Before I give you the list of winners, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who took part in the last giveaway and for your lovely encouraging comments. I can’t answer every single one, but there are a couple of recurring trends for future requests that I thought I could address on a global scale.
- More thoughts on cheaper low end items/brands – I’m trying – believe me! If I do find something cheap and good that works, I’ll definitely highlight it since I too am always looking out for bargains. 🙂 Sometimes though, nothing does the job quite like the original (more expensive) version and since many products for product reviews come from my own pocket its going to get expensive testing every single item in the market, cheap or not.
- Readers Request – If you have a request for a product review or a question please feel free to email me. I don’t know if I can always fulfill your request or answer your question but I will definitely try to whether in email or through a Q&A online. For product reviews again, a lot comes out of my own pocket so I cannot always cater to all requests. But as I said, I’ll try 🙂
- Photos!! Haha… I’m afraid you’re going to have to make do without photos of me my dears. I’m not into taking photos and I’m not a make up artist so my looks are average at best. There are tons of other girls who do amazing looks and tutorials though (2 friends SkinDeco and AskMeWhats come to mind). I will continue to have actual product photos where possible and color swatches to help you make up your mind about products. Sometimes, I’ll slip in a photo or two of the product being used e.g. on eyes, lips or face 🙂
- Something about Nails and hair please – Nails and hair are unfortunately not my passion. My hair is servicable and easy to maintain so nothing exciting there. If I do try something on I like I will write about it. But for nail art or pretty nails, you need the experts – AskMeWhats and Prettybeautiful are where you should go.
- Makeup Tips & Brushes – I do have some upcoming brush posts so this will please those who have been looking for them 🙂 I have brushes but because brushes don’t expire or finish up, I don’t replace them much! So, posts on brushes will be there but it won’t be often. As for makeup tips, I will share tips I come across from time to time. Sometimes, tips are hidden in the relevant product reviews so you’d have to read them all 😉
- Show a bit o’skin – Skincare is something I will also try to emphasize although I’m not much into organic or home remedy skincare for various personal reasons. I will write about them as I come by them or when I test them though never fear! 🙂
- Makeup and food – I agree it goes together. So, if you’d like to read food reviews, head on over to Pink Parisian (defunct). Same author, different site, all about food!
- Something about Health please – This is a theme I am looking to explore. I will try to incorporate health news as and when I can or come across something that is worth highlighting.
Thank you for all suggestions – I will try to take into account your suggestions and requests wherever I can and incorporate them to make this a happier place for us all! 🙂
And now for the winners drawn randomly by 2 different people who don’t even read my site!
Prize #1 Winner – Sherbet
Prize #2 Winner – Serena
Congratulations to the winners! You have 48 hours to reply to my email with your mailing address failing which I’ll pick a new winner. You don’t want that happening eh? 🙂
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
Oh my god, I can’t believe i won! woohooooo THis win couldn’t have come at a better time, it’s my birthday tom! thanks so much and keep up the good work blogging!
Hi Serena
What a coincidence! Congrats 🙂
congrats to u Serena…
PB!!!! Thanks for the shoutout, you gave me a warm fuzzy feeling when you attach the word expert and Askmewhats , SO NOT TRUE but it’s nice to be called that way, I feel so special LOL thank you PB, I have to say it here that I got inspired to blog because of you, I said that before and I’ll say it over again 😀
Hey Nikki
Of course you are a nail expert 😀
gratz to the winners XD
Ara? I won? *pinches self hard* Ow, ow…. I guess I’m not dreaming afterall. Yay~~ XDD
Thanks Paris. This made my day!
OT but I grabbed Stila’s Color Convertible in Petunia thanx to your review :P. Looks quite natural so I’m happy with it.
Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to winners!
Congrats to winners!
Enjoy your prizes!
HI! Congrats…it’s always a pleasant surprise to win hehe Enjoy your winning.