One of the biggest news to hit the beauty industry this week was the news that Shu Uemura is pulling out of the USA. Shu Uemura fans in the USA can still purchase Shu Uemura products online but all the counters and stores will be closed. The reason was due to low sales and the fact that 80% of Shu Uemura’s sales appear to come from Asia.
I guess that means that we in Malaysia are safe 🙂 But it got me wondering what I’d miss if Shu Uemura were to pull out of Malaysia *touch wood* There are 3 things on my list.
Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler
Right at the top of the list would be the Shu Uemura eyelash curler. It works well for me and I will stick to this one simply because it does the job. It grabs most of my lashes, gives them a graduated curl and does not pinch the skin of my lids. Retail price RM60. Worth every penny.
Shu Uemura Face Architect powder foundation
A recent discovery and a discovery I am very happy to make. Light, velvety finish with sheer-medium coverage that lasts all day on me. RM175 for the whole set or RM125 for the powder only. Review here.
Shu Uemura Hard Formula Brow Pencil
I left the Shu Uemura brow pencil for a while because the tip on my pencil was broken and I didn’t have the time to get it fixed at the boutique. Recently I did and am now rediscovering the joy of using this iconic brow pencil. I’ll find it hard to get this one go. Retails at RM65. Previous Review here.
You’d notice I haven’t listed any colour makeup. Its been a long time since I last checked out Shu Uemura’s colour makeup so I don’t think I’d miss it that much.
Your turn. What will you miss (or not miss) from Shu Uemura if they were to pull out?
And what d’ya know! Its Friday! I never thought I’d make it through this week. It stretched forever and a day and I have a busy weekend to look forward to!
Paris B
definitely the brow pencil, the face architect and their corrector and concealer! and mousse base!
i love their blush, but i guess i won’t be that sad if i miss them, since MAC is still highly available and many other brands too? maybe their eyeshadows? but i also dun use as much 😛
Same here I can find alternatives for colour cosmetics but its harder to find a base makeup or curler or brow pencil that works well
Only the oil cleanser. Not sure abt the brow pencil honestly. Kinda afraid they wld pull out of australia too but I always get my supply from asia hee hee.
Happy friday PB!
Happy Friday! Its also cheaper to get Shu from Asia 😉
Definitely the brow pencil and eyelash curler. Lifesavers!
Yay! I think so too!
totally out of the topic – but I have been searching their eyeshadow in ME Red 160 forever, I still can’t locate any 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 I have searched our country, Singapore and Indonesia, and no luck still 🙁 🙁 🙁
Oops if its the old formula then its likely discontinued. Good luck finding it elsewhere
their cleansing oil and undereye colour corrector concealor, blush too. 😀
Hmm now I’m curious about the undereye colour corrector! 2 votes for that already 🙂
Definitely their lipsticks and eyelash curler!
Hmm lipsticks! I liked their older ones but I haven’t tried the new formulas
I’ve been eyeing the Shu Eumura eyelash curler for QUITE some time, after hearing all the raves about it. But somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to justify getting one for RM60 while using one which WORKS for only RM4 from Yokoso!
Anyone can tell me what’s so great about the SE one? I just wonder what is it that makes it so different from all the others out there..does it really work SOO much better? =D
Eyelash curlers like everything else is a personal thing. I never found a curler that worked for me until I tried Shu Uemura. Yet Shu Uemura curlers do not work for everyone especially for those who have deeper set eyes. It works better for flatter and shallow set eyes. If you have one that works for you presently, there’s no need to change. Well, not unless you are really curious.
Thanks Paris! I never knew about the SE curler being more suitable for flatter and shallow set eyes! =)
Definitely the Lash curler, and now, you really made me intrigued with the brow pencil!!! I want one now!
Yup! You NEED one! 😀
Oooo… Never tried Shu Uemura before 0.0 But I have heard many raves on their eyelash curlers hehe ^.^
Definitely one of their top sellers. Doesn’t work for everyone I’ll concede
Phyto Black Lift night cream and eye cream (I need to buy that someday!)
UV Base Mousse
ok, not to say that I don’t like Shu, because I do. But the other products I’ve easily substituted.
Ooh your raves on this Phyto Black night cream thing has me terribly intrigued!
the eyelash curler, definitely.
I would miss it’s skincare line too.
Which skincare items do you use?
Definitely the cleansing oil, the purple one. Good thing I live in Thailand so we’re safe here hehe
Yay for living in Asia! 🙂
The eyelash curler is the only thing I own from Shu Uemura! I’ve had mine for 6 years, it still does a great job – I haven’t even replaced the rubber pad yet, in fact, I lost the extra one that came with the curler 🙂 If I’m not mistaken, I paid RM50 for mine. I bought a new set (together with the mini curler) from HKIA in Feb.
The peach color blush. A lovely orange color. I lost the first one and then came back to buy a second one.
Not so much of the eyelash curler as I find that Shiseido’s works better for me.
But I will definitely miss the Glow on blushes, the eyeshadows, the cleansing oils and the painting liners! So I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that Shu will not disappear from Malaysia. =)
Do you know if Shu Uemura is available in duty free Malaysia? If yes, which airport? I am wondering if it would be cheaper to get the items in Malaysia compared to Singapore. How about Europe prices?
Nope. Shu Uemura is not available at the airports in Malaysia. At least not the last time I checked. Items may be cheaper in Malaysia as opposed to Singapore after taking exchange rates into account. Europe is more expensive. Hong Kong is cheapest.
london wouldn’t be a problem given the recent exchange rate. plus, if you are non resident, you can get your tax back. x
For me, it would be the eye lash curler, hard formula brow pencil, and their cleansing oils! =)
Oh no~!! That’s not good. Normally online sale for Asian cosmetic products are so darn expensive, look at DHC~!! 🙁 Now, there goes Shu ~
Well, I’d definately miss the blushers, cleansing oil and definately the UV base..
I am really grateful that I can get the complete Shu Uemura line at House of Fraser at Westfield London Shopping Centre!
I use almost everything from Shu. Skincare regime (I personally use the green tea, high performance and the brightening oil, plus the pomegranate line) , brushes (in fact, all my brushes are from Shu)…I love their eye colours, vibrant and good staying power.
Well, basically everything 🙂 I had been using the curler since 8 years ago when I first learn to do makeup but then switched to Suqqu.
And that I am back in KL from London so I don’t think I will miss a lot! 🙂