choice ,try it then you will know what i mean , never try never Know ….thank you Nh Colla Plus…
i just bought Nh Colla plus 2 days ago. i’m eager to waiting the result after 3 months taking it 🙂
Actually my major reason to drink is to reduce the noticeable neck lines.Mine is worse and i hate it. Hopefully this product can help me.
Hi PB, It was after I read The Star 13 Jul (in Star Special), that I immediately surf the net to see what others say about this Colla-Plus. Really eager to try it out, after reading your & others’ postings. Tq PB and the rest in this trail..