If you have been reading this blog of mine long enough, you might have realised that I love my sunscreens and that I’m a mad scientist when it comes to slapping things on my skin.
I’d read lots and lots of articles saying that Zinc Oxide is the best blocker for UVA and UVB rays so when I found out that the Dior Diorsnow Sublissime UV Ultimate Whitening UV Base had Zinc Oxide I pounced on it. Ok that’s a mouthful so I’ll call it the Diorsnow Sublissime UV Base sunscreen instead.
Dior has made this sunscreen cum makeup base in 3 shades – translucent (normal), Mauve (anti dullness) and Beige (tinted). I picked it up in the white and mauve formula during the Dior sale this year. The manufacturing date was 2008 so I figured I’d be ok.
DiorSnow sunscreen has Zinc Oxide but is not thick
The active ingredients for the Translucent SPF 50 PA+++ as stated on the tube are Zinc Oxide 19.41%, Octinoxate (Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate) 7.50%. As for the Mauve SPF35 PA+++ the active ingredients are Zinc Oxide 15.75%, Octinoxate (Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate) 5.50%. That is a pretty high percentage of Zinc Oxide in there!
Despite having a high amount of Zinc Oxide as the active ingredient, the texture of the Diorsnow Sublissime UV Base sunscreen is not thick and it does not leave a white cast on the skin. In that sense, it was nice going on the skin. There is a slight scent but it did not bother me much.
High SPF and PA rating : Blocks UV-A and UV-B rays
It is also SPF50 and PA+++ which is about as high as you can go for conventional sunscreen and one of the highest I’d seen advertised by a department store brand.
The Diorsnow Sublissime UV Base sunscreen kept my skin protected and it did not feel warm even when I went under the sun. Mauve has a liquid texture and acts to enhance luminousity which counteracts dull skin. It works quite well as a base for makeup. All in all, it should be the perfect sunscreen and makeup base.
Works well for some but not for others
The unfortunate thing however, is that neither of the Diorsnow Sublissime UV Base sunscreen worked for me! I couldn’t imagine why but both caused me to break out. I did not quite believe it initially so I stopped everything new, let my skin clear up and then use the Diorsnow Sublissime UV Base sunscreen again.
Boom! Spots appears almost overnight. I was so upset 🙁 I have a suspicion that its Zinc Oxide I’m intolerant to in which case, that’s a right bummer! I’ve done some research into this and will be sharing my thoughts soon. I gave it to a friend who proclaimed their love for it so yeah bummer! 😛
A 30ml tube retails for RM148 or so at Dior counters.
Pros: Zinc Oxide is an effective UVA and UVB blocker, Not sticky or oily, 3 types to suit skin needs, Not thick and no white cast
Cons: Caused me to break out which is unusual
I know that the Diorsnow Sublissime UV Base sunscreen is a popular item and that many people have reported great success using it. One lady at the sale grabbed 6 tubes at a go for herself and her daughter. Yeah so go figure that only I should report breakouts 😛
Have you used this before and do you like it? Am I alone in not having it agree with my skin?
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
I’ve used this before when it was still in the older packaging cos my mum bought it but it was too whitish for her so she passed it to me. It worked fine for me. No breakouts, no clogged pores nothing. I didnt realise how good this product was untill recently I finished the Dior sunscreen and switched to Garnier (I had a free sample sitting there on my table you see) and voila.. immediately clogged pores and dry skin appeared. Sigh. I’ve been walking around for a few days now without sunscreen because I haven’t found a suitable replacement yet =(. Now I don’t think I can revert back to Dior because of the exorbitant price tag T_T. The bottle is so tiny too!
