Most of us take a shower in the evening after work and before bed, and this is when we wash our faces for the 2nd time in the day. For those who use makeup, it is also the time you clean off your makeup and allow your skin to breathe.
I have a suggestion for you to try – wash your face last, after or at the end of your shower. I do this and I wonder if anyone else does? 🙂
My reason for doing so is because I start off my evening shower by washing my hair. After washing and conditioning, I realise that the hair products will run down my face together with the water. I’m not so hardworking as to lean backwards or to lean forwards to drain the water away from the face to avoid this.
So, washing my face only after I wash my hair i.e. towards the end of my shower makes sense to clean off any residue of shampoo and conditioner that might have gotten on my skin. Its also a way to help counter facial acne caused by shampoo or conditioner. If you have sensitive skin washing your face after washing your hair might be something to try.
I’ve also read that by the end of your shower, if you use warm water, the steam and warm air would have caused your pores to open so it gets cleaner. Personally I don’t know if pores open and shut like windows but its certainly something worth thinking about.
I do however, remove my makeup before getting into the shower. If I’m using a cleansing oil, I do so before I shower then I wash my face again towards the end of my shower. I double cleanse as a habit and as a matter of preference.
When do you wash your face? Before or after your shower and do you have a reason why you do so? Its an age old question that has no right or wrong answer so share away! 🙂
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
That’s what I’m doing… 🙂 I wash my hair first, my body then my face.
Hi Amanda
Looks like thats in the majority! 🙂
I make it a habit to wash face first coz well, sometimes after stepping out of the showers…I realised that I forgot to wash my face altogether :P. Not good when you’re already out f the door and on the way to class.
I do make the effort to bend back matrix style when rinsing out my shampoo/conditioner tho XD
Hi Irene
Its easy to forget if you don’t wash your hair but if you do, then washing the face comes quite naturally 🙂 I guess my tip here relates mostly to the evening shower, less so the morning shower. I need to wash my face first thing in the morning to wake up! I can’t bend back though or I’d probably crack my skull or something 😛
i to wash my face last but i have one weird question to which i do hope you could reply. see, i have this paranoia since i have problem/oily/congested skin… we wash our face after our shower, right? but that few hours (say, 8pm-midnight) after cleansing & before going to bed, you would have probably touched your face with your hands, perspired and exposed to dust/dirt. therefore, would it be too harsh for my skin if i washed my face again just before i turn in to bed?
what do you think?
Hi Juan
Personally, I think the few hours between shower and bed is too short to have a lot of dirt accumulate on our skin. Most of the time, these are the hours when its cooler and we’re at home and less exposed to dust, heat etc. If you feel you need to wash your face before bed, maybe just rinse it with cold water. In the alternative, just rinse your face during the shower and wash it properly just before bed. I personally wouldn’t wash my face again with cleansers so soon after the shower because it might strip the skin. Also, once I shower and do my face, I’m not going to do it all over again! 🙂
great tips. thanks!
Similar to the people who left comments, I remove makeup first. Then I will wash my hair, bend to the front. But I will wrap my hair up with a towel when I’m done. I heard that its good to prevent acne on the back as the conditioner might cover the back and it would be form a layer on the skin and cause clogged pores. In addition, I want to wash the back of my neck without hair getting in the way.
Subsequently, I will wash my face (2nd cleansing). Then move on to body cleansing.
Hi Shay
Wow you’re hardworking! I condition and rinse off only then do I wash my body and face – I figure that way most of the conditioner is washed away properly 🙂
Yeah. I’m just paranoid. hehe…Saw it in a magazine. The wrapping up of hair with a towel has been a habit for years already. Its also a good thing to keep hair out of my face if I do a mask after I shower. 😀
well, i remove my makeup before entering shower, but i will only wash my face at the end of shower. no particular reason 4 it, but it seem i am doing something right! yo ho!
What a thought!I use to think exactly the same like you!I’ve been washing my face at the end of the shower, for the very same reason’s u’ve mentioned above where shampoo’s and conditioners residues will trap on our pores after shower. But then I still do get breakouts on n off, plus i think i’ll stick to this method no matter what 😉
What should i use to wash my face in the shower? Is it best to use a soap or a face wash/facial cleanser? Please give me your advice!
Note: I have sensitive skin
Thank you
Hi there, it would be best to use a product meant for facial cleansing, be it a soap or a liquid cleanser. Regular bath soaps can be too harsh for delicate facial skin. Hope this helps.