If you’re still stumped at what to get your Mum for Mother’s Day you could try winning her a gift instead. Or win yourself a gift thanks to Pattybelle.
2 lucky Mums or readers stand to win one of these gift sets.
The prizes are a 2 Tresor Cube Bags filled with Yuan Organic Soap, La Fontaine Pure Collagen Mask and Tsuya Tsuya Callus Removing Patch.
The terms of this giveaway is very easy:-
Share with us the most memorable moment with your Mother in a comment below.
Because its Mother’s Day, everyone can take part irrespective of whether you have won anything before. The winners will be chosen by the owner of Pattybelle and prizes will be sent by them. This is only open to those with a Malaysian mailing address or if you are living overseas, you can still enter if you get the gift sent to your Mum here in Malaysia if you win! 😉
Contest runs until 6 May 2009 12 noon so hopefully you’ll get your prizes in time for Mother’s day!
Have fun!
Paris B
My best memory is when my mum accompanied me on a holiday to Paris. They say Paris is the city for lovers but sharing that experience with my mum made me look at Paris from a different view and a no less special one!
The most memorable moment with my mother is during my first coloring competition when I was in kindergarten. She was accompanying me by my side and was trying to help me to paint the drawing when the teachers were not looking. When I tried to color the floater yellow and black which I started off with black, she asked me to color with yellow first so that the black wont smear off. Brilliant mum! For the competition I have won the first prize… Of course I could not make it without her.. 😀
My most memorable moment with my mum was when she took me into her arms and comforted me when I had a bad bout of food poisoning and was shivering from the pain throughout the night until the morning. We thought it was just another stomachache but when I broke out in cold sweat, she bundled me up and drove me to the hospital.
the most memorable moment of my mum was when i was really really heartbroken after a break up. i was pretty much distraught for a long time. my mum one day came up to me and asked me if i was pregnant! i was so shocked and young.. and i wasnt pregnant! but .. it was a very memorable moment not just cuz it was shocking, but because it showed me that my mum loved me so much and would stick through thick and thin with me! no matter how bad the situation is.
The most memorable moment with my mother is during the first month after I gave birth to my son, only then I realise how much she has done for me as a mother and how unconditional a mother’s love is to her children, that bring us even closer.
I don’t get to feel what is like with my mum as my mum died when i was just a baby. But I’m lucky to be brought up by my aunt whom i really rely and treat her as my mum. The most unforgettable & memorable moment that i have with her was when i was 4 years old. The night before she start her first work, I was so sad because it was the first time she is not around with me. I cling to her the whole night until i felt asleep. When i woke up early the next morning, she was not there by my side anymore. My world is dark and lost without her. Then suddenly I heard her voice outside the house and i ran to the window just to say bye and my tears just can’t stop cascading down my cheeks….She smile back at me and give me a french kiss. At that moment, i saw the light of my hope from her and noticed that she is my most treasured person in the whole wide world.
The most memorable moment with my mom was when she went for my convocation. I could never forget the moment when we went for a studio photo session when I wore my graduation robe and hat, her face was beaming joyfully. She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever saw, and the smile came within her heart.
The most memorable moment with my mom was when I was awarded a certificate of achievement for my SPM exam… She was so proud and happy that when I asked her whether she wanted to come, she said,’Why U don’t want me to go? This is not an everyday event’… She smiled, clapped, and was practically beaming when my name was called at the ceremony… =)
It was one of my happiest and I’m sure HER happiest day…
Every moment spent with my mum is the most memorable moment for me.
The most memorable moment with my mum is when I as in form 3 and I had to finish off a sewing project. I didn’t know how to use the sewing machine and she ended up helping me and she did a wonderful job with my project. Of course I helped out wherever I can and it was the time spent together finishing off a project that made it so memorable. I still have the project with me now and it reminds me how lucky I am to have a wonderful mum like her =)
My mum is always a cold person. Hardly compliment or giving supportive words to my brothers and me.
When I was studying in Melbourne, I was having difficulty on my studies and going a tough time with exams. I gave her a call telling her that I might fail my subject. Her answer was,’It’s okay. At least you know you tried your best. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine’. The moment she finish her sentence, I was in silence tearing on the other side of the line. With her supportive and kind words, I pass the subject with flying colors.
Thanks Paris for this contest. At least you remind all of us what wonders has all mum did for their children. They are like a superwoman or wonderwoman in the house.
Ah, the most memorable moment with my mother. 🙂 What a sweet contest! My mum loves these Yuan soap, I’ve bought them for her before.
I’m very close to mum because I’m an only child, so my mother is really my best friend in the world. My most memorable memory (lol) is probably the time when I dropped out of law school because I couldn’t take the pressure… and I thought my whole life was over, and I had destroyed my future. My mum cried when I cried, because what mother wants to see her daughter sad – and she said to me, “It’s okay to make mistakes.”
She supported me through what I feel was the darkest time of my life, and if it weren’t for her love (and my father’s love!), I wouldn’t be able to be the sunny optimistic person I am today.
