Some days I like my Jimmy Choos … other days I like my Bata slippers. I don’t have Jimmy Choos… yet! … but you get the drift. Some days I want my Dior Artistry palette and other days, I glam up with Silkygirl Eyeshadow Blockbuster quads.
Fascinatingly, I was not enamoured with the Dior Green Design palette but I was absolutely smitten with the Silkygirl Forest Green quad. I tried to resist but after 3 trips to check it out at various pharmacies, I caved. At a promotional price of RM18.80 a quad at Watson’s, its just too good a deal to pass up! 😛
The Forest Green palette is the best of the whole lot in my opinion. The colours are the most unique and aren’t duplicated in the duos. Most of the other palettes have at least 1 colour that appears in one of the duos which made me balk from getting them.
Pigment wise, these palettes are nicely pigmented, showing up well with about two swipes, and I reckon they have the same formulation as the eyeshadow duos. The texture feels hard but if you swipe about twice you get a pretty decent pigment. Not exactly buttery but nothing that needs too much scrubbing for the colour to show up.
I use my fingers but a sponge tip applicator is included. I think these shadows work best either with fingers or with sponge tip applicators. Brushes may cause it to look too sheer unless you have very dense brushes.
You can see from the swatches that the shimmer in the mid-green and the bronze shade are strong, and the khaki and dark green make good contour colours.
I was dithering between getting Forest Green or Smokey Charm but after I’d swatched them both, I knew it was going to be Forest Green by a mile! Here’s my inexpert look I did using Forest Green. You can see the colour sheers out a little on the eyes.
The color does fade towards the end of the day, but I wasn’t expecting all that much for the price. If you use it over an eye base, you can expect it to last longer. The colours also tend to be a little flat. You pretty much get a solid block of colour without any variance or uniqueness – again I did not expect it for the price.
If you’ve been curious to see how you look with green eyeshadow (and most brown-eyed girls look stunning in green – it brings out our brown eyes 😉 ) pick up the Forest Green Blockbuster quad from Silkygirl Cosmetics. At RM18.80 (or RM22.90 usual price) you won’t break the bank and you’ll still look good 🙂 You can see the swatches of the other palettes by PrettyBeautiful and Lipglosseater who both did great jobs of it.
Pros: Affordable, Interesting colour combinations
Cons: Fades towards the end of the day, Colours do not have much variance
Did you try any of the Silkygirl Blockbuster quads? How do you feel about green eyeshadow?
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
I just bought this palette as well!!!! I like Silky Girl’s eyeshadows (affordable!!) but like you mentioned the colours fade at the end of the day.
Hi Reese
You know the best thing about Silkygirl palettes? They make great travel companions because you don’t feel bad if they break or get lost and they work! 🙂
heeeheee, i know what you mean, i broke many of my eyeshadows from travelling. I like how easy it is to use my fingers and just apply, other like Rimmel’s (within the afforable range), I have to swatch a few times to get the colours right. Just wish they have more colour choices.
Hurrah for your Silkygirl Blockbuster writeup!! 😀 😀
This one’s definitely value for $$! Yeah they do fade, but nothing an eye base cannot solve! 😉
And oh, i love the way you blended the colors together!! Very nice!! 😀
Hey Jenn
And thanks for your lovely swatches! For something under RM20 I never expected much of it but its lovely
wow. it looks beautiful on you girl 🙂
Thank you Lynn!
Augh now I want it again! I don’t NEED it… but I waaaaan iiiitttt!
Hey Kahani
Haha… I felt that way but figured it was under RM20 – I can live with myself 😛
Hi Paris, this looks very nice!! But I’m into Japanese makeup right now. So, this kinda looks rather flat for me. I prefer shimmery, 3D stuff. hehe…
But maybe it will work with a shimmery cream shadown beneath…hmmm…
Hi Shay
LOL I know all about being in a Japanese eyeshadow phase 🙂 To make this one more 3D, try a gold shimmer highlight over your lid. It diffuses the colour a little and makes it more 3D. A base won’t do much except keep it in place longer 🙂
Wouldn’t that make it more suitable for night??
Nowadays I only do neutral looks for office.
Hey Shay
Actually not really if you keep the shimmer down and just use a touch for highlighting. I always feel a little shimmer perks up the eye area. That said, its usually matter of personal preference – no right or wrong 🙂
lol. I got the same palette as you!~ When I was the palettes , it was the green palette that spoke to me. XP. Contemplating to go back to get other palettes. I have too much shimmery eyeshadow, so this is good for a more toned down, daytime colour.
And I absolutely agree that they are good for travelling!!~
Hi Renz
Yay for great minds! 😉 I know what you mean about this being more toned down. It actually works quite well right? And we can always pile on the shimmer with other highlighters if we prefer 😉
the green looks gorgeous! it looks expensive. I think i can survive with rm20 less in my bank right….lol.
I love the green and the bronze!
This palette looks so pretty! I love the look you did with it, it’s beautiful!