Ever since I read about the new Chanel Rouge Coco lipstick, I knew I was going to get them. The local news grapevine told me it was expected in Malaysia in early April 2010 and I was content to wait.
Until partner in crime LeGeeque told me they are out on StrawberryNET.com for US$32 each. All I could say was EEKS!!!!! 2 minutes later, a package was on its way to me which I received this morning 😀
Most of the stronger shades are available there with some more muted shades and although I was in the market for something a little more wearable daily, I picked up #22 Paris no thanks to Best Actress Sandra Bullock at the recent Oscars 😛
These are some quick pictures taken under flourescent lighting which isn’t the best to take photos under as most people will tell you. But its a close enough. approximation. I’ve got a swatch below and I’ll put up some better pictures later once I’ve used it a bit.

From preliminary views, the colour in the tube for Paris looks a deep dark red – see picture above.
When swatched however, it takes on a cool blue toned red hue that looks imminently wearable for me. I must say that this one is a cool colour so if you have very warm tones, it might not suit you.
The above swatch of Paris Coco Rouge was done with just 1 swipe on the back of my hand. Yes I’m aware that my hand has taken on a preternatural pale hue. “Preternatural” – you can tell I’m reading too much of Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles – currently reading Blood and Gold and feeling the tug of Rome calling to me…
Anyway Rouge Coco in #22 Paris reminds me of Matador in the discontinued Infrarouge line. If I can find my Matador, I’ll do a comparison to see if I’m right.
Ah! Paris! Can’t wait to wear it! Now what WOULD be fun would be to have Paris wearing Paris in Paris eh? 😉
Paris B
p/s Chanel Rouge Coco retails at US$30 in the USA. No idea of prices in Malaysia yet. I didn’t mind paying extra 😛
UPDATE: Rouge Coco retails at RM95 in Malaysia
Any other nice colors? buying from strawberry should be slightly cheaper than retail?
I’m waiting for the full range to get here to check out the rest. I wasn’t too keen on the colour selection on Strawberrynet. Actually, I think it might be cheaper in Malaysia once it gets here – Chanel usually is – hence I only got 1.
Gabrielle is a very nice cool red as well. I’m tempted…
I’ll check that one out when it gets here 😀
I want one in Organdi Rose so bad. But at AU$50 each, gotta think many times over 🙁
Verily so! I wouldn’t pull out A$50 for it but how about $32 online with loyalty discounts? 😉 I’m waiting for it to get here. There are a few colours I want to check out in person before buying and my gut feel tells me its going to be cheaper here anyway.
Oooh, I love that last line : Paris wearing Paris in Paris… would be a bit overkill if I were to add on – Paris wearing Paris in Paris with Paris… hahahaha… 😛
And I can’t believe that you actually had the heart to swatch it the moment it arrived! 😮
I know! I nearly didn’t swatch it but heck! Its meant to be used 😀
WOW! My grandma would call the shade: Indian Pink (No racist connotations here, and in Hokkien, it would be Keit Leng Na eh Jui Ang Sek). hehehehe. And it is very pigmented indeed, hehehehe.
Interesting – only it isn’t pink 🙂 It certainly is pigmented so I’ll have to be careful with this one
wow that’s a killer, eye-popping red! You’ll have drooling men behind you on the streets!^^
Ooh and wouldn’t that be nice! 😉
it looks fuschia on sandra bullock! Hmm may be inclined to a true-er red. Definitely trying them out in person before investing!
I know! The close up pic of Sandra Bullock looks fuchsia but when they pan out it looks red and its not that strong a colour on her. Either way, best to try it before buying! I’ll be testing out some of the less fierce looking shades 😀
Interesting thread. I tried it on, it looks fuschia (and stupid) on me. Maybe because I was dressed in jeans and a hoodie with runners for sloblike Friday work attire 😛
But it’d glam up even “sloblike Friday work attire”! 🙂
Hmmm, I wonder if after the exchange rate, it’s cheaper in M’sia… Cos I know for branded goods, no matter how you exchange, it’s the same. I might be living in JB for 4-5 months soon. I also want this. hahaha. Gosh. This colour really got me hooked. Just too nice. I never used to go lemming after these things.
oops, I mean KL… But I think I will miss my Singapore.
I’ve actually found that when comparing SGD to RM same brands are cheaper here after the exchange rate. We’ll see once it gets here 🙂
Gorgeous, but a bit too blue for me!
I’m having so much fun reading your blog 🙂 Thanks for all the fab swatches, tips and RM pricing – great for my holiday budgeting! I love love this lippie as well! Mademoiselle is my fave shade though I think Chintz is a close second!
Thanks for dropping by! 😀