I read with horror the news of a former Miss Argentina dying from plastic surgery just recently as reported in The Age. Here’s a quote from the article that had me staring at the screen in wide-eyed shock:-
Magnano, Miss Argentina 1994, a married mother of eight-year-old twins, went under the knife on Thursday at a plastic surgery centre in the capital city, Buenos Aires, hoping to tone up her derriere.
She was rushed to the hospital on Friday suffering from a pulmonary embolism, and died on Sunday, her friends said.
“She only underwent the procedure because she thought it was no big deal,” said Guillermo Azar, another associate from the fashion world and a close friend of Magnano’s.
I suppose in many ways, a basic procedure to firm up the butt is considered “no big deal” but what many people forget is that any surgery is a big deal, and more so cosmetic surgery because so much of it is unnecessary! Bust augmentation or to be less PC “boob jobs” and rhinoplasty or “nose jobs” are the most common surgical procedures which are now “no big deal” but they are still invasive procedures that can potentially kill you.
Every surgery, any medical procedure that involves the invasion of the body carries a risk. Even if its 1 0.01% risk, that’s still a risk, even if its being performed by world famous surgeons.
Locally, I’ve read many news of women dying quite unnecessarily from botched cosmetic surgery. The most recent case was that of a wife of a prominent local politician who died after undergoing liposuction.
My personal belief is that unless surgery is absolutely necessary to save your life, its always a last resort. But going under the knife for vanity is a touchy subject.
I guess you might say that my undergoing the Lasik procedure to correct my myopia or short sightedness is also an unnecessary cosmetic procedure. So really, I’m not one to talk. But it went well for me and I’m happy with the result. I was informed of the risks and I was aware of it – I never discounted it as “no big deal” especially when I found out that I was only a small percentage of people who did not undergo conventional lasik. However, I draw the line at invasive surgery for purely cosmetic reasons and I don’t see myself undergoing anymore or other cosmetic surgery.
What about you? Have you or will you consider undergoing cosmetic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons? Would you consider Lasik a cosmetic procedure? 🙂
Stay beautiful (naturally)
Paris B
I agree with you Paris! Surgery should always be a means to save lives.
Hmmm… personally i do not see LASIK as a cosmetic procedure, but a lifestyle choice. Though i don’t wear glasses, i can understand the inconvenience they bring sometimes. If i do wear them, i would definitely go for this procedure! 🙂
Hi Jenn
Ooh lucky you for having 20/20 sight! 😉 I would rate Lasik as a cosmetic procedure (partly) coz its not quite necessary but only serves to make life easier 😀
I guess we can’t really judge people for going through cosmetic surgery but they should be aware of the risks and do an ample amount of research before even considering the surgery.
Personally, I’m a big wuss when it comes to the idea of surgery… once got really hysterical because I thought I needed to have my appendix removed. However, I can picture myself going for “minor procedures” in the far future ie. laser to remove broken capillaries
Hey Connie
Yup I agree – can’t judge anyone for going under the knife – but not if they have had 10 procedures and think being cut up for No. 11 is “no big deal” That’s what bugged me. Thanks for the honesty 😀
i don’t see LASIK as cosmetic surgery too, it is a life saving surgery for those who are heavily short sighted!!! i have actually considered doing LASIK before but am scared..so putting the thoughts back for a while until i brave myself again one day 😀
Hi prettybeautiful
Haha… not quite lifesaving – I was severely shortsighted. But it does take the pressure off your ears and temples 🙂
I would never consider any form of plastic surgery! I am just not into those and after what happened to my mom, I know that doctors are just human and they do make mistakes! I don’t want to be the one in a million “probable mistake” !
Hi Nikki
Thanks for sharing and I can perfectly understand your fear after what you’ve gone through! I hope things are looking up
I would definitely fix my eye lids and lift sagging boobs when I’m fifty and droopy, if I can AFFORD it like it’s spare change PLUS if it’s proven to be SAFE. But I would not risk my life or go bankrupt just to look good. I’m not sure about Lasik though, I’ve gotten so used to my contact lens routine every morning anyway, besides the idea of doing anything to the EYE BALLS sounds very scary!
Hey Shorty
Lasik is something you gotta be really ready for else the thought of it is just too scary.
