Saturdays are for lazing away in the sun among the daisies 🙂 But don’t forget the sunscreen! 😀 I’ve been using the La Roche Posay Anthelios XL sunscreen for about 2 weeks now and I must say “I’m in love!” Its works so well but we can’t get it here in Malaysia. I’ve just also got my mitts on the Vichy UV Activ sunscreen SPF50 PA+++ and a teeny sample of the new Lancome UV Expert Neuroshield sunscreen (did you pick up your free sample?) I’ll set up a review and hopefully a comparison soon. 🙂
Unfortunately I’m at work this weekend so the picture above is keeping me happy till I’m done. I also played with some Biotherm Skin Vivo skincare over the week. Revolutionary skincare that treats you from the genetic and DNA level up. Doesn’t it remind you of Lancome’s Genifique Serum? Better yet, Biotherm comes in a whole skincare line and promises 10 years off in 4 weeks. Wow… Benjamin Button anyone? 😉
Here are some deals I picked up online and around town.
- Benefit Powder Pop! Palette
- On the subject of Benefit Cosmetics, items on the Benefit Sale Page are now 50% off. Get together with some friends and get free shipping with orders of US$85 and up. Use the code SHIPINTL and shop away! Oh and you’d get a free California Kissin’ with purchases of $35 and up too – no promo code necessary.
- Win yourself a Clinique Happy fragrance from new blog Red Luscious Lips (until July 31 2009 – see blog for details)
- If you want some excellent makeup storage for eyeshadows or eyeshadow palettes, head down to Ikea and pick up the Glis box with partitions. Its on sale now for only RM19.90 from RM25. I need a couple more methinks!
And here are some sites you could surf over to for some light weekend reading.
- Eat Smart Age Smart- Martha Stewart’s Perfect Summer Picnic Recipes
- Beauty Match– Win A FREE makeover from Ken Paves at a Ken Paves salon!
- My Women Stuff– My Women Stuff asks you whats your favourite undereye concealer?
- A Touch of Blusher – A Touch of Blusher reviews SUQQU’s Loose Powder in Natural
- Raging Rouge – Raging Rouge explains how one pair of flip flops can magically turn into dozens… talk about a budget-saver!
- STYLEnosh– How to wear a maxi dress if you’re on the short(er) side
Ooh and I’m having dinner with my family tonight but we don’t know where to go. Ideas anyone?! 🙂
Happy weekend!
Paris B
Hi Paris,
I’ve ordered Benefit Powder Pop! Palette for my sister and myself and worthy!! plan to buy Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder on StrawberryNet..RM20++ cheaper!! It is LM hot selling items and always run out of stock here in m’sia..have u try it before?? 😛
Hi Corrine
The Powder Pop Palette is an excellent deal! I’m glad you took advantage of it 😀 I haven’t tried the Laura Mercier powder. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever tried anything by LM!
Hi Paris,
Happy Weekend to you too, only got around to come on your blog and leave a comment now and it’s already Sunday night, Happy Week Days too then hehe 🙂
Hi Paris, was just wondering how much did the Benefit Powder Pop! Palette cost you in total? Are there any shipping payment? Am considering it as well…anyway thanks for the info 🙂
Hi Gaya
Its US$15 now – I paid more previously. If you buy 3 items or more you get 5% off. Its free shipping.
Hi Paris,
Can you do a quick swatch on Benefit powder pop?
Happy weekedays!
lemon ;-D
Hi Lemon
Coming right up… once I get some time to myself! 🙂
hi, I bought the Powder Pop Palette RM140++ in KL last time. US$15 is 1/3 of the price that i paid :(. I may be thinking bought another one for stock. 🙂
Hi Tracy
Ooh! Yes you ARE getting a steal if you really like it. I haven’t tried it yet.
Isn’t the Anthelios a bit thick and oily?
Hi Shay
If you have normal/oily skin it can be. I have skin bordering on dry so its working great for me. 🙂
hi paris!
i ordered powder pop twice, the first is when u posted about benefit available on strawberrynet and a week after that i ordered it again cuz the price was just so irresistable.
thanks for the head’s up 🙂
Hi Nia
Wow! You must really like Powder Pop! 😀
its cuz i been eye-ing powder pop! for sooo long and when i found that its been discontinued, i was like bummer. so when i chance upon this offer, i just didn’t think – only click 😛
Owh…i always wanted the Benefit Pop Palette. Do a review pls..BTW, can u give me the measurement of the Benefit box?Is it small/large?
Hi Ayu
A review will come soon – haven’t had the time 🙂