Curiousity killed the cat. I bought the Kinohimitsu J’pan D’tox Plum juice 6 Day Program drink on some stupid whim one evening for RM79.90 (6+2 bottles) at Caring Pharmacy and since I’d already bought it, I decided to go with it and see what happened (or not happened as it were).
Note to self: Never buy anything that is not spelt properly e.g. J’pan for Japan and D’tox for Detox. You never get a happy ending 😛
The Kinohimitsu drink claims to be all natural and preservative free. I don’t buy into that simply because fruit drinks cannot keep without preservatives. So there. Nothing you buy that has an expiry date of more than 2 days is “natural”. “Natural and preservative free” is when you get it freshly squeezed.
The juice itself is quite tasty. Not super sweet nor gross. But I know what you’re thinking – Tell us about whether this detox thing works already! And I will with a 6 day by day recap below. No gross details don’t worry 😛
First some things I should expect or that this product claims to do:-
- eliminate waste and toxins from the body (not sure how I can tell)
- cause you to go to the toilet after 2-4 hours of taking the drink (easy to tell)
Day 1
I took this in the morning after coffee and just about an hour before lunch. I don’t usually eat breakfast. (Kids! Do not take this as an example – you need breakfast :P) I ate my normal lunch. I’m going to eat my normal food this whole period because there are no restrictions and I’m not in the market to “lose weight” as it were. Besides I’m not a big eater at the best of times. By the end of the day, I had no reactions whatsoever bar a slightly rumbling tummy caused by wind.
Day 2
Took this after lunch since it says to be taken after food. Same rumbling in my tummy. No toilet action.
Day 3
Took drink after lunch again. Same story as Day 1 and 2. I was feeling a bit bloated and constipated by now. Where’s the “detox” action? Ate a mango and 2 fresh plums for dinner.
Day 4
Took drink after lunch. Ok regular bowel movement happened before drink. No runs. Bloated feeling is gone. Wind is gone. I’m going to attribute it to the mango and plums I had for dinner on Day 3. No other reactions after taking drink.
Day 5
Took drink after lunch. No bloated feeling. No toilet action. Convinced this is a load of bollocks. Ate more mango and plums at dinner time.
Day 6
Mango and plums did the trick. Bowel action. THEN I took the drink after lunch. Nothing else happened.
Day 7
I have 8 bottles. Might as well take it. Took fruits as well. I’m on a roll eating mango and plums I’ve been buying from the “pasar malam”.
Day 8
Bowel action not attributed to drink. Drink is just to finish up stock.
Pros: Drink was not too sweet
Cons: Did nothing, Crazy expensive
And there you have it. My conclusion after doing the 6 day detox thing with this Kinohimitsu plum drink is that its a load of bollocks. I’m putting it mildly mind you. I could say worse things. On the bright side, perhaps I don’t have that much toxins in my body? 😛
Still, I could experience worse I guess. I think I’ll just stick to my diet of fresh fruit after dinner. It seems to work well enough for me for regular bowel movement. I might try a detox program again soon. If I do, you’ll know about it 😉
So you tell me. Have you tried this Kinohimitsu Detox Program and if you did, how did you find it? A load of bollocks as I did, or did it work for you?
Paris B
Unfortunately i only read this! I bought this stuff for my dear husband, with the intention to help him for his constipation. 1st & 2nd day did not show any reaction. Only on day 3 he can do his business. then until day 5 he repeated the business again. As expected, no reaction until the last day. He claimed that it’s useless and wasting money (because i wish to buy the next pack since it may not give the same effects on different people). Now after i read this comment on the product, i lose hope then i have to switch to another program. 6 bottles=2 bowel movements, it’s not working!
I actually have diarrhea after drinking it and probably will stop even though I have three bottles left. I might try diluting it by adding half a bottle to a cup of water to see what happens. I Guess different people have different reactions to most things.
1st bottle don’t have any visible effect
But on the 3rd bottle and 4th bottle, I actually have diarrhea after 2 hours
Going for the 5th bottle tomorrow
– repost wrong email
Hello there!
I’ve tried both (Juvanex & Kinohimitsu)… Juvanex didnt worked much for me but Kinohimitsu (the drinks u took – plum) was much better! I bought it for RM65 (6+2 bottles). It took action on second bottle, yes I felt bloated and such but my bowel movement is back to normal again (once a day to twice a day) and I even lost 2kgs… Hehehhee… Maybe it just not worked on u but it was for me… ^^
P/S: And the Collagen drinks also worked on me… Really feels the effect! Love it! ^^
Hi there,
Thanks for the sharing. I’m currently looking for the best detox drink in the market.
Actually, my consultant from London Weight has advised to buy their detox drink which cost RM270 one box@10 sachets.Drink it twice a day.
Do you think its worth it? Anybody have tried it? Is any other brand better? Their main ingredients is Blackcurrant. Does Monavie work the same?
Ohmygosh I got 1 bottle of the Kinohimitsu Cranberry Detox as a free sample. Had it at 8pm after dinner and was running to the toilet by 10.30pm! I didn’t think the cranberry one tasted great.. slightly bitter.. Might try Juvanex after CNY 2012 (hoping to get rid of all the junk accumulated at Xmas, New Year, CNY)!!
This drink is working too well for me. After I took the drink the first day I went to the toilet after 2 hours. On the second day it gave me diarrhea. Had diarrhea on the third day too I guess I should stop drinking it now.
Thanks for such details report. I shall try it to get rid the toxic element in my body.
actually a decent detox preogramme has to last longer than a week to be effective. I`m using Unicity`s 30 days detox programme which costs rm287 but it`s pretty good. This is the 4th time I`m using it for the past 3 years & I`m always rejuvenated & “reborn” LOL after it. Cheers !
it worked for me.. my tummy got superb pain after taking this drinks.
Tried one bottle of the Kinohimitsu and within 2 hours I experienced constant bottom belching, stomach rumbling with gas. Went to the toilet 4 times at night and twice the following day. What an experience -.-\”
It does work for me. I had constipation and it became worse. My father gave me a bottle to drink. After a few hours, I went to the toilet. Now my constipation is gone.
This post is candid and to the point, especially the part about being ‘natural’ … could not agree more. Looks like Kinohimitsu marketing gimmick pushes cutomers to focus on the 36 Plums, 28 Blueberries, 15 Blackberries used but really if anyone could be bothered to deep dive into the ingredient, you may be enlightened that Sorbitol and Mannitol are, both sugar alcohol, poorly absorbed from the intestines and they have some sort of laxative effect. If someone who has a sensitive intestinal system, i.e. absolutely intolerable of sugar alcohol, this drink can have very potent purging effect. As for why this drink works on some and not others, another explantion could be the dosage application per kg of weight. For example the laxative effect for a 40kg person may be more prominent than a 60kg person, using the same bottle of drink. An useful analogy would be more anaesthetic is required to knock down an elephant vs a pig. At the end of the day, it is really just the laxative effect of something the body cannot absorb or digest, it has to come out somewhere … somehow … someday. I stopped using this product because laxatives … natural or synthetic are no good for long term healthy bowel movements. Real mangoes and plums are safer bet 🙂