PB Says: I used SK-II quite a few years ago. I’d used the whole range available then, and like Geekchic, my favourite item then was the Facial Treatment Essence or Miracle Water as it is labeled. As it has been a while for me (I no longer use SK-II for various reasons – even the FTE stopped working for me), I decided to have new SK-II user Geekchic review the SK-II Facial Treatment Lotion. This is her story 🙂
UPDATE 2018: I’ve since put the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence through its paces again 8 years after this post, and my updated review is here.
Having shut down my blog, without an outlet to channel my thoughts and opinions, Paris has very kindly given me a slot to hash my thoughts out (shut me up). I promise you will not hear very much from me!

SK-II Facial Treatment Essence – A review
A common street name for this product, I’m told, is Miracle Water. As much as I like this product, I’m a little hesitant about bestowing upon it the title “miracle”. I have no idea why I made this plunge into SK-II, to be honest. I happened to be in Myer on Bourke St. They happened to have a 15% discount on all makeup and skincare products for Myer One cardholders. And as they like to say in the show business, the rest is history.
I’ve been using this steadily for a month now and it’s safe to say that it’s a product that works on my very temperamental skin. So temperamental that I’ve not found a single Clinique product which works on me. A little background on my skin texture, it’s dry to very dry in winter but now that we’re heading right smack into summer, my skin is slowly returning to its normal state. It’s not oily nor dry; yes, I’m thankful for it but I’m often bugged by dry patches and fine lines.
Texture of the SK-II FTE
Unlike regular serums, the Facial Treatment Essence (henceforth known as FTE) is a form of liquid. To be completely honest, I was a little skeptical. I mean, how is it possible that a few drops of liquid would completely transform my skin?
Weird. It’s completely unpleasant if you’re not used to it. It’s like fermented something. However, once it’s dry, there isn’t a hint of it whatsoever. I’m told it’s the patented Pitera. The secret to making this product one of SK-II’s bestseller.
To use this, I pour about 3-4 drops onto my palm, rub them together lightly and gently massage it onto the skin until it’s completely dry. This product is gentle enough to be used around the eye area as well.

The sales assistant at SK-II advised of just patting it onto the skin but I find gently massaging it works as well. The other reason to wanting to massage it is because the air in Melbourne is so dry, it just makes me feel that the air is drying up the FTE rather than getting massaged into my skin. Then, it’s just regular moisturiser (I use Olay Total Effects) and sunscreen on top. I skip the toner part because I feel weird using 2 liquids one after another.
Results after using SK-II Facial Treatment Essence
As with most skincare, I would advise everyone to be wary of any miraculous claims. I’m in a state of being cautiously-optimistic. Optimistic because:
- The product has not broken me out at all.
- It has shown significant improvement in my skin texture. I have terribly dry skin during winter and when the harsh sunlight shines upon these patches, you can see that the skin is terribly uneven (with bumps and some craters from my teenage acne days) and extremely dehydrated. Ever since the use of the FTE, these patches are slowly replaced by plumped skin. The litmus test for this is when we approach winter and the plumped skin remains.
- I’m being a little cautious with my optimism because it is right smack in the middle of summer and with the cooler going on at all times, my skin is actually getting hydrated from the air! (The evaporative cooler blows out air that’s cooled by water so there’s extra moisture in the air)
- My skin tone has always been even so I cannot tell if this has evened out the skin tone.
Pros: It works but I will not be calling it the Miracle Water.
Cons: Expensive. SKII is one of the more expensive skincare products in the market.
If you can get it from duty free stores, it is worth giving it a go. It’s retailing for AUD100 for a 75ml bottle in Myer/David Jones. [PB Adds: In Malaysia its currently RM187/75ml]
Have you used this “Miracle Water” and do you have a story (good or bad) to share?
Geekchic and Paris B are all ears 🙂
Holy smelly water! 😛 That’s what Is call it. It works well for me, making my skin soft and “toing-toing” just after a week or two of use. The smell still takes a bit of getting used to though. Definitely not a pleasant one, but since it works, I’m willing to forgive the fermented scent 🙂
My male hairstylist swears by this. I don’t know. Never tried it but did consider trying it recently. Just that it’s so blardy ex and I’m not a fan of SK-II.
