While rooting around in Watsons and Boots in Bangkok the past 2 days, I came across some unfamiliar products by Maybelline, L’Oreal and Ponds that caught my interest.
Maybelline AngelFit Double Perfector – Concealer & Highlighter
I was intrigued by this product under the Maybelline AngelFit line. AngelFit appears to be an Asia exclusive line and I’ve thus far been quite impressed by most of the products under this.
The new one is Angelfit Double Perfector, which is a dual-ended tube containing a concealer and highlighter. The Concealer has a sponge tip applicator while the highlighter has a brush applicator. I dithered for a long time whether to buy it but decided not to because it came in only 3 shades and the concealer in the lightest 02 shade was a little too dark and yellow for me. The highlighter is a iridescent pink tone that promises to work decently well. I hope it comes in soon and that I find a colour match! It was about THB320+ (approx RM32+). Update: News is, its not coming into Malaysia. Not sure why but we’ll see eh?
L’Oreal True Match Makeup Base
I’m not sure if we have this one here in Malaysia but I don’t seem to recall it. Perhaps I’ve been sleeping 🙂 Do remind me if its available yeah? Its a makeup base or primer under the L’Oreal True Match line. There are 2 formula – Smooth Up and Moist Up. Smooth Up as the name implies gives you a smooth finish and covers up pores while Moist Up adds moisture and should be for dry skin.
They both felt nice on my skin, sinking in without discernable colour and without feeling sticky. Definitely worth taking a look at.
Update: Available in Malaysia at L’Oreal counters in Department stores
Ponds Age Miracle Skincare Line
Again, I’m not sure if we have this here because I haven’t been paying attention much to Pond’s. The bright red colour of the Age Miracle line however caught my attention in Boots pharmacy.
I wonder why companies use Red for anti-aging or anything “age” related. L’Oreal uses red in their Revita-lift line as does Garnier. It must be something psychological. This one however, made me think of SK-II for some reason. Was tempted to try since they were on Buy 2 Free 1 but decided I have too much to be able to do this justice. Still, it does look rather more luxurious than the price belies 🙂
Have you tried either of the above 3 products? They might be available where you are so it would be nice to hear some thoughts if you have.
Stay beautiful
Paris B
I’m looking forward to the concealer and highlighter! The l’oreal makeup base is here but only in l’oreal stores (like the one in KLCC). I have it 🙂 it’s quite good but not great for pictures because it causes a white cast
Hey Connie
Me too! I hope they bring in a lighter shade 🙂
why do the other countries in asia has wider range of products than m’sia? even some of the website of makeup are available for thailand and s’pore but not us… how can this company miss us out when we are located in between them. so sad 🙁
If I recall correctly it’s because our pharmacutical and drug adminstration has ‘higher’ (or different) standards. Believe it or not there is the halal issue and how much alcohol content a particular cosmetic product contains that comes into question many times. Some products in the past were not allowed to be shipped to Malaysia because of the alcohol content. My dad has a tough time finding a replacement for some of his deodorants ^^;;
Hi Germaine
From previous experience, some countries just get the products faster but we get there eventually 🙂 A lot too is based on demand. I’m positively blown away by how much the Thai women take care of their looks and grooming, whether young or old, street vendors or high class shoppers. We don’t see as high a demand for cosmetics here apparently and maybe we have more stringent laws for approving products 🙂
Hehe… Red is a colour that is the most easily recognisable. In fact it’s one of the first colours we see as babies. Red is also a colour that ‘psychologically’ demands attention, passion, swiftness, immediacy. I think that they used red because people who would generally look for anti-aging products would be looking for something that works fast. Maybe the colour gives subtle subconcious illusion that it is so. I guess it’s like how 95% of whitening products in the market are white ^^
Hi Saintangelius
Haha… you could be right though I think Red just seems a colour that’s more mature like Pink is young. 🙂
Hi Paris
I was in India a few years back and bought a lot of their fashion+beauty magazines, where the Pond’s Age Miracle line was heavily promoted. There were some samples of the product attached to these magazines, and i found the product to be quite good. Good to know it’s available in bangkok, as am planning a visit in Oct.
Hi Kay Es
Hmm… looks like its not out here then. I was quite intrigued – thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Pond’s!
What the I thought you spotted this in M’sia! *waaaaaaaaaaaaails in disappointment!*
Hi Kahani
Aww… sorry babes not yet!
Thanks for sharing Paris! I can’t wait to check out the Maybelline and Loreal stuff! 😀
I’ve came across the Age Miracle cream here in India, but never tried it before! hehe!! 😀
Hi Jenn
Me too! Apparently L’Oreal’s is already here so I’m mistaken 🙂
I have used Pond’s Age Miracle products on my trips to India and I like them very much. They’re great if you are under 40. If you’re older, you may want to use an anti-aging serum with these products.
The do not make you break out or clog your pores.
Hi Jamilla
Ok now I’m seriously intrigued! I’ll be sure to check them out when they get here 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Hey! Maybelline has a product over here in the States that looks to be the same as the Angelfit Concealer/Highlighter duo, except its called Age Rewind. Over here it comes in 4 shades (light, light-med, med and dark). I have it, and the highlighter is quite good and some people even compare it to YSL’s Touche Eclat, but the concealer is very meh. Dunno if they changed the concealer formation for Asia, but hey, if the price is right and you want a new liquid highlighter!
Here’s a link for the American product:
Hi Shelly
You’re right! It looks similar. The concealer felt a bit thick though the highlighter was the one that really got me. Thanks for sharing!
Hey Paris,
Just to let you know, you can find the L’oreal true match makeup base at 1 Utama’s parkson as well. =)
Hi Crystal
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
Hi Paris,
Will be in Bangkok soon and I will make sure I check out the beauty stuff there. Anything else I should not miss?
Loreal makeup base is available in Singapore too