Juan left a comment in a previous post about skin lotions that contain sunblock that provoked some thought in me. Here’s Juan’s comment:-
I have this weird theory that whatever is safe for a baby, would be safe for adults and provide the best protection too. therefore, whenever i go on a holiday at the beaches, i would definitely look for banana boat’s baby block… there are those that contain as low as 35spf and there are those that are as high as 55spf i think. the smell is lighter and i don’t develop allergies to it. the best part is, it works like a charm… for me, that is.
First off Juan, I don’t think its a weird theory at all – usually products made for babies have the most gentle of formulas – and its great that you’ve found a product that works for you 🙂
Not all commercial baby products are safe
My interest in this comment was piqued mainly because I was wondering if baby products are really all safe and I was quite nonplussed to find out that not all commercial baby products are safe whether for you or for baby.
Despite labels carrying such reassuring claims as “extra gentle” and “safe for Baby’s delicate skin,” dozens of top-selling children’s bath care products contain trace amounts of the toxins 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde, according to a buzzworthy report from a consumer watchdog group, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Far from safe and gentle, both substances are classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as “reasonably anticipated to cause cancer in humans.” (source)
The problem really lies in the fact that baby skin is very thin compared to adult skin so what might not pose an irritation to adult skin can potentially irritate baby skin. This link about toxins in baby bath products is a quite a good read whether you have babies in the house or not.
Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but many commercial baby products have strong fragrances. Sometimes, I wonder if its even stronger than products for adults. I find that a little strange if baby products are supposed to be more gentle.
Physical sunblocks for babies and children are less irritating
In respect of sunblock for children and babies, this link is quite informative. I especially noted this point from the article:-
Choose a broad-spectrum sunblock (meaning that it blocks both UVA and UVB rays) with a SPF of at least 25. Broad-spectrum products contain one of three active ingredients: avobenzone (trade name: Parsol 1789), zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. Avobenzone is a chemical sunblock, while zinc and titanium dioxide are physical sunblocks. While both have been tested for safety on baby’s skin, some pediatricians recommend that children under six months use a physical sunblock, as it may be less irritating. (emphasis mine)
Physical sunblocks are usually recommended for children, with zinc oxide being touted as the best blocker for both UV-A and UV-B rays. However, as I have noticed, Zinc Oxide doesn’t agree with my skin so a baby friendly sunblock that’s high in zinc oxide will similarly not work for me too. I also find products with high zinc oxide content drying on the skin – I tested Badger SPF30 mineral sunscreen in my hand over the weekend (micronized zinc oxide 20.5%) and my hand felt dry.
Some baby products can irritate adult skin
I also came upon this forum where some adults had extolled the virtues of using baby products including Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson Top to Toe wash for their hair or skin. When I came to the last page, I noticed that some people had reported that they were developing rashes from using these baby/kids products which went away when they stopped. This might imply that there are ingredients in the products that can irritate the skin whether it be adult or children skin so it would appear that not everything labelled for baby is truly gentle and irritant-free.
Natural is probably best for baby but be careful what “natural” products contain
It looks like natural is the best way to go when it comes to skincare for babies and ultimately some adults who might have skin problems or very sensitive skin. I was at the Expat Eco Expo at KLCC Convention Centre over the weekend where I came upon a few natural/organic baby brands – Buds Baby, Weleda Baby and Badger Balm were 3 that stood out. I was told adults could use them too although there are adult specific natural/organic products available.
That said, I’ve since learnt that some “natural” products may not be all that natural as it might contain petrochemicals. Some baby oils use mineral oils which don’t bug the majority of the population but I’ve read of people using baby oil to cleanse their faces and this has the potential to clog your pores to kingdom come. That said, whoever extols the virtues of baby oil finds it works for them so perhaps we’re all different that way.
Also, as many “natural products” use or contain essential oils it may not suit everyone. Personally, I find it hard to use organic or natural products because I develop contact dermatits when using some organic products and not knowing what causes it really bugs me! This link contains quite useful information for moms who are looking for baby friendly products.
Not all baby products may be suitable for adults
My conclusion is that not all baby products may be suitable for adults. They may be more gentle on the skin in general but as with everything, there is always the potential to irritate because our skins and their tolerances are different 🙂
If you have thoughts on this subject or are using baby products for your skincare because it works for you, please feel free to share in a comment below! 🙂
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I am not a dermatologist nor a doctor nor a scientist nor a miss-know-it-all just a curious cat 😛
Hey I was at the Expat Expo too…briefly…but managed to picked up a new natural skincare product.
Hi Reese
I picked up something too! haha… It was quite an interesting expo wasn’t it?
Yeap, always like eco fair…
I developed dry patches on my face and alergic spots on my elbow recently. I had read about your link on – could-you-be-alergic-to organic-product and I suspect it could be the organic hand cream I am using . This hand cream has a super strong lavender fragrance.
