We’re into the 1st week of 2010 and folks, Party Season is officially OVER! Ever since Christmas, for many, its been one late night after another with lots of food, booze (for some) and perhaps a slightly more lax skincare regime.
On a personal note, I realize that when I’ve had many late nights in a row with lots of rich food and perhaps alcohol thrown in, my skin starts looking dull and feeling lax and any fine lines are accentuated. Pigmentation too!
So, here are 5 things you can do to address the “after Party Season” skin.
Drink lots of water
Just plain water please. Perhaps if plain water isn’t your thing, try squeezing a bit of lemon or lime in it to make it easier to go down. Water flushes your system and gets rid of the accumulated toxins from Party Season.
Get some sleep
Its time to get back to work for many of us (or school) and not only will sleep help our skin regenerate and slough off the dull outer layer, it’ll help you perform better at work or school too. So, get into a regular sleep cycle and sleep early to make up for all those late nights you’ve been having. I try to be in bed latest by 11pm because I need my full 8 hours like a baby 😛
Go for a facial or do a home facial
If you have time, go for a facial. If you don’t, do a mini facial at home. Start by cleansing your face, then do a scrub (don’t forget your lips) and then a moisture mask and relax! If you’ve been partying hard during Party Season, your skin might be dehydrated so a moisture mask will help plump things up.
Do a hair mask
If you’ve been dressing up your hair as well as your face for all the parties you’ve been going too, its time to relax your hair with a mask. A quick in shower mask can perk up hair that’s starting to feel lifeless and make it feel softer and more manageable.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Party Season tends to be mainly lacking in the fruit and vegetable department. Foods that feature high on holiday lists are fried greasy foods or alcohol (no the olive in your martini is not counted as a fruit for our purposes!) or sweet. Time to get back into a healthy eating routine. Add lots of fruits and vegetables back into your diet – your skin will thank you and so will your body.
Above all, getting back into a routine will make it easier to ease out of party mode and into regular life mode. What’s your tips for getting out of party mode? 🙂
Paris B
geekchic says
Oh goodie! Looks like I’m not the only one committing all the cardinal sins during the holiday season. Late nights, alcohol, stress from games (yar, super stressful when you cannot commit a mission/lose in dirt racing) Thanks for the post! Couldn’t have come at a better time.
Even during the holiday season, I try to be a little dilligent about masks, I still slap one on once a week 🙂
ParisB says
Hi Geekchic
I think almost everyone found a reason or two to stay up late during party season 🙂 I let myself go a little. Now’s the time to get back on track!
prettybeautiful says
i think i should really hit the bed earlier now. im so addicted to psp right now and i have been going to bed at almost 1-2am everyday!!! god my panda eyes are horrible now
ParisB says
Hey prettybeautiful
Yes sleep will get rid of those panda eyes! Keep away your psp!
patty says
yeah,,you are so right about it…sleep and water is the essential..i couldn’t agree more:)
ParisB says
Hi Patty
Thanks! Glad you agree!
Nikki says
yes! I need to do all those tips of yours again! I have been doing it last year, but I guess I got into the party mode and forgot all about it! I did hair masks over the weekend though 🙂
ParisB says
Hiya Nikki
I know – its so easy to let yourself go during the hols. Time to get back onto the wagon 🙂
Jyoan says
haha. Actually, deep down, I still feel like it’s not over. There is Chinese New Year. And CNY always takes up the most preparation.
ParisB says
Hi Jyoan
You know what? I agree! I’m trying to get out of holiday mode but there’s still CNY to look forward to! 😀
beetrice says
I’ve been good this year – only had a couple of glasses of sake and that’s it! (alcohol has a really bad effect on my skin…probably explains the horrible skin I had back in uni!)
but yes, sleep is definitely on the list along with the veg, fruit and water…I actually only gained one kilo over the festive holidays instead of…ermm…more? and that’s despite having more dinners and makan-fests to attend. yay!! 😀
ParisB says
Heya Beetrice
That’s commendable! I dare not even get on the scales 😛
Connie says
though I haven’t been partying, I need to recover from the holiday “stress”. Ironic, I tell you! My forehead is cracking up (literally!) and I’m having zits! 🙁
rinnah says
Ironically, I actually lost weight over the party season! 🙂
But my skin is suffering a bit right now cos I’m stressed out with major life changes about to happen soon. So yes, your tips on getting back into a routine is much needed at this point in time. 🙂