Hi paris! I’ve tried the miracle water for 3-4 months. It was working well initially but after the 3rd months i.e 2nd bottle, my skin was getting drier. I do not know why but my friend said that I should be using the whole range to get the effect. I wasnt sure of that though as im also not willing to fork out extra cash for SKII any longer.
I have not tried it but lots of my friends have and some loved, some hated. Apparently some people reacted to the Miracle water. Skin was once smooth and after using that, they had terrible breakout and some people said it’s really a MIRACLE water to them cos it improved their skin texture. I would like to try… if only they’re abit cheaper! 🙂
A long time ago I have tried the FTE. It didn’t break me out or cause me to get a eczema reaction (which is rare and good) but it was hardly miraculous. It did help to keep skin more hydrated but it wasn’t too kind on the wallet!. I’ve found a cheaper spoof with the Madara Deep Comfort Toner (RM88/200ml). You will find that it smells quite similar too! Cos it contains naturally fermented grain alcohol which helps hydrate skin plus preserve the product, plus rosewater and glycerin, all very hydrating. Works just as well for me. And because it’s quite affordable…. I sometimes soak a cotton pad or two and lay it over the driest part of my face as a quick hydrating mask. Works a wonder!
For people whom Miracle Water doesn’t works well on, it’s probably the fermented ingredient, aka Pitera. I’ve heard that it works as a decomposer, so using SK II everyday means decomposing your skin everyday.
In this way, skin continually dies and renew to give you baby skin all the time. Think chemical peel… … Which is why some, like Suria, experience dry skin, a symptom of all peeling treatments.
Ginvera Marvel gel works on the same basis too. Instructions say to use everyday, but I suspect using everyday may potentially cause dry and sensitive skin too.
It’s better to eat well and boost the skin’s natural renewal process, and natural collagen and/or vitamin content. In other words, healthy skin rather than superficial changes.
I have heard miracle stories from SK II, but all good things ended when the user just can’t afford to keep using it.
Oh yes, I heard the same too. The top layer of the skin is being eaten away every day. Kind of scary to me.
I have a bottle and don’t find it miracle either..
I used it for two weeks then put it aside already..
I started using the FTE nightly since two years ago. In the first few weeks to a couple of months, the results were fantastic. I could see visible improvement in my skin texture. After that I just continued using it to maintain my skin condition. But recently I experienced a very bad acne breakout, so I stopped all unnecessary products and just used mild soap, aloe vera gel and sunblock only. Luckily, my skin didn’t deteriorate from the lack of SK II. I was very happy about this because I’ve heard horrible cases where people’s skin got worse after they stopped SKII as their skin has gotten dependent on it. After I’ve nursed my skin back to health, I don’t think I’ll be going back to the FTE, as it’s not that much of a “miracle” after all.
Been using the FTE for 3 years and will continue using it as long l still can afford. Its really doen wonder for my skin, Well, its better than spending money going for facial every month. Miracle really happen with SKII !
I know that SK-II works for many people and I’ve very glad that it worked for you! It’s certainly great to have relief from dry skin
Although, I’m not sure if I’d get one for myself since there are cheaper alternatives out there that seem to give similar effects such as the Hada Labo lotion/toner
i’ve heard that your skin will get “addicted” to it and when u stop using it, ur skin condition will deteriorate. don’t know how true is this as i’m personally not an SK-II user.
i don’t know if i should go ahead and buy it because i have acne prone skin, and you can see my pores. my skin is very sensitive aswell. so i don’t know if SK-II facial treatment essence will work its wonders
SK-II promoters insisted that I pour FTE on cotton pad before applying to face but I prefer to pour on palm then apply to face direct. Is this ok or do I have to use cotton pad as mentioned by promoter?
No, you dont hv to use cotton pad to apply the FTE. I’ve bn using it for many many years and just use my palm and apply em direct to my face. It’s just too expensive to waste it on the cotton pad!
I’ve been using SK II for 4 months. cleanser, lotion and FTE. It really works. pimple stop ‘half way’. dare not to come-out. its true
i also have pimples on my face. so wondering which cleanser and lotion of SK II do u use so the pimple didnt come out anymore?