Been worried about my skin condition and your link actually had shed some light on it. Thank you for sharing the piece of information.
Hi Jess
I guess some of us might be more allergic to lavender than we think! I’m glad my experience helped you
Ooo… I love using Johnson&Johnson’s Lavender Lotion! It says that the lotion can help calm and relax your baby before bed… haha… that doesn’t apply to me though… lol… I just love the smell! I use it on my elbow!!
Hi Yuki
Glad its working for you!
great article here 🙂
and i totally agree with you on the part where not all baby products are even ‘safe’ for babies. i used Buds for my baby til she was about 7-8 months where i am a little more assured that her skin is stronger. now it is johnson’s all the way sans the baby oil.
other than that, i think babies’ products are just too gentle for me to really work and their shower foams leave a slicky film after a shower which i truly hate.
Hi Juan
Thanks for your comment! It sure made me think hehe… I must agree that most baby products are just too gentle for me too. Perhaps there is a film on the skin to protect baby? 🙂
I use them, sometimes. The (body) lotion or shower cream.
Love the scent!
Luckily I don’t have any problems using them.
I use them on my body, not my face. I mean, babies don’t wear makeup, so baby soap won’t clean enough.
Hi Indira
LOL at babies and makeup! You’re right – using baby products on the skin is quite different from using it on the face
great info here.
normal/adults sunblock give me rashes. I just ordered Neutrogena’s baby sunblock (pure and fine), will test it out when I get it. So we shall see 🙂
Hi Aiyu
I hope you find one that suits you 🙂
Thanks for the post, will look into the links. I always think baby safe products should be gentle enough for my skin as well. But as I’ve discovered some of Johnson’s products do contain fragrance and that does not agree with my hands that are highly allergic. Ironically my baby tolerates it better than I do! Am now searching for baby products that are fragrance free. I seem to be allergic to Buds as well!
PB, do you know who sells Badger Balm in Malaysia?
Hi Monstro
Its strange how much babies can tolerate eh? I always found Johnson & Johnson’s scent way too strong. There was a booth selling Badger Balm at the expo but I didn’t take their info! Silly me! I did ask them where they were selling and they mentioned paediatricians and hospitals? Something medical anyway – can you check with your paed?
They’re selling Badger Balms in Gleneagle Medical Centre’s pharmacy and if I’m not mistaken they’ll be in Just Life outlets soon. The prices at the expo weren’t discounted. Online, they’re sold at http://www.littlewhiz.com/
Wow, nice post!
I agree with the zinc oxide making my face dryer. I’m using Diorsnow UV shield (not the makeup base with colour choice). Its about 20% zinc oxide. Makes my face too dry for my foundation to stick to my skin well. But I think its good if I want to skip foundation once a while. Keeps my face matte and oil free.
I very much enjoyed this post! Very well-written 😀 And gathered some new info too. I do agree that some more commercialised baby products aren’t all that gentle and are laddened with ingredients that can aggravate adult skin, what more a baby’s.
Great post, Paris! I found J&J’s baby shampoo great on my thick, wavy until I became pregnant – somehow the interaction between the hormones and the chemicals made my scalp greasy, itchy and dandruff-y that it didn’t work.
I’m pregnant again but found that the shampoo’s OK this time…
Anyway, totally agree with you about not all baby stuff being good because my boy (sensitive skin, eczema) reacts to quite a number of brands! I’m really careful with what I slater onto him.
I have used J and J’s baby lotions and the thicker baby cream (white squishy tube instead of a pink bottle) for as long as I can remember i.e. probably never stopped in the transition between child – teenager. I have recently started using the Boots (UK pharmacy chain) equivalent. Literally no reason for changing other than the fact that I’m now a skint uni student looking to save money wherever I can! I find their baby lotion just as good as an every evening body moisturiser and the thicker cream is great to put on skin to even it out before applying make-up in the morning.
I honestly couldn’t live without my fave baby products. A part of me smiles smuggly when I see the money my friends pour down the drain on extortionate moisturisers.
Also I am one of those people you mention who if given half a chance will sing the praises of baby oil for hours at a time. So here I go… IT IS AMAZING! If you’ve been lazy on the body moisturing for a week or two and need an overnight miracle – this is your stuff! The next day you’ll feel like you bathed in shea butter all the way through your teens.
One bottle lasts forever and it does a great job on elbows and knees. I occasionally use it when I’m out of make up remover as well. I have never known it to clog pores ever ever!
It also makes a tan gleam like you’re wearing glitter.
I have rubbed very small amounts into the end of my hair before to give it a gleam (DEFINATELY do not wear your hair the next day without washing it – let’s face facts it is OIL after all!)
And you can dab a tiny bit onto cheeks after blusher to recreate the naughty post-sex glow look on a night out.
A million other uses too, basically baby oil is ACE!
If you’re looking for a cheap skin solution I’d say give it a try. If it doesn’t agree with your skin you’re barely out of pocket at like £1.99 a bottle.