Ever since I discovered Etsy, that shopping place for all things handmade, I’ve been dragged in hook line and sinker. If you can sew or craft then I guess some of the items sold are a piece of cake to make yourself and may even be cheaper.
But if you’re anything like me and can’t sew to save your life, then I shop at Etsy! My latest purchase was from HouseofJam.
Its a gadget case tailored for a pocket camera. It fits my Canon Ixus perfectly when I tried. However, I purchased it to hold my mobile phone! 🙂 Its lightly padded and very well made of a sturdy cotton with a strap. What really caught my eye was the warm autumn colors used. I love autumn – its the best time of year! Of course I was born in Autumn so its no wonder I feel an affinity with it 😀
My card holder is from Etsy too – Gracie Designs. I loved the black and white contrast with the unexpected red heart. What I love best is the slightly surprised look when I pull out my card holder at stiff serious work functions. Hah! Take that you stuffy work people! 😀
I’ll admit that due to the exchange rate of the RM-USD the items may not be all that cheap and we might even find similar items cheaper locally. Still, I’m not complaining that much coz I love what I’ve gotten so far and I love the sturdy materials used and the very good handiwork and one of a kind pieces I’ve picked up. Sometimes, money isn’t quite everything 🙂
Have you shopped on Etsy and if you have, what have you gotten from there?
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
wow the card holder is one great idea! super cute! I am just using a boring leather one 🙂
Hi Nikki
LOL yeah I used to too but decided to go out of the ordinary. I love making people stare when I pull out mine 😉
simple and nice and useful!!
Hi Akiki
Yup! And washable too! 🙂
Very nice, I like your taste ! 🙂
but then, nvm the conversion rates, won’t shipping cost a bomb ?
Hi Aiyu
Surprisingly, shipping isn’t all that expensive for light cloth items like the stuff I’ve purchased. I’ve paid about $4 for the first item and $1 to $0.50 for each additional item and most Etsy sellers are good about refunding shipping if they overcharged even by $1! Its what makes it so much more fun to shop at Etsy 🙂
I love handmade pieces. I grew up in a house that sews, my mother and all my three sisters sew, and two of my brothers know how to too. So I grew up having homemade clothes, it was nice 🙂 Like you, I can’t sew for the life of me, so naturally I was drawn to Etsy. I bought pouches and totes bags so far. I just recently ordered cute stationary from Japan. For the shop names, you can check out the left panel of my blog, I’ve listed a bunch.
Hiya Innerchild
I try not to go to Etsy too often. Its too tempting! LOL… Thanks for your recs 🙂
Etsy has really pretty hand made stuff 🙂 except they’re expensive to post to Australia…pitty 🙁
I too try not to venture into Etsy. They make my fingers itchy. Which is very very bad i must say. Love the first item. Pretty colours! Must check out the other seasons.
Hi Abby
Thanks! Ya I must agree that Etsy makes my fingers itchy everytime so I make sure I convert and then think again! LOL
Ah HAH! House of Jam! I saw that from Rouge Deluxe (I think), and the stuff are gorgeous. I was really tempted to get the iPhone holder for my iPod touch (and then realised I can actually knit something to hold it, so saved the money instead :P)
I LOVE Etsy. Handmade goodies seem so much prettier than mass-produced goods. I’ve bought a makeup pouch, a reusable bag, a wallet, and a few small items from Etsy. Love love love.
I’m planning to sell some stuff on Etsy as well. Will let you guys know when the time comes 🙂
Hiya Tine
Oho! Do let us know yeah? Will support if can 😉
I love Etsy too and have been buying bags and other goodies too 🙂 I think I prefer it to eBay…
Hi Kittycat
I way prefer it to ebay! Less messy and the sellers are more sincere somehow.
i was absolutely way too addicted to etsy. LOVE that place… but just do not need to go there because i was buying way too much stuff….
yay, thanks so much for the feature!
Gracie Designs