Hi Jas Min
Oh I’m glad to know it works for you! That gives hope to everyone else 🙂 From experience in terms of skincare, I tend to stick to what suits my skin because trying to find a substitute or cheaper substitute just ends up killing my skin and I end up spending more money! 😛
I just came online to check on this product . was checking to see if there’s any comment on this , n came across urs . Now am wondering whether this will cause my pores to clog too . LOL. Anyway am confuse u said that Diorsnow Sublissime UV Base sunscreen is a popular item , which one is the (35spf or 50spf one) ? Im wondering which to use now … can help ? My skin is sensitive n dry to , has never experience any clog pores or pimples before up until recently when i tried the BB cream (so sad) .. Am letting my skin to recover now then wanna change my sunblock ..
PS: Is there any moisturizers to recommend too ? Not to rich as i scared my skin to rich will caused breakouts .. LOL . Thanks for the help .
As far as I recall, all Diorsnow sublissime sunscreens are popular. They just didn’t work for me – it might be the zinc oxide which I can’t seem to use on my face. I have reviewed lots of moisturizers. You might want to take a look at some moisturizer reviews and form your views 🙂
Thanks .. I really love ur post on everything , n i think im going to give this sunblock a chance . =) . But am wondering whether to get it tml or wait until May 1st when i think there will b promo .
PS: n thanks again for the fast reply ..
I got mine during the sales too….lucky no breakout cuz i got 2 bottles!
Hi Irenekay
How are you liking it?
I’d better stay away from that..I’m like you–I rarely break out, but if this made you get zits, I think the same would happen to me!
Hi Jamilla
Heh… Oh dear I hope I’m not making anyone dislike this sunscreen already! hehe
i’ve used it before and the same thing happened. i don’t think it is due to the zinc oxide but more due to the strong perfume content since i do believe i have a sensitive skin. i’ve used sunscreen with zinc oxide before but never broke out in spots.
Hi Juan
I don’t have a problem with fragrance in products but other products with zinc oxide have also clogged my pores but I’ll check up on it more 🙂
oh no..this is quite a bummer.
If not for the breakouts, it sounds like the perfect sunblock doesn’t it?
Is it mousturiser + sunblock ?
Hi Aiyu
Its more of a sunblock/makeup base. You still need a moisturizer. It is perfect ingredient-wise!
Finally, something that I can say I’ve used before..and am still using (though not religiously.. bad, I know).
Works great for me. No breakouts, white cast only last until it dries but the not so nice thing IMO is that it makes my face oily.
Oh, and I got mine during the sale too! 😀
Hi Electronicfly
Yay for sales! 😀 Glad to know its working for you!
I have very oily skin and easily breaks out.
However, I am currently using the spf35 and it’s totally my HG! lurve lurve lurve it. Doesn’t cause me breakouts, and even helped to control my oily skin. Pores are smaller and skin looks smoother.
Sorry it didn’t work on you tho. 🙁 Could it be because you got it from the w/hse sale?
Hi bleusnow
The one I got was manufactured in 2008 so that was only a few months before the sale. I’ve had reactions to some other products with zinc oxide so I’m putting it down to that. That said, it seems to be working for many so I guess I’m just the odd one out – it happens 🙂
I am thinking of getting this cuz of the high zinc oxide content and many good reviews. However, recently I came across the nanoparticle issue on sunscreens, and this Dior sunscreen apparently uses nanotechnology…
What do you think of this?
I’m not aware of this and I don’t have an opinion either way on nano technology as I believe its new and untried for now.
i love this! super love it, am using it right now. it’s so old skool for me, i used to use it like, 8 years ago when it still came in a tube with a round bulbous cap.
but i saw ur shu uemura post, the mousse base cream thingy….not sure if i shud switch…=( my dior one is finishing. what dost thou thinkest
I’d say this one is a sunscreen first and a makeup base second. The Shu Uemura one is a base first and sunscreen second. Depends on what you are looking for.
i er..gasp! DONT use sunscreen.
do u know any makeup base with spf50 pa+++ WITHOUT whitening or brightening ingredients? cause I am intolerance to those ingredients..
i must actually replace my product which i really love n now discontinued.