If you have read my introduction on REN Skincare and my review of the REN products I have tried, I hope you have subscribed to the REN Community through the email given. I promised you something good would come out of it, and something has 🙂
REN Skincare is running a “If Your Skin Can Talk Workshop” and they have allocated 30 places for readers of My Women Stuff! How cool is that?! 🙂
Here’s what you have to do:-
- Be a member of the REN Community. If you missed it, here’s the sign up again (please comment using the same email address) – Send an email to [email protected] with your Name, Address, Contact number, Current Skincare and State your interest in getting updates on REN skincare. The email address is not maintained by me but by the folks at REN Skincare and information will be collated by them. I have no access to your info.
- Leave a comment below by completing the sentence “If my skin can talk…” in not more than 20 words.
- Be able to attend on the date and time specified above.
Deadline for participation: 29 June 2009 (12 noon)
30 lucky participants who are part of the REN Community will be chosen by the people at REN from the comments below First 30 to leave a comment are eligible to attend this workshop so be as creative as you can and keep the morning of 18 July 2009 free! 😀
Ready? Go!!
Stay beautiful and good luck!
Paris B
Gee whiz, if my skin could talk, it’ll have a whole litany of complaints… all of which are centered around my now chronically dry and sensitive skin… if I look real close at the surface of my skin, it looks a bit like a desert… plus its flaking off so much I swear its snowing on my table… I’m not sure if the good folks at Ren would want to have a go at my skin… lol. 😛
if my skin could talk, probably it whine how many times I should exfoliate, put on mask twice a week, and be more gentle when I rub my eyes to prevent lines. My skin would also wants to look good with minimal makeup and stay young all the time!
If my skin could talk, it would most probably be saying, ‘Hey missy, don’t u think that someone else is thirsty besides you?
if my skin could talk,it would probably be screaming at me about how i am lacking in the job of taking care of it.
if my skin can talk, it will be begging REN skincare to SOS rescue it!
If my skin could talk it should be singing James Brown’s: “Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good, I knew that I would…” 😀
If my skin could talk, it will ask me to go to the REN workshop and learn more about what REN has to offer. My skin will ask me to talk to ParisB’s skin so that the latter can convince her ‘boss’ to choose me to attend the workshop.
Oh no, I might have already started work by the time this workshop is held 🙁 Bummer!
Good luck to all participants anyways 🙂
Btw Paris, did you know that Sukin Organics is now available on local shores? Spotted them at Jusco 1 Utama & Sunway Pyramid 😉
Hmm means don’t have to sign up for their community anymore right? May I join the workshop then? 🙂
okay! me wanna go! can i join 😀 😀 😀
Count me in!
If my skin can talk, it’d tell me to try out REN skincare and see what it can do to improve my skin.
I’m in!
If my skin will talk, it will be pleading for me to not try out so many random skin care and stick to one that works!
Oh cool so just comment, confirm and we’re in? XD I can confirm *o*/
If my skin could talk, it would have called REN Skincare Workshop to enroll me into this workshop..
“If my skin could talk…I’d be shocked! 😀 ”
but yay on the workshop – haven’t heard much on REN skincare yet, so this should be interesting.. 🙂
If my skin could talk : ‘ plz learn how to take care of me!find the best n REN is ur superman!’