Does SKII FTE helps in anti aging and face lifting?
I’ve been using this daily for 1 year and everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) says that my skin has improved. It has achieved the ‘pun-yu pun-yu’ (Japanese) state and definitely the “wo de pi fu shi sui sui de” (Sammi Cheng, SKII commercial). It generally means that if you press a finger into your cheek, it will bounce back.
It may be expensive, but no regrets! Good skin is part of a woman’s asset after all.
Think twice before changing your skin care ! I’d my bad experience in using SKII. I do not have any skin problem all this while , only hoping to have the skin as in the adverts. Tried out the full skin range, after using a few weeks, my skin was smoother but after few montlhs my cheeks turned itchy and there were also red patches ! Guess what i was suspected to have SLE ( systemic lupus) but later it was found out to be enzema after using this so called “miracle water” ..
I am having the same problem, my cheeks and neck turned very itchy and there are also red patches. I guess I am having enzema due to the use of SK II. Did you go and see doctor? Or will it resolved by stop using it?
I was using SK2 product for two years and it did wonders
for my skin back then. But stopped using the products in 2006 when
it was found to contain banned substances. Now, fast forward to
year 2010. This past year, I had teribble skin breakouts and no
matter what I do, be it changing skin care or taking supplements,
it doesn’t seemed to get better, and at times, it got very bad. I
was having pimples and big nasty acne almost all the time. So one
month ago, I decided to use SK2 again and started off with the
toner and the FTE hoping that it would turn things aroung. The
sales promoter also gave me a small tub(I mean really small, kinda
of cute tho) of the new product called Cellumination Deep Surge to
try out. Boy! was I glad she let me try it out. In a short period
of less than a week, all my pimples died. My acne goes flat!. In
the second week, all pimples and acne cleared but still have some
red marks. By this time, that small tub of miracle finished and I
went to get my fix and bought myself a big tub of Cellumination
Deep Surge. And, I also got the Cellumination Essence. I’m currenly
in my 4th week of using the products and my skin has never been
better than this for a very long time. The scars are fading and I’m
glowing! Seriously. Whoa! I’m really glad I got back to
Hi all,
Im just started using SK II for 10 days , but my face getting all the red pimple over all the face . anyone having the same problem as me ??
Im worry !!! should i continue use it or stop it ?
same problem with me and i also dont know either to stop or continue…
yea…me too..i’ve used it for more then 3 months already..but lately…its so itchy n red pimple start scattered…o god…?
im having a same problem as well,i just used sk11 for 1 month but mine the pimple feel pain too.what should ido…pls help.should i get back to my old produck
stella..i do like u for the first time using this.Then i continue use it.and the pimples stop.and get better day after day..and gone wthout any black mark.i love use m.water.make my skin smoother,and toing2 too….
I started using SK11 skin care products , Clear lotion , FTE, cellumination deep surge. for abour 1 week now . but i having the same condition – itchy and red. can some one advice should i continue using the products? Please help!!!!! urgent
Please do not use the vitamin C everyday… i had the same problem and did the experiment myself and found our that it’s the vitamin C drying out the skin….. go and try and see…
SKII has always brought about mixed feelings in me. I don’t love it but I don’t hate it and I never fail to recommend it to friends but with certain some choice warnings. I’ve been using SKII’s FTE on and off since my Highschool days which was a good 10+ years ago (suddenly feeling old XD) At that time I suffered from the usual Teenage acne with unbelievably oily skin and large clogged pores. FTE and the corresponding moisturiser helped to tame it some what. I didn’t ‘glow’ like the ads but at least I was a shiny disco ball anymore. After that I gradually moved on to other things. I go back to FTE every now and then either on a whim or when I feel particularly unhappy with my skin condition. The last time I used it was last year when I started to develop massive breakouts and cystic acne all over my face but particularly around the jawline. FTE was like and SOS drug that calmed everything down and gave my skin a chance to rest and return to normal. But just as I’m about finished that bottle the acne start creeping back again. Sadly my skin gets accustom to it too quickly so I never go beyond 1 bottle at any one time. Good stuff if you need an emergency pick-me-up but try not to go too long on it.