Reader Yuki wrote in with this question:-
Hi Paris… Would like to ask you something… Any tips for getting rid of those pesky scars left by pimples? I’ve tried quite a few things and it takes forever for them to disappear…
Thanks =)
I wrote back to Yuki with only some brief pointers as to what I use, as I too find getting rid of scars or marks from pimples a near impossible task 🙁 Essentially, I said that time appears to be the best healer.
Skin takes roughly 28 days to regenerate so it might be best to sit it out. To help things along, pure Vitamin E oil helps lighten marks and scars but you cannot expect immediate results.
Another way might be to use a whitening serum or mask often. It lightens skin and so will lighten the marks left behind by the pimples. Some tips found in a previous post about lightening pigmentation after going out in the sun might help.
Do you have other tips?
How do you get rid of pimple scars or marks?
Keep those questions coming yeah? You can email me at parisb (at) The readers out there are a wealth of information and I’ve learnt so much myself! 🙂
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
Hey Paris,
I’ve been plagued with this problem myself in the last few years – so far I’ve found Kiehl’s Acne Blemish Control Daily Skin-Clearing Treatment to work (kinda): my years old scars faded considerably, but not totally gone. But better than nothing, I guess. A little goes a long way and I’m still on the first tube (which I paid RM130 for, it’s gone down to RM110 last I checked).
Atm I’m also trying out Clinique’s post blemish product, but it’s too little for its price – online reviews were mixed.
I’m using Better Skin Tone by TNS.
Can see that the scars or marks are getting lesser.
I am a person suffered from severe acne problem few years back and now at my healing stage. With sensitive skin since young, acne attack just happened without me knowing and the problem got out of control, lasted for about one whole year. After numerous tried on skin care products, change in lifestyle and habits, finaly my acne problem leave me. Now in my healing stage, and I must say it took me long time to sooth the redden patches and scars and also i am very sad about those deep scars. I tried this product – Babor DERMA REFINER, a skin renewal product which work inside out, much safer than those work only on the surface as you will risk to damage your epidermis even further , I used two box (1 box = 1 2months treatment, and maximum two boxes in a year with at least 3months gap in between). and glad that now i do not need a foundation daily. 🙂
I’m afraid that short of cosmetic laser surgery, there’s no way of removing pimple/acne scars entirely. Most you can do is to lighten it. I use Bio Oil for that purpose. It causes the blemish to fade, but doesn’t remove it. My expectations aren’t high, so for the blemish to fade a little, I’m happy 🙂
I basically just carry on my normal skincare routine, and wait for it to fade. It will, as all superficial scars do. But the process will become much slower as one grows older.
The other way is to go for cell-regeneration facials. It so happens that I have a friend whose face was ruined by BioSkin, and he had volcanic pimples that bled, and the blood stained his pillow every night at that time.
But after going for facial with my beautician (which his gf and I practically dragged him to), with the picking, sterilising, and cell-regrowth mask, his face has healed completely. No more open wounds, totally no more darkened marks. As for pitholes, there is still a bit. But the point about the charcoal regeneration series is to push everything up, and facilitate regrowth, this way, even the pitted scars will level off.
The best part is that he only went for one course, and the results are just so obvious. Even he himself thinks there is no more need to continue.
Honestly, my SO went for chemical peeling, and laser, and those whole skin removal (have to use BB cream type of procedure), but it’s no use. But my friend just went for simple facial, coupled with the right products, and wow!
If I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, I would also agree with you that this is a near impossible task.
natural treatments: pure aloe vera, egg white mask, honey for dry skin (dot on the scars), rice water, lemon for oily skin (dot on scars), yogurt, or kiwi. Drink more water, eat more berries, vegetables and fish.
not immediate, need at least 3 weeks to start lighten (depend on person)
doesn’t 100%heal scars, for me i need to continuously use the natural treatments to heal the scars.
One side of my face have already heal its scars within 3 months while the other side still have scars but lighten. Guess it depend on each individuals regenerative cells.
if you have dry or sensitive skin, you might want to skip this.
try using lemon. as in those lemon you can get from the market and dab it onto the scar marks.
lemon is acidic and will bleach the scar almost instantly.
but do remember as it is acidic in nature, use it sparingly because it can be corrosive (not that it happened to me but just be aware) and drying.
I use rose hip oil, from Garden of Eden. It’s cheap and you only need a few drops every night. I use it as my sole moisturiser/treatment at night. It’s seriously good, and I always find myself falling back on it if I stop it for a while. After about 1-2 weeks of continously using it, my skin is smooth and even toned and all recent scars are gone.
Trying to exofoliate at least 2x a week. I tried vitE oil, but it broke me out ><
Essentially, you need to go to the root of the problem.
Skin heals better when its moisturised. A regular good moisture routine plumps up ur cells and lets ur skin heal faster from scars and also prevents other problems from happening faster.
I wrote more about it before, with a couple of products I’ve recommended.
Hope this helps answer your questions. =) I make sure I moisturise regularly face n body and my skin heals very well.
I have tried using lemon for a couple of times and I think it works but this method is only for sensitive skin.
Using a whitening serum or scar serum helps too, but generally, these serums should be used after the acne is healed in order not to aggravate the acne further. So far, I have used Bio Oil, Garnier Whitening Cream and Artistry Brightening Essence and they work on me.
I personally think aloe vera gel helps too!!!
Hi Paris,
I read your Vitamin E oil recommendation with interest. I was recently afflicted with a bout of shingles which has left dark marks on my forehead, I was wondering if Vitamin E oil will be efficacious in lightening the marks and healing the scar? Have you heard about this product called Bio-Oil? It claims to be able to reduce scars. Maybe you would be able to comment on it? Many thanks, and please do keep up the good work in your blog, it contributes to essential reading!
Hi Stephanie – I haven’t used Bio Oil though I’ve seen it around. Thus far, Vitamin E oil works well for me and its relatively inexpensive. If your marks are recent, using pure vitamin E directly on them can help reduce the scarring and marks. Or also try Rosehip oil. Thanks for dropping by.
White mark left after a wound?
a few months ago i had a huge pimple on the middle of my forehead, and i never had any on my forehead before so i was panicking, so like an idiot i kept picking at it till i made it worse and peeled the skin off. now it healed but it left a white mark that’s lighter than the rest of my skin, and it really bothers me because i want it to fade and disappear badly. its probably been 5 months now and i would like to know if you guys experienced anything like this and has it disappeared ….plzzz help
ps i been to the doctors n she’s like it’ll go away wit time, but every time i look at it i loose hope
Try Vitamin E oil on the spot – but the doctor is right it’ll go away in time. In the meantime, if it really bugs you try using a concealer/foundation to cover it up