My first official post of 2010 and I ran into writer’s block! No kidding. 😛
So instead of blathering on, I’m going to show you a little tip I learnt from my McGyver Dad on how to secure your check-in luggage when you find yourself without a spare lock.
Use dental floss!
Dental floss is very strong and if you tie a double dead knot, it’ll hold long enough for you to get home. Its not fool proof but you’ll know when its been pulled apart or tampered with. Of course, it can be cut open but so can locks. Its only meant to be a temporary measure anyway.
After all most of us will have dental floss in our toiletry bags right? Right?! 😉
Tip: Unwaxed dental floss works better to secure luggage
So, the next time you forget to pack a spare lock for your spare luggage bag to return after your holiday, fret not. Its dental floss to the rescue! I love my McGyver Dad! 😀
I’m off to meet with friends for a good old fashioned brunch and chat. Its going to be so much fun 🙂
What are your weekend plans? If you are travelling, stay safe!
Paris B
That is so clever and creative! Your daddy is so cool!
Heaven knows I’ve been caught without a lock for my luggage before. This will surely come in handy, thanks!!
Hey Monstro
I know! He’s da best! 😀
hahaha this is a great tip Ms. Gyver 😛 I haven’t thought of this. I will be off for a wedding party Bestfriends’s wedding over the weekend 🙂 Enjoy yours!
Hi Nikki
I hope you had a great time at your friend’s wedding!
Oooo..good tip! Thanks!
What a great tip! Your daddy is so clever. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Gio
You’re welcome! Hopefully it helps someone 😉
Oops.. I have to confess *whisper* I don’t really carry dental floss around *whisper*
Hiya Jessie
Oooh! New Year Resolution to start! 😉
Great idea!!
However, I almost always don’t lock my bag and so far nothing has been stolen yet.
And I don’t have dental floss with me. I use an interdental brush. hahaha…but I will bring floss if I go camping. When there’s no clothes line, I will use the floss.
Hi Shay
Guess you’ve been lucky 🙂 I don’t take chances LOL
great tips!!
That is very teh awesome tip. I’m going to lock up both our big luggage with floss too! 😛
Hey Tine
I’m sure your big luggages have locks! Still not sure how you’re bringing everything home 😛
Nice tip! Thanks! I always find myself having no lock for my luggage at the last minute… very bad habit… I know
Hi there
I always carry a spare, but this tip does come in very handy
This is a great idea for me to know if anyone has attempted to touch my luggage! Better than a lock, cos I heard that they can pick locks, and then simply lock it back again, without my knowledge.
Hi Jyoan
I tend to use locks with combinations. But I guess nothing’s fool proof. Perhaps I’ll double up with floss too! 😉
ooh! great tip!
I use those stick flosses. Imma have to buy stringy dental floss for this purpose 😡
Hey Connie
Just for this purpose? Nolah right?
That’s pretty resourceful. Dental floss is really strong, apparently dancers use them to sew ribbons to their shoes.