I can’t say cosmetic surgery isn’t tempting (the “instant results”, that is) but no one ever mentions the risks – it’s all in super-fine print that there may be “complications” (is dying considered a complication?)
As for LASIK, I can’t really comment since I’m not in that category to require it just yet…but for most it’s more of a convenience, not to mention that it’s sort of a one-off cost rather than spending the rest of your life buying glasses and contact lenses.
That said, I’m still gonna have to think twice (and then some!) about having LASIK done if it comes to that… 🙂
Hi Beetrice
LOL yes dying is a major complication! Puts a cramp in your lifestyle that one 😉 And I agree – lasik is a convenience, nothing that you NEED but something that’s nice once you are aware of everything that can go wrong.
i’ve personally had a chin implant and i’m 22 this year. it didn’t seem like such a big deal to me at the moment, but the whole process was so traumatizing that I don’t foresee myself even considering anything else touched.
Hi Jolie
Thank you for sharing!
LASIK is definitely a cosmetic surgery by medical definition. I intend to do LASIK asap, and I have went for the consultation already. Those who have gone before, will be warned of the risks, since it is a cosmetic surgery, and like Paris said, no surgery is 100% safe.
However, it does not really, exactly alter our appearance we can achieve the same look using contact lenses. Hence many do not consider it “cheating” and do not see it as a cosmetic surgery.
Basically, I draw the line at LASIK. Bust augmentation and things like face lift, botox, nose job etc, are really too out of bounds for me.
Hi Jyoan
Yup I tend to agree that Lasik is cosmetic surgery, just something less obvious and the risks are just as scary. I hope you have a smooth Lasik procedure!
Though it’s hardly invasive in its true sense, I know of girls who Botox their faces to make their cheekbones more prominent, chin sharper, bla bla bla… and the thing is… while after the 1st round, some do get slightly improved looks…. many get addicted and after a few rounds, they hardly look natural and definitely not like themselves. Aside from the physiological risks involved, I think what’s more detrimental are psychological. To me it’s just scary that more women that not look in the mirror an think “that could be better”. Just plain sad. And scary.
I’m definitely against plastic surgery or any augmentation (personaly point of view). Because I think it’s psychologically not healthy.
Though it’s hardly invasive in its true sense, I know of girls who Botox their faces to make their cheekbones more prominent, chin sharper, bla bla bla… and the thing is… while after the 1st round, some do get slightly improved looks…. many get addicted and after a few rounds, they hardly look natural and definitely not like themselves. Aside from the physiological risks involved, I think what’s more detrimental are psychological. To me it’s just scary that more women that not look in the mirror an think “that could be better”. Just plain sad. And scary.
I’m definitely against plastic surgery or any augmentation (personal point of view). Because I think it’s psychologically not healthy.
To be honest, I have contemplated lipo-sculpture (apparently less invasive than liposuction with a quicker healing time too). Difficult not to, when I have very stubborn flab around the waist which cannot be removed with exercise and good diet alone. Thank God it’s a costly procedure 😛
I draw the line at going under the knife for the face though, and that includes Botox.
I have had cosmetic surgeries. I will admit it.. because I believe being honest with other women and friends of mine can help them to also make informed and educated choices! I do not like it when celebrities lie about their surgeries.. Jenna Jameson underwent butt augmentation and has a VERY ample bottom now compared to before (she’s a former porn star) and she claims its all natural, and from doing squats. Anyways.. I had rhinoplasty to correct a deviated septum, and also decided to slim my nose down. I had always hated my wide flat nose, and as a Caucasian woman, desired a slimmer shape that would balance my face. A friend cruelly pointed out once that it was my “worst feature” and she was still elated from just getting her breasts done, and apparently felt comfortable with encouraging surgery at the time! After a few years of deliberation and self nose hate, I chose to go under the knife. I interviewed several surgeons, looked at hundreds of before and after pictures, and finally settled on one. It ended up taking an out of state revision surgery a year or so later to get the septum really straight, but overall, I was extremely happy after years of healing and numbness even, with the final results of my two nose jobs. I finally looked beautiful to myself when I looked in the mirror! It was a wonderful feeling. I may have lost a little feeling in my nose, but the payoff in self confidence was tremendous. I love myself a lot more. Then, I took several more years to work on the inside, because there is no cosmetic surgery for the soul ????