Electra! I seem to think its a comic character or a character from the X-men. Does anyone want to confirm it? 🙂
I raise this because I’ve recently been dragged kicking and screaming into trying Stage Wondergloss lipgloss. Well, ok not kicking and screaming per se since it was Buy 1 Get 1 Free at Stage Cosmetics recently 😀 I blame it all on the persuasive powers of Connie, Syen and Beetrice over drinks during my birthday brunch where they told me in not so many words that “You MUST try it! You’ll like it!”
So in the spirit of caring and sharing, 3 of us found ourselves at Stage Cosmetics one day to take advantage of the offer. I picked up the Stage Wondergloss in Electra – a lovely berry pink shade. When I got home and rooted around my drawers, I discovered Penelope hiding in a drawer all forgotten and by her lonesome.
First off, the girls were right. Stage Wondergloss is a hidden gem of Stage Cosmetics. The gloss packaging looks suspiciously like Revlon SuperLustrous glosses but the similarity stops there. Where the Revlon one comes with a doe foot sponge applicator, Stage comes with a brush. I love glosses that come with a brush – it makes for a much more precise application – hence I like the Guerlain KissKiss gloss.
Speaking of the Guerlain Kiss Kiss lipgloss, I might venture a proposal that the Stage Wondergloss might just pass off for a dupe for the Guerlain Kiss Kiss gloss. Sure, Stage’s staying power of the gloss isn’t that long – just lasting me a couple of hours with eating and drinking – and the pigmentation isn’t great, but the non sticky, non goopy and above all, non drying formula brings it very close to Guerlain. That brush applicator too brings it even closer.
I’ve swatched the 2 colours I have – Electra and Penelope.
Electra is a cool toned berry pink that goes on pretty much as you see in the tube. Its high gloss and pretty on the lips as an everyday lipgloss with more colour. Penelope is a more muted nude shade with slight gold shimmer. I have pinkish lips so it doesn’t show up much but can work well to bring out the colour of nude or beige lipsticks.
Both are pretty and everyday colours and although there’s a little bit of a vanilla scent it doesn’t bug me much as it dissipates. Its not sticky so my lips don’t feel like they have been glued together and my lips don’t dry out with these one.
At just RM45 RM55 a tube (or 1/2 off if you grab it during the BOGOF promotion) we have a winner folks! 😀
Pros: Not Sticky, Non Drying, Brush applicator is more precise, Colours show up more or less as per the colour in tube, Affordably priced
Cons: Packaging could be improved on – perhaps to less resemble Revlon?
Have you tried the Stage Wondergloss? Like it? Hate it? 🙂
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
i should have gotten one during the BOGOF promo too!!! regretted.
Hey prettybeautiful
There’s always next time no worries! 😀
Is the BOGOF promo over already ?? This sounds very good as I’m looking for lip gloss too.
Hi Jess
Yes the BOGOF was over on 1 Nov 2009 – will update when I hear of another 🙂 That said, I reckon the lipgloss is worth getting even without the offer 🙂
geeze! I wan’t Penelope!!! see see see told you you’d like the glosses :p
btw Elektra is Daredevil’s girlfriend but appeared in X-men before.
Hey Connie
Ya they are nice glosses – if so many of you say its good it better be!
teeheehee…welcome to the dark side! 😀 *hums darth vader tune*
Heya Beetrice
Noo….. I shall resist! hehe
excuse me, starwars geek fan alert, but i believe it’s called THE IMPERIAL MARCH, not DARTH VADER TUNE. hehe.
when do they have the but one free one promotion again? please do inform if you have any info… i just went yesterday and din see such promotion… by the way want to ask, is there a kind of method that is to line your lips before putting on lipgloss? and it is possible to achieve a nude lips with just lipgloss? i have very red lips and most lighter shade of gloss goes on looking like my original lips colour, If you have some tips on achieving nude lips please do share…
Aaargh…I should have read this as I was at gloss-hunting at Gurney Plaza today. *Shocked* that the prizes of lippies have gone up so much!
Will check out Stage next time – the only gloss I love is from Clinique but they’ve discontinued it and I don’t really like their new limited range 🙁
Using Estee Lauder’s juicy tubes now, which isn’t too bad…