Hey this random thing is really growing on me. What a lovely way to round off the week – I hope you’re enjoying it too 😀
Happy Diwali / Deepavali
Hindus the world over celebrate Diwali or known here as Deepavali – the Festival of Lights. I’d like to wish all Hindu readers a Happy Diwali / Deepavali wherever you are! Anyone want to send me muruku? 😀
Curious search question of the week
We don’t have very curious search questions like the sex toy one we had last week to spice things up but I did get one search for “butt exfoliator” for which they came on the Kiehl’s Ultimate White Brightening Exfoliator – I wonder if it helped 😛 There was also a search for “the ugly truth balloons” for which they hit my post on some thoughts on the Ugly Truth movie. Any guesses for what balloons they might be referring to?
A hair product that delivers?
I went shopping for new hair conditioner and picked up the L’Oreal Elseve Royal Jelly conditioner. At RM15+ it better jolly well deliver me bouncy shiny hair! It was almost double the price of brands like Sunsilk and Dove which were RM8+ My hair did feel a little bouncier the next day though – or is it a placebo effect? More randomness follow below…
Introducing Sweet Contemplation Accessories
Fellow blogger and friend Tine of Beautyholics Anonymous has gone e-commerce with the launch of her site at Sweet Contemplation Accessories selling self-designed and handmade jewelry and accessories. Do check it out and get a 15% discount code and enter her giveaway here. I promise you, you’d want more and more everytime you look!
Media launch for the BodyBar organic and natural skincare store
When a journalist is the first to report about an event thats a “scoop” right? In that case, I must have scooped the opening of BodyBar Skincare – the organic and natural skincare store! Go me! 😀
I spotted them when they were but a fledgling store just opened in the then new Tropicana City Mall in PJ. Slightly under a year later, they have opened 2 new kiosks (Sunway Pyramid near Jusco; and Pavilion Kuala Lumpur) and are getting their organic and natural brands into major print media – Congratulations are in order!
I also learnt a recipe for a homemade lip scrub from co-owner Michelle so I’ll be sharing that soon 🙂 These lips could do with a little scrubbing to retain that lovely lush pout so I can keep my geisha reputation – LOL! 😀
Did I tell you about the time…
… I went on a theme park escapade with blogger friends? This was last weekend where we drove up to Genting Highlands, ate ourselves silly, rode roller coasters and theme park rides till we were sick and generally had a ball of a time.
I didn’t? Ah well… I just did didn’t I? 😀
So what are you doing this weekend? I’m just chillin’ at home and maybe doing some cooking. The ol’ oven is underused!
Happy weekend!
Paris B
Thanks for the plug, babes 🙂
This weekend is catching some sun action at different parks, after a week of miserable and wet weather 😛
Great site Tine! Which reminds me…I had planned on making some earrings on my own…SIGH