“Resurfacing” makes me think of roads. I love driving on newly resurfaced roads – its so smooth! I think that’s what Strivectin had in mind when naming their new serum.
The Overnight Facial Resurfacing Serum is a new product from Strivectin. What it promises is to gently exfoliate the skin while you sleep to reveal newer younger looking skin in the morning. Now, you aren’t going to look like you’re 20 when you wake up (if you are not 20 anymore) so don’t get your hopes up too high.
This is a serum you apply before you go to bed and its supposed to help fight dullness, signs of aging, and uneven skin tone. If you are concerned, it does not contain parabens.
But really, how does this serum feel on the skin?
It feels light. The serum comes in a glass bottle with a dropper style dispenser which looks quite clinical. The image its trying to project methinks. The serum itself is clear and slightly tacky, and has a faint reddish-brown tint to it.
I use just 3-4 drops from the dropper, smooth between my palms and apply to my face and follow up with a moisturizer 3 minutes later after the serum is fully absorbed. By the time you read this, I’d used it for roughly 3 weeks straight. I can’t quite show you any dramatic effects because I’d been using the Dior One Essential serum prior to this.
What it did do however, was to continue the good work already done by the Dior serum. My skin felt a little smoother in the morning and with regular use, my skin did look more even toned overall and perhaps even less dull since it exfoliates.
However, I ran into one problem. I broke out in spots on my chin area after about 3 days of straight usage. So, I stopped this serum and the spots went away. After that, I used the Overnight Facial Resurfacing Serum only on alternate nights and everything was fine and hunky dory. Yay!
I reckon this serum might be a little rich for me and since I use it only on alternate nights instead of every night, the effects will likely take longer to show. On the flip side, it’ll last me way longer too! 😀
A 25ml bottle of the Strivectin Overnight Facial Resurfacing Serum retails for RM259 (US$59 in the USA) at all Strivectin counters.
Pros: Light texture, Gentle exfoliation, Skin feels smoother and looks more even toned, No parabens
Cons: Broke me out initially but am alright with alternate day use, Expensive for the masses, quite a strong fragrance
As with all products that exfoliate, I don’t recommend using this in the day and I always recommend using a high SPF sunscreen in the day while using such products, because you don’t know just how long it goes on working for.
You don’t want all that hard work the serum had to go through to resurface your skin only to have it marked with sun spots do you? 🙂
Paris B
Note: This product has been passed over to my Mum so she’d stop badgering me about getting her a new serum 😉
poor moms, they always get our unwanted stuff. but i am glad you stopped it since it broke you out. i think i probably won’t have a problem as i have such thick croc skin.
haha not my mom! She loves the stuff I give her mostly coz they usually work for her and then I’ll have to look out for promos to replenish her supply when it runs out! I think I’ve created a monster 😛
sounds like an ok products but absolutely not as good the Dior 😉
Ahem! 😛
Awww, what a filial daughter you are… huhuhu… Thank God that I’m still too erm young for anti aging stuff, hehhehhehz…
(Don’t kill me)
Well if the experts are to be believed its never too young to start 😛
i too pass whatever wont work for me to my mom. LOL. whatever is too rich for me is ok for her.
Yep! I’m pleased she gets good use out of it – the downside is that she then tells me its so good i have to get her a back up when it finishes! 😛
LOL…my mum’s actually helping herself to my stash now that I’m not there! :s but ah well, at least it’s put to good use… 😀 I reckon I need to look at anti-aging stuff already…sigh…
All that sun in Singapore! Yes! Sunscreen to start 😛 And at least your Mom knows when she shops in your stash she’s getting some good stuff! 😉
Thanks for the tip! If it broke you out, I will avoid this!
Actually, it broke me out only initially. After I switched to alternate days it worked great 🙂 So its isn’t all bad 🙂