So whenever I feel like giving up, or if I feel like I’m screwing things up and there’s no turning back, I remember what she said… “It’s okay to make mistakes.”
The most memorable moment with my mum is when i was 6. I always had a bad tummy and one midnight, it was so pain that they admited me into the hospital. The doctors draw blood from my thumb and it was painful. I blame my dad since he was the one who drove me there. Mummy comforted me the whole night while I was ignoring daddy. She even brought me the the fish aquarium and said “owh see the fish so cute” when i smiled, she quickly said, “dont angry daddy la, he scared you pain pain ma” i replied “now my thumb pain!” haha and i remember everything till now.
the memorable moment is that when she cooked something I love,especially for me.
My most memorable moment with mum is 2 years ago, when I finally spoke out the words buried deep in my heart for a long time and dare not to say even though I really wanted to express my true feelings.
And guess what I said?
“Ma…I love you…”
She looked at me in disbelive, and maybe a little touched. After a few seconds, she just murmured, “Go to bed. It’s very late already.”
I knew she was happy to hear my “confession of love”, because I saw her smiling quietly to herself when she walked out from my bedroom.
Ahhh…my cute mother! You really deserve a kiss and a big hug! Happy Mother’s Day!
This particular incident stuck with me vividly: we were all having dinner at a restaurant and the subject of me leaving for overseas to study came up (at that time I was waiting to hear whether i got into any unis or not). My mum started tearing up when my dad was discussing how I was to spend my holidays back in KL etc.. I was surprised and shocked and that made me realize how much she loves me and would miss me when I’m away. I wouldn’t call that the most memorable moment but that was certainly a moment I would never forget.
My most memorable moment with her is when i was 10 years old.I’m a playful kid back then, and still am 1 right now.I was playing with soap water which i proudly made and cover my feet with 2 plastic bags.I poured the soap water on the floor so that it will be all slippery and i can glide/ skate like those ice skaters i saw on TV.It was very amusing and fun at that time, untill i fell down and landed on my chin.My mom was taking her afternoon nap like usual but i woke her up with a loud “THUD!”.She rushed to me and saw that my chin was injured and my jaw bone was visible because i landed myself on a cement floor.There was so much blood everywhere, i was amused rather than afraid.My mom on the other hand always has blood-fright.I could still remember her looking pAle, shocked, nauseated and she was about to faint.Despite all that, she came to me with a worried face and ask me if my chin hurt and if im ok.I told her yes it hurts but im fine.She drove and rushed me to the hospital eventhough i know she feels dizzy at that time.When we reached, the doctors thought that she was the one in trouble and wanted to look at her first.But she insisted that she was fine and wanted them to checked on me.Shortly after she puked there.Moms are the greatest person ever lived on earth.They go through so much pain, starting from the first day they conceived untill childbirth and that doesnt end there.They continue to serve, to care,to help their child eventhough they have to sacrifice themselves.No one in this world could have done more than this.So if they could love us everyday, why should we show them that we care only on mothers day?Everyday should be mothers day, and to all moms out there, Cheers!You guys are wonderful!I love my MOM!!
I have always had a phobia for cockroach. Whenever I see one, I would be totally freaked out. I remembered that on a few occasions when I was a young girl and had discovered some cockroaches lingering in my room in the middle of the night. I would run straight to wake my mom up for help. Although she was sound asleep, she never failed to come to my rescue without any complaint. Back then, I only felt grateful for her help. My most memorable moment with her however, was a few months back. I’m now a mother myself and one day, I found a cockroach in the toilet. I am ashamed to admit this, but, once again, I ran to my mom for help. Now, in her 60s, she had still came to my rescue without hesitation. I saw how she steadily caught the cockroach with her bare hands. At that moment, I thought how cool and calm she was. For the FIRST time in my life, I actually thought my plain housewife mom is SUPER COOL like a SUPER HERO.. Even my hubby or brother could not do this.. Hahaha.. After that I started to tell my friends how COOL my mom is, and how she can catch cockroaches with her bare hands!!
Of course I can remember the many heartfelt moments of how she would selflessly sacrificed for me. But that incident made me thought of my mom as a SUPER HERO! It is truly a memorable moment with her for me. 🙂
The most memorable time with my mother is the times spend working with her in the kitchen, where she taught me all my cutlery skills. On one hand she would be cutting, cooking, etc.. on the other she would be giving orders to us on what to do… lol… it was so much fun. Working together help us got closer. We would talk about our school life and discuss all kinds of things in the kitchen.
Needless to say she was a good teacher. Till this day, she never has to worry about our getting good food, because she knows we (her children) can all cook for ourselves and never stave.
Now, every time i go into the kitchen i will remember my mom and what she taught me and all those good times spend together.
There are so many memorable moments I have shared with my Mom, but the one that I remember right now was the first time she tasted my homecooked claypot chicken rice. I used my Mom’s recipe and I could see the pride and joy in her eyes as she enjoyed every mouthful!