I’d been using the Kanebo Blanchir Clear Conditioner toner for a couple of years now and its served me well. However, I was curious as to other toners out there, so when I finished my last bottle, I ran out in a daze of freedom to buy one from a different brand.
My footsteps led me to Kiehl’s and after a quick chat with the sales person, I exited the store in a daze, carrying the Kiehl’s Alcohol Free Cucumber Herbal toner. It was recommended to me as being suitable for those with normal and/or sensitive skins.
The liquid is clear dark green – a dark vegetable green as you would get were you to puree spinach and squeeze out the juice. That sort of green. Very “un-cucumber” which is usually portrayed as clear light green or just clear.
There is a strong herbal scent that might bug some but perverse me loves it! I swear I’m addicted to the smell 😛 What I’m not quite addicted to is the toner.
It behaves well for a toner that you use to clean off residue of cleanser or dirt or makeup etc that you did not quite get clean in the shower. Its slightly astringent and tingles the skin, but it is not drying and is alcohol-free. That part I like.
However, since I’m used to toners that “moisturize” it was quite a bit of a mindshift to get back to toners that “clean”. I asked the sales person if I could leave it on my skin like a mask and the look of horror on her face was priceless 😛
So get this if you want a basic toner that refreshes your skin and if you like the smell. Don’t get it if you prefer something that moisturises like the Japanese style toners or lotions. Something tells me I’m going back to the Kanebo Blanchir Clear Conditioner or similar soon. 😛
The Kiehl’s Alcohol Free Cucumber Herbal toner retails for RM80 for 200ml. Its been more than a month, used twice a day and I’m not even halfway through yet! Not bad 😉
Pros: Basic toner, Non drying, No Alcohol
Cons: Smell might put some off
With all the rain we are getting lately, is anyone else freezing their booties off in their respective offices yet? I swear I imported some Autumn weather back with me! Not that I’m complaining when I get to pull out some warm cardigans teehee…
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
i tried to visualize the look of horror of the SA..LOL. ok maybe i should try it next time I step into Kielhs too 😛 The weather is so cold it is like winter in my office everyday! My colleague always looks like a eskimo in the office with her winter clothing. LOL. I sometimes get a shock when I turn and look at her.
Yo prettybeautiful
I know! Whats with the cool weather and crazy air conditioning eh? I LOLed at your eskimo colleague – so farnee!
I was always curious about this toner – but scared that it was drying for combination sensitive skin, glad to hear that it isn’t. I will have to see if I like the smell first =)
Hi Babybubblz
I actually have combination-dry skin and it was fine for me. Best take a nice healthy sniff before you buy 🙂
ermm…my office is like a freezer – I actually wear a snuggly fleece jacket in the office sometimes! 😀 (probably resemble Xin’s eskimo colleague!) but should be interesting to try this toner since I don’t really go for moisturising toners as much. 🙂
Hey Beetrice
Hmm I now want a snuggly fleece jacket too!
This wasn’t too bad the last time I used it, but neither was it that great. So I tried one bottle and moved on. Yeah, now like you, I prefer those that I just pat on. If we have to rely on the toner to clean, then we can junk our cleanser as well huh? 😉
It’s pretty cold here too. I had to switch off the aircon to type this message cos I can’t do it with stiff fingers!
Hi Sesame
Looks like we aren’t spared the approach of winter even in the tropics eh? 🙂
Pretty cool in my office too worst when it’s raining outside.
I’m stick to my Esteer Lauder perfectly clean toner with selling price RM160 for 400ml 🙂
Hi Julianne
That’s a pretty good deal on EL! I don’t quite use it myself but its good to know there are alternatives.
Opps…typo error it should be “pretty cold” 😛
Yeah. It’s damn cold esp when it rains in the morning. Woke up in the morning shivering like a leaf. But I much prefer the cold than the heat. Every May I feel like I want to migrate to Alaska. Malaysia’s ‘summer’ heat is too punishing.
I think Kiehl’s would last me 2 years since I only buy toner once a year 😛 But frankly speaking, I don’t see much difference on my skin, whether I use toner or not. I wonder if the toner is no good or it’s because my skin is oily. But I’ve tried various toners before and some made my face 10x oilier eventho they contain alcohol and made my skin feel parched (which a feat by itself since my skin is oily-combo).
Hi Irene
Oh when I use moisturizing toners I do see a difference as my skin feels more moisturized. I’ve also found that although its not so obvious my skin does look a little better when I use a toner/softening lotion and when I don’t so I’m sticking to using 🙂 If the alcohol content is too high it only just dries out your skin – does not give it any benefit.
Hello…the colour is kind of turn off for me…dark green…ewww…
I have got a toner that cleanses (night) and another toner that moisturises (morning).
I use Talika Balancing Lotion now as the moisturising toner. Very luxurious feeling when I pat it on! 😀
Is Talika available in M’sia?
Hi Shay
LOL i thought it was a “healthy” looking color 😛 I don’t think Talika is available here – I’d only heard of the lash growth serum but then I haven’t been paying attention to new brands
You should come to Sg and check out Sephora at ION Orchard. Many new brands there. More interesting than Sephora at Ngee Ann and when it first open.