Saturday! Again! Have you been enjoying your Chinese New Year holidays 😀 I have, needless to say. A whole week of pure relaxation (and eating) is bliss! Tomorrow, I meet up with friends for more “loh sang” so that will be fun!
Anyway, since its been a slow week, I’d like to tell you about a few products I’ve tried and tested recently which came in sample packs so its hard to evaluate them on a long term basis. Also, a couple of re-takes where I’ve reevaluated some products I tried previously. If you have been looking for an update here it is!
Short Take: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer
This was a sample bottle I received with one of my purchases. I’d heard a lot about how good this is for extreme weather. Apparently, they go climbing Mt. Everest in this! Or was it to the Antartic? Hmm… Either way, it is supposed to help for extreme conditions.
In hot humid weather, I found it a little strong unless you have dry skin then its good. It also works well if you are exposed to air conditioning all day e.g. working in an office/mall. But if you are out and about, its not so suitable. I tried this in Bangkok – did not break me out, but I prefer using it at night in hotel rooms where the air is super dry.
Re Take: IDI Italy Sunscreen (original review)
Ok no, I did not dislike this sunscreen despite what many think – my gripe was that the white cast was a bit too strong but as a sunscreen, it works. I’ve since worn this while walking in the hot sun in Bangkok and HK and I like that my skin doesn’t feel dried out or burnt after long exposure to the sun. This will be a mainstay for travel, mostly because I’m less fussy about how I look when I travel and I can get away looking a little ghostly LOL…
Short Take: Kiehl’s Creme de Corps body lotion
Picked up a couple of sample sachets to try and I love this one IF you have dry skin. Made my rough elbows feel baby soft. Again, perfect for dry air though it might feel a little heavy if you use it in hot humid weather (they do have a lighter formula). If you sleep in an air conditioned room, you might like this one – I did! Thinking whether its time to “invest” in a full size bottle 😛
Re Take: Clarins Hydraquench Mask and Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid lotion
I lumped both these items together because I wanted to tell you about both of them. The Clarins Hydraquench mask goes on your face a thick white paste and as it absorbs into your skin, “disappears”. If your skin is very dry or dehydrated, it disappears faster. Mine used to disappear in less than 10 minutes.
After 2 months of using the Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid lotion, I went back to the Clarins mask. After 15 minutes, I looked in the mirror. The mask was still thick and pasty white! 20 minutes later, it had absorbed a little but still remained white. I washed it off after that.
It prompted me to think that the Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Lotion HAS helped with replenishing the moisture level of my skin. Clearly, the Clarins Hydraquench mask test proves it! No more dehydrated skin! 🙂
And that’s all we have this round of Short Takes and Re Takes. I’ll be back with more … if I have anymore to share.
Enjoy the weekend!
Paris B
sesame says
I’m hoping the Hada Labo would be here in Singapore soooon….
Jasmine says
YES oh man I am eagerly awaiting its arrival … I’m bored of creams and lotions and gel-creams that still don’t absorb completely. Totally looking forward to trying out the Hada Labo!
april says
me, another Singaporean, thirds this!
ParisB says
I thought it was already in! Hope it gets in soon so Singaporeans get to try this 🙂
rinnah says
Ooo… that’s an interesting take on Hada Labo and Clarins! I wonder if my sensitive skin can stand up to Hada Labo?
ParisB says
I don’t see why not – its quite gentle (for me anyway)
beetrice says
hehe…I’ve been trying out the Hada Labo HA Lotion for a while now – it’s gonna sit firmly in my bag when I go to Spore for sure! 😀 me likey!
ParisB says
Yup! Especially when its still not in Singapore yet!
april says
I’m using the Utra Facial CREAM. If you say the moisturiser version is strong..hahaha. I’ve found a way to use the cream version though – use a small drop of it for the whole face and it’s good enough. But you are right, it will be better used in drier circumstances.
ParisB says
Haha I do the same with the lotion – just a tiny dollop for the whole face. The cream would turn me into an oil slick!
Irene says
Interesting take on the Hada Labo Lotion and Hydraquench Mask. But is there any chance that the Hydraquench mask lost a bit of its potency thereby not absorbing into the skin as well as it used to? Just wondering…
Oso… which Watson outlet have the Hada Labo range I went to 1Utama to see if the lotion and cleanser are available and I could not find Hada Labo line anywhere. The have Juju tho… :/
ParisB says
Hada Labo is in Guardian not Watsons 🙂 And you could be right about the Hydraquench mask though if it lost its efficacy that quickly I’d think twice about buying it in future! :O
Connie says
interesting observation with the clarins mask! Hada Labo hasn’t been that dramatic for me yet but I have no complaints
ParisB says
Maybe my skin is just crazy dry hehe… or it might be something else I’m using that making it work better. I did feel that it works much better after using Dior One Essential 😉
shaynaJo says
i’m using HadaLabo lotion at the moment too and yeah, same as Connie, nothing dramatic yet and I’m surprised that we could use the Clarins mask for a test! Should wait another month more before i review my thoughts bout the HadaLabo lotion. 😀
ParisB says
Haha… I’d not say the Clarins mask is a “test” per se. I noticed it coz I was using it recently. But it would be good to hear your thoughts on Hada Labo too. So far I think most people are liking it 🙂
amaranthine says
IDI, acronym for Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata, is an italian catholic dermalogical clinic in Rome (close to my home!), their products aren’t cosmetically oriented but usefull for very sensitive and promblematic skins, so i’m very happy and surprised i found a review in a beauty blog and i never thought IDI distributes product worldwide. The packaging is different from the italian one, we are used to very simple packaging here in Italy.
Anyway high spf sunscreens are usually mellow and they leave your skin white as a ghost, is barely noticeable in fair caucasian skin.
My favourite product is a shower oil called Soagen, is a gorgeous product for very dry and sensitive skin.
ParisB says
Glad to hear from someone in Italy who is familiar with IDI Italy! The line we get here is for International release. I am given to understand that IDI has their own distribution channels in Italy. Ours is known as IDI Italy 1858 🙂