The latest “OMG SO CUTE!” thing to hit is the Tweezerman for Benefit tweezers. Same iconic Tweezerman tweezers but done in collaboration with Benefit Cosmetics.
You get your regular Tweezerman tweezers but in Benefit’s signature colours of pink and yellow – pink for the Benefit Slant Tweezerman tweezers and yellow for the Benefit Pointed Slant Tweezerman tweezers. They cost US$25 and US$30 respectively on Ouch!
Go to Sephora and you get the regular Tweezerman Slant tweezer at US$20. All that’s different is that you don’t have “for Benefit” printed on it – a $5 difference.
Made me wonder. Would you pay the extra $5 for co-branding? Doesn’t sound like a lot but still more expensive than the “regular” item that works just as well. Will I pay for it?
I wouldn’t. In fact I won’t buy a $20 Tweezerman because my current no-brand tweezer works for me for dealing with unruly brows (when I remember).
My tweezer came in the Beautilicious Arch it Right brow kit (online). It does the job quickly and easily, picking up little hairs and is “free” with the brow kit or RM59.90 depending on how you view it 🙂
So what about you? Will you buy a $20 tweezer or a co-branded tweezer for more? Or do you own a cheaper tweezer you are just as happy with?
Paris B
I would if I hadn’t already got a perfectly hot-pink tweezerman, and if I do happen to want a tweezerman. But I do have a brand new one, so I wouldn’t pay more to replace mine.
That makes a whole lot of sense! Especially not when Tweezerman has the free lifetime sharpening service
the colors and prints are cute but they don’t really scream “Benefit!”.I would’ve been more excited if they had say, Georgia peaches on the tweezer!
anyway, I have not been able to justify buying expensive tweezers. I have a pink one that was a souvenir from Bangkok. was selling at a pharmacy for 15 Baht? I’ve used it for years and it still gets the job done.
Ooh if they had Georgia peaches on it, I might even be tempted 😛
I don’t really care for the brand or cuteness for tweezers as long as it works. I am very particular with my tweezers, the one I own is less than $8 and I love it dearly! Its easy to pull the hair even the tiniest one. the thing’s out of stock all the time!
Ok the fact its always out of stock is testament to it being a great product! 😀
These are cute! And i don’t mind shelling out the extra $5 for them, not because of the co-branding, but because i like it! haha!! 😀
But then again, like you, my RM3 one still works perfectly fine (and i have an almost brand new TBS one just waiting for me to use it), so i don’t see any reason for me to rush out and get it just yet! 😛
Haha… Actually shelling out an extra $5 might be alright but shelling out an extra RM15 would be a little much even for me 🙂
If I wanted to buy a Tweezerman, i would buy the normal version and not this Benefit version. What’s so special about it?
I am now using a Sally Hansen La Cross tweezer which was bought about 10 years ago and which is still going strong.
In a moment of madness, i once decided to buy a tweezer from either Bobbi Brown or Shu Uemura but came back down to my senses after seeing the prices. Made me realise that there is nothing wrong with the La Cross, so i stuck {and am still sticking} with it.
I think most of us feel the same way. If we already have something that works, why change it. Its not like Tweezers finish (unless you use it to pry doors open the way I did which killed mine)
I wouldn’t even pay $20 for a Tweezerman, my tweezer is no brand and has been serving me for 10 years. 😉
Same! 😀 But I’m curious whats the hype about tweezerman though
I’ll stick to my cheapo pasar malam tweezers… only RM2.50 like so many years ago and still doing its job! 😛
But… those Tweezermans sure do look mighty pretty…
I actually prefer the regular Tweezerman designs compared to the Benefit ones. The special designs also cost $25 🙂
*looks long and hard* I will stick with my very cheap generic tweezers from Australia. I can’t justify forking out USD 20 for a pair of tweezers unless I am a professional tweezer and need a pair of expensive tools to avoid an occupational hazard.
Then again, perhaps tweezerman helps to get perfectly plucked eyebrows? 🙂
I’m really lemming the Benefit tweezers just cos they look so cute, but I know I won’t purchase them because of the price. I can’t bring myself to pay a lot for tweezers, esp when my old unbranded ones still work very well.
I think that’s true of most of us. We all think its mighty pretty but we can’t bring ourselves to pay for it 😛
if its cheap and good why not! brand not a factor! XD
Nope – not the kind of tweezer I would use, let alone spend so much on one.
totally craptacular! simply added some design to a pair simple twizzers and there you go, a BIG PRICE TAG. WTF is what i’d say. (Sorry.)
i can make more beautiful design anytime. i just don’t work for a big brand.
Hmm, I have a Tweezerman, with zebra stripes. And yup it’s USD 20. And nope, I don’t regret buying it as I like it better than my old one. So.
Hey Jessie that’s great to know! I guess like all tools it lasts you practically forever and if it works, that’s money well spent!
Won’t buy this as cute as it looks. My present one is still usable. I’ve bought it for only a couple of dollars. It’s brandless and I’ve been using it for more than ten years. It’s so old but I’m still loving it as it’s so compact and gives me precise grip over the smallest hair.
I have multiple tweezermans because i am OBSESSED with how good they are. I went through many many different tweezers that would not do the job for me – mainly because when i’m in the mood (for tweezing, which is not always), as soon as i can see the tiniest black stub poking out i’ll need to pull out that baby hair.
Also I tend to have some really fine hair, and most tweezers cannot deal with gripping them – tweezermans have this perfect angle and perfect “balance on the edge” so it’s really really easy to pull out difficult hairs with little effort and NO PAIN (in order to have no pain you gotta pull out at the same angle the hair is growing at – it’s hard to do that with a substandard tweezer).
By the way you can get tweezermans for as low as USD10 including shipping on a popular international auction site…
Thanks for the tip! Perhaps that “international auction site” might be worth taking a look at 😉
if you’re headed to the US any time soon, they sell Tweezerman’s at Nordstrom’s Rack in Seattle.. basic version for $10, and the price goes up from there. Some of them have their own containers and what not..