I love my friends. They have a sense of humour 😛 Look what I got for Christmas/New Year from 2 different friends.
Yes, products from MAC Cosmetics! 😀
With the MAC Languish Lipglass, my MAC lip collection has immediately swelled 100% (I had 0 before) and with the MAC Shy Beauty beauty powder, my MAC face collection just doubled (my only other MAC face product was Porcelain Pink MSF!) Teehee… thank you girlies!
Not a lover of things MAC but as I’ve said before, I love it when my friends force me out of my comfort zone and get me to try something I might not look at before 😀
Incidentally, I love the look of Shy Beauty. It says “Beauty Powder” but its a blush to me. Pretty shimmery one too. I believe it might be limited edition from a previous collection, so do let me know if you want a review on it.
Languish lipglass is a little brown compared to my usual lip colours, but I’m planning to use it in some experimental lip looks to darken light shades of lip colours that I rarely use. I’m not predisposed towards light lip shades so this will come in handy to add depth! I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂
You know what’s dangerous? Cafe World on Facebook. OMG I’ve been cooking and baking non stop since I got started on it just over the new year! The consolation is that after 3 days I’ve reached a high enough level to wonder “What now?” and realize the answer is “Nothing!” So I’m pretty much weaned off it 😛
Now I need to get off my virtual cafe and into my real time kitchen and do some serious cooking and baking! That’s another new year resolution! 😀
Paris B
You lucky lucky girl!!! I’ve been wanting Shy Beauty for ages since i missed out when i was launched!! 😀 I wanna see how it looks on you! 😀
Hi Jenn
I’ll try to oblige some time 🙂 Thanks! Shy Beauty is pretty!
Cafe world huh? Tell me about it man, I was hooked unto it for MONTHS, I’m at level 38, my life revolved around baking, cooking and serving the food after 12, 24, 48 hours on perfect precision timing so the food won’t go bad. By 1st Jan I told myself enough is enough, I want my life back! Hahahah 😀
Hiya Shorty
LOL! I’m already falling off the bandwagon. Too much trouble than its worth 😛
heehee…don’t worry, Languish doesn’t come off as dark as it looks in the tube. 😉 I think it’d rock if you paired with with falsies – siren on the prowl!! 😀
Hey Beetrice
Ooh that’s a nice thought. I’ll experiment 🙂
HAha. Cafe World. coming from someone who needs people to suggested to write on her wall :p there are so many games that I wanna play on FB but I don’t wanna start. Used to have a huge addiction problem with the sims many years back.
Brown lipglosses are great to tone down bright lippies. Can be quite magical 🙂
Hey Connie
I can’t wait to try the brown gloss. Will go look for the brightest lippie I own! And thank goodness I’m weaned off Cafe World 😛
I love Cafe World too!
Hiya Indira
So addictive!
hey PB, please learn some real baking so we have something new to test? :p
Hey prettybeautiful
Aren’t you afraid I’d poison you? 😛
Cafe world..*groan* I’m so addicted to them that I’m revolving around it. Really really bad addiction.
Hey Jessica
Uhoh… better start weaning off… although if you have a lot of neighbours it can be hard to 🙂
From the photo, Shy Beauty reminds me of Benefit Dandelion. How do they compare? 🙂
Hi Shay
I haven’t thought to compare the two. I’ll do that soon 🙂
Me personally love MAC beauty powder blush instead of their regular blush. Yes, it is a limited edition and that’s why it so special compared to the regular one. It has more pigmentation and last longer and the texture is very soft and blend onto skin very well. This is my personal fav among my dozen blushes. I wish I own Shy Beauty, u’re so lucky to have that one.
P/s : Do let me know if u want to swap. lol!
Hi Azura
I haven’t used any MAC for so long! I hope I’ll like the beauty powders 🙂
Yup, Cafeworld IS addictive. But I managed to break free from it weeks ago… 🙂
Hiya giddy tigress
I broke free in under a week! Whew! 😛