I was out last weekend at The Gardens and I saw that Isetan was on sale. Now, I knew I needed some new shoes – my regular pair is so worn its embarrassing! So I headed right for my favourite shoe brand – Easy Sprit. I don’t even look at other brands anymore – that’s how brand loyal I am for the sake of my feet 😛 Their sales rack is usually hit or miss – it had been a serious miss the past few sales but this time, I scored 3 pairs of shoes for the price of 1.5. They were all 50% off.
To the majority, the shoes I bought might be considered expensive. Each pair cost me roughly RM150 plus or minus on either side after discount. But I know that these shoes will last me a long time plus I know that they are super comfy and that my feet love them. Some of you on Twitter might remember me asking whether I should buy the grey patent pumps. I did 🙂
It got me wondering just how much sales influence your purchases?
Personally, I’m not terribly influenced by sales unless there is something that I want or have been eyeing for a while.
I was in the market for a pair of simple black pumps which I got finally. Its so darned hard for me to find a decent pair of black pumps that I will pay for. Finding one on sale in my size was nothing short of a miracle.
I tried on a brown pair too and couldn’t pass it up because it looked elegant on, especially with jeans and it was super duper comfortable despite the height. Alright the wedge heel won’t appeal to everyone but its something different for me, and its not a fat wedge but a slim one which does make a difference.
Now, what really was an impulse buy for me was the grey patent pair of shoes pictured above. It fit like a glove, it was half off and it looked awesome with my jeans. I could imagine wearing it for work or on days when I have something to attend in the evening because it does look a little dressy, yet not super dressy. So yes, I do calculate my cost per wear even when things are on sale 🙂 So in terms of these shoes, the fact they were on sale did influence my purchase – I don’t think I’d have paid full price for them.
However, I also took a look at some maxi dresses that were also on 50% off and were much cheaper than the shoes. I tried them on. They were slim cut and didn’t make me look short nor fat – 2 things that worry me when it comes to maxi dresses. Yet I put them back because I couldn’t justify paying for them. I knew I’d wear them about once or twice only whilst I’d wear my shoes much more often than that.
I guess I’m not THAT influenced by sales after all – its all in the cost per wear for me 😀
Incidentally, while writing this post, I realized that the last time I bought shoes was a year ago! They were also Easy Spirit shoes on sale and they still look awesome after a year’s wear. I guess I’ve found my HG brand in shoes 😀
What’s your story? Are you very influenced by sales or are you still a rational shopper even with discounts surrounding you?
Paris B
I’m very much influenced by sales IF I find smething I really like. Take shoes for example, I’m wearing a size 4 – very difficult to get, so when sales comes I would head direct to my few favourite brands – Nine West, Easy Spirit, Florsheim and Joy & Peace. I don’t mind paying up to RM200 (after discount) for them. If I see anything I like I would buy a few pairs.
Oh yes if your feet are an odd size (I sometimes take a 4 too) then finding decent shoes on sale is always worth getting.
hehe. you got those grey pumps 😀 Comfortable shoes are hard to come by and when you have the chance might as well get a few more cuz when you finally wear one out, you won’t be able to find that same pair again and you’d start wondering why you didn’t get another pair. Kinda like bras…
My mom buys 3 pairs of the same shoes if she really likes them.
I’m controllable when it comes to sales. If I don’t like, I don’t buy unless I’m desperate. But usually I’m ok.
I did! After I left your side, I went and got them coz I couldn’t stop thinking about them 😛 Very happy with it. If its something I might want but am not sure but I can live without it, I wait for the next sale. If its still there I get it if not I forget about it
I used to be really influenced by sales but as I “mature” I find myself counting cost per wear just like you. It’s reduced (but not totally eliminated) the number of impulse buys I have nowadays. 🙂
Yes there will always be that impulse buy but at least we won’t be paying full price at sales 😉
I only buy stuff like shoes during sales, clothes and the other dtuff too ^.^ This is because my mother instilled this habit in me. ^.^ WOW RM 150 shoes… I never get stuff of that price, even after cost per wear has been counted. I would have been put off by the price, even if they were too pretty.
I guess cost is relative coz I would be put off by the price when I was a student but now that I earn my own keep, RM150 is really affordable for decent leather pumps 🙂
i think rm150 for a pair of shoes is rather reasonable, as you wear them often and never leave them to eat dust 😛
the grey pumps is lovely! glad u got ur HG shoes, cuz i still haven’t found one.
most of them always give me blisters or wat so ever no matter what size, brand or stuff i try. even worse, lately my right toe got a BIG blue black. sigh.
easy spirit only in isetan ya?
Haha yes shoes, unlike clothes rarely gets stuck in the closet. I’ve seen Easy Spirit in Isetan and perhaps Parkson Pavilion. I can’t be sure. You have a blue black on your toe? Sounds painful and sounds like the shoes did not fit well!
Yah blue black! I suspect the shoe is better fitted for a short trip rather than wearing them 3 days straight for work! I got them after the expo last week. 🙁
I need a new pair but no idea where to look!
That really sucks! Must be too small or cut wrong at the toe area or perhaps you were just spending too much time on your feet!
Hard to say. I guess it depends on my mood for the day. Most times I wouldn’t be affected by sales. But when I’m in the mood to shop, and I mean REALLY shop, then I’d hit the stores hard 😛
For me it happens in the first half and hour of shopping. If I see nothing I like, that’s it for the day!
I am super influenced by sales! Which explains the stockpile I have at home. I stock everything from skincare to cosmetics to bags, shoes and clothes. *faints* Clothes, I still wear, but bags and shoes go into the storeroom a lot.
Haha… thanks for your honesty! 😉
Answer is DEFINITELY!!! I do purchase when its on sale, to be honest, most of the stuffs I purchase are ON SALE! hahaha I seldom purchase full rack price!
Well if its stuff you need and use, that’s called “shopping smart” 😉
Nope, sales if anything make me run in the opposite direction- I’ve never had much luck with sales. When it comes to clothes, my size (XS/S) is always out of size, ditto to shoes. If it’s makeup, usually the shade I’m using is not available either (It applies to foundation/powder as that’s about all I use, others like eyeliner are a staple anyway and easy to get sales or not) 🙁 Either that, or I have no patience to queue up with other people to wait for a sales to start, and I’m agoraphobic too anyway!
That’s certainly a first 🙂 Most times people run TO a sale 🙂
Yay!! I’m a sales sucker…Anywhere with the worth sales and 50% and above will definitely attracts me. I’ll probably end up with tons of stuff that I don’t need. Most of my stuff I got only when it was on sales like my favorite pair of sandals from Charles & Keith. RM30 can last me more than a year. Isn’t it worth? Haha
Nice to know that – I can’t handle shoes from many brands. Explains why I don’t bother with certain brands anymore 🙂
Girl, I LOVE my pair of Easy Spirit shoes! I don’t wear them all the time, but they are super comfy! I didn’t believe it till I wore them. I think they are my favorite shoe brand now too!
I am influenced by sales to an extent, but I have to cut back now…so what I do is I resist stepping into stores to check things out…
That is awesome to know! 😀 And its so much cheaper in the USA than here – I can’t find a site that ships internationally though. I don’t go out so often these days so I’m cutting back too. On the downside, the computer allows you to shop 24 hours 😛
I need to know the style name of those wedges…I want them so so bad!
I think they might be called “Cora” but I can’t be certain now.