I’d been seeing the ads for the Olay Total Effects Touch of Foundation on television lately and I have been curious about it but too busy to check it out. Yesterday I had a chance to.
This is a new addition to Olay’s Total Effects line. I liked the Olay Total Effects cream so I would expect this to perform the same way. Like the Olay Total Effects Cream, it is a moisturiser with 7 in 1 anti-aging therapies and SPF15. What makes it different is the addition of foundation.
Does this sound suspiciously like BB Cream to you? Moisturiser, check! Sunscreen, check! Foundation… check! 🙂
What truly intrigued me was the blurb on the box that said that the foundation comes in 1 shade that will “blend to the skintone of most women”. Fascinating! A one size fits all in cosmetics – unheard of.
Unfortunately, there was no tester available – why on earth do they do this? A tester would go so much further to encourage sales. So I had to regretfully pass on this one until I find a tester – I’m curious about the one size fits all foundation bit. No other brand or product I know of makes this claim.
Have you tried the Olay Total Effects Touch of Foundation? Was it hot or hype for you?
Its Saturday and I have a full day of activities lined up – whee! 😀 Have a great weekend everyone and…
Stay beautiful!
Paris B
Hi Paris, my mom has been using this Olay Total Effect for quite some time.
I always think that it is more suitable for elder people.
I dunno. I am 23 this year. Should I start to use anti-aging product like Olay total effect?
Hi Celine
In my view anyone in their 20s don’t need antiaging products no matter what the beauty counters tell you. Your skin is in its prime and full of collagen. So I’d stick to the basics and wait till you’re older before starting an anti-aging regime. Thats my view of course 🙂
I work as a consultant and always recommend my clients treating there skin at younger age as your skin will be stronger by the time ageing kicks in meaning your skin has had a head start and is prepared for the course of ageing, it can decrease the chances of developing age spots (if your anti ageing product contains SPF) and deep set wrinkles, if you start young your skin is more accepting of the anti ageing and will soak the essential vitamins necessary to keep the skin plump and healthy,the problem with using anti wrinkle creams if you already have wrinkles is that the skin doesn’t retain as much water and doesnt hold as much anti ageing ingrediants which means the product isnt as effective as when you are younger theres never a bad time to start anti aheing creams they really do help! the later you start the harder the it will be to help to decrease the anti ageing process but if you prepare your skin early on in life the ageing course wont take effect as quick and will be in healthy condition (with a proper skin care routine) i started when i was 18 so i think this is more than a suitable age to start
this doesn’t work for me 🙁 Sad to say, got some bumps on my cheek after using this!
Hi Nikki
Thats horrid! At least you worked it out though so you can avoid it 🙂
I’ve lost count of the number of bottles I’d finished up for this moisturiser (the last time I flew to Ipoh, I bought 10 bottles of the day and 10 of the night cream cos it was $-to-$ and I saved so much!). It’s my HG and I really want to give it all the credit for giving me glowing skin (on days that it actually glows!) I’d want to try this out of loyalty for Olay but I doubt I’d repurchase. Finding that one perfect shade from every line/brand of makeup is almost impossible, what makes olay think their one-shade-fits all foundation is doable?
Hi Geekchic
I agree – 1 shade to suit them all? Not likely mate! Still, you have an affordable daily moisturiser which means you can splurge on other stuff 😉
i’m intrigued too… *sighs* they really should have testers.
Hi Connie
Yep – maybe somewhere else has them. I’ll keep looking 🙂
Just bought this in medium in the UK. Boots has testers as well. ( there are different shades avavaiable here, go amazon or boots website)
Hope that helps
I have not tried it either but from previous experiences with other brands, tinted moisturizers hardly covered any skin flaws. They are not comparable to BB creams at all. But if anyone has tried Olay’s, I’d like to hear their comments please.
Hi Bella
Tinted moisturisers are usually very sheer – not a replacement for foundation. I just reckon the concept is very similar to BB creams – maybe not the texture nor coverage.
I can’t believe there is a one-shade-fits-all product for foundation. I have read some brief reviews of this product and some claim that the shade of the foundation is too orangey or too dark for their liking, whilst others state that the coverage is rather sheer. Of course there are others who like it for the time-saving properties. so I would say, it all depends on the SHADE of the foundation.
Why no tester? Perhaps the shop thought that since it is a one-shade-fits-all, there was no need for one! LOL!…big mistake! 😛
Hi giddy tigress
Some reviews says it does meet a range of skin tone as it is super sheer but I guess you can’t win them all – orangy and dark is not good for me!
i have it and im not a huge fan- the coverage definitely isnt enough for me and the colour is alright (nc25, revlon colorstay sand beige, giorgio armani luminous silk foundation in #5) but a tad orangey. so basically i would much rather stick to the normal one without any foundation. if you would like a sample id be happy to send you one, just email me 🙂
Hi yl
Thanks so much for your feedback! Its been