When I first asked for submissions for cat eye makeup looks, no one seemed to take me up on the offer but as we went on (and after a bit of prodding), a couple of girls finally submitted their versions of the cat eye look – thanks dearies! Here’s my cat eye look with the reader submissions below.
For my look, I used the following:-
- Bobbi Brown Sepia Gel Eyeliner lined thickly along upper lash and winged out. Same colour lined halfway from the outside of the lower lashline and end of eye colored in for an upturned winged look.
- I Nuovi D27 eyeshadow in Sabrina (black with sparkles) tapped along the upper lashline and smoked out at outer corners.
- Definite Makeup eyeshadow in Classic Sunflower on whole of upper lid and blended with the black eyeshadow.
- Bourjois Argent (metallic silver) along inner corners and inner corner of lower lashline to open up the eyes.
- Maybelline Cat Eye Mascara on upper and lower lashes.
Its actually my first time doing a cat eye look and I was quite nervous about playing with that much gel eyeliner. I look like I’m about to pounce don’t I 😛 In person, it was really dramatic and strictly for night use only; but the camera washed out colours a little and made it look more wearable. Any thoughts on how I did? 🙂 I thought it looked more Egyptian than catty teehee…
The others who have deigned to share their cat eye looks are showcased below together with my being a part of the Malaysia book of records! 😀
Connie shows her glowy neutral cat eye look.
She did a much better job of it than I did so go learn her tutorial. 🙂
YaHui shows us her cat eye look for monolids.
This is what she used:-
- Prorance gold eyeshadow on lids
- Bobbi Brown Gel Liner in Black Ink to wing upper lid eyeliner. Use the remainder gel liner on the brush to lightly trace the outer corner of the lower eyelid.
- Taiwan handmade falsies that are extremely natural looking as this was a day look. She says: “I find bangs really bring out the sexiness for this type of eye makeup. Perhaps it’s the light touch of shadow cast by the bangs that further mystifies the eyes.”
ChinYee shows off her green cat eye look.
She says: “This is actually my interpretation of a look I got from a magazine. The combination of gold and green and black do rather give it a feline look. Just thought I’d add to your gallery of cats eye look :)”
Reader Natalie slipped in just over the weekend with her look:-
Thank you for sharing your looks girls! Everyone looks amazing 🙂
Now I’ve gone and got “Walk Like an Egyptian” by the Bangles stuck in my head 😛
I’m in the Malaysia Book of Records!
Erm… that’s stretching the truth a little bit although not by much. Watsons and Maybelline were trying to get into the Malaysia Book of Records by having the “Biggest Participation in a Beauty Make-up Event” last Sunday at 1 Utama.The target was 1,500 makeovers done in one day.
The event saw free quick makeovers being done for members of the public who volunteered to have quick makeup done using Maybelline by makeup artists from Clara International and on top of that, you get some free vouchers to spend at Watsons and for Maybelline products. Good deal wot? I liked the fact the first few spaces were reserved for members of the Association of Single Mothers. They were definitely quite happy with their makeup and goodie bag 🙂
I went off initially because the queue waiting to get their makeover done was so long and I was impatient and hungry. After a satisfying lunch and chat with Beetrice, we decided to come back to see how things had progressed and were.. um… sucked into being a part of history 😛 At about 2pm, I was #831 so I don’t forsee a problem for them to hit the 1,500 target.
I only have one question – Why weren’t the makeup artists using the new Maybelline Cat Eyes Mascara? Most of them went for the Volume Express Hypercurl. The girl who did my look gave me quite a scary eye with grey in the New York Nights EyeStudio quad taken all the way up to my brows and I looked a little bruised around the eyes. So, I quickly removed what I could when I had the chance to take it down to a more wearable look. I was quite happy with the cheek colour (Maybelline mineral blush) and lipstick. Then again, I wasn’t expecting all that much from a 15 minute makeover but it was fun nevertheless to be a part of a record-breaking event.
Were you at 1U on Sunday? Did you take the chance to be a part of history too?
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
hey! congratulations on being part of the record! i missed the event, totally forgot about it till i was on my way to klcc IBE =/
Hey prettybeautiful
Aiyo! That’s 2 ends of the world so you’re forgiven teehee… 🙂
I like your kitty look! i don’t know how to describe it but you got the wing positioned very nicely that it’s parallel with the inner slant for you eye.
Ya Hui looks gorgeous in cat eye makeup. it really embraces her monolid. Good job to the other girls too!
Ya la. I see the “bruise” but the eyebrows looked good. At least you’re part of a record and you gots freebies 😀 Ya know I would have gone if I wasn’t in Penang.
Hiya Connie
Coming from the Maestro herself, that’s a great compliment! 😀 Thank you. I know you’d have been there but heck I’d rather be in Penang stuffing my face with food! 😛
Hurrah on getting in on the whole record thing! 😀
PS: Couldn’t do the whole cat eye thing even after I’ve tried. Just realised that I don’t have almond-shaped eyes to pull it off. GAH.
Hiya Tine
You’d have needed a LOT of liner 🙂 Still you have pretty eyes so who needs to look like a cat eh? 😉
ooo… i went there too… and i got a pinky pink eyeshadow make up that makes me looks like a patient with red eye disease… scary… after all things done.. i run as fast as i can to the toilet for the eyes touch up… = =”
Hiya Janice
Pink eye! LOL… so you’re a part of history now too!
Paris, your eyes look gorgeous! And congrats on being a part of the record 🙂
Hi Shop
Thanks! 🙂
I love all the cat eye pics above! My fave is Yahui’s. For some reason I feel that cat eye technique seems to stand out more on monolids. I probably have the worst type of lid for cat eyes cos mine is a shallow double eyelid, with droopy ends. So when I do the flick, it looks ridiculous against the droopy ends! Hence the lack of participation on my part! LOL! Congrats on being part of the Msian book of records:-)
Hiya Monstro
Yep monolids work the cat eye look better simply because its easier to flick the winged look at the end. Also almond eyes work better than round eyes. I guess we’ve never seen cats with double eyelids right? 😛
LOL..hey, it was a morning (and part of the afternoon) well spent at any rate! 😀
I’ve haven’t tried creating a cats eye look, simply because I have a phobia of having that “black eye” look with too much eyeliner! LOL…but never say never..who knows, I may just get up the nerve to one of these days!
Hey Beetrice
Yep it was especially since I tried something new. Nothing wrong with too much eyeliner… unless you are leaving the house LOL… or unless people think you are a secret goth 😛
great job on all the girls here! except for that bruised eye lol. 😀 i’m envious of you and Connie though, you guys can play around with color eyeliner and not break a sweat! if i don’t have my dose of black liner my look will be all gone…
Hi yahui
LOL at the bruised eye but yeah it was scary. Why not try a dark coloured liner – doesn’t have to be black 😉
cat eyes look great! on almost everybody!!!! I would love to be part of it if i’m not too busy with makeup class! but you do know that I am showering my love to you each and everyday!
Wow…you’re part of the world record! yay! it’s really something to be proud of!!! 😀
Hiya Nikki
You’ve been so busy with work and school I don’t know how you are finding time to blog! Hehe… No worries girl, you can take part the next time 😀
Wat discount voucher included ya??
Hello tangzi
Did you mean in the goodie bag? It was a bunch of Watsons vouchers.
I love all the cat eye loos! You all did a great job girls!
And congratulations on being part of the record!
Hi Gio
Beautiful cat eyes! 🙂 I’ve never done cat eyes before. The only person I know who does is my sis… she’s a cat woman day and night.
Hey Amanda
Ooh she could give us all some tips! 😉 Why not give it a go yourself?
Congrats, being part of a world record by having a free makeover? That’s fun!
Oh we shouldn’t expect too much from a person who had makeovered hundreds of ppl for free in a day. That must b tiring.
Hi Hanna
Honestly, I think its just a Malaysia record hehe… Yeah I guess I couldn’t expect too much but I was just rather disappointed because everyone else seemed to do a pretty good job 🙂
Oh really? I thought everyone else got an equally bad makeover? =P No wonder la u’re a bit disappointed. Maybe it just wasn’t ur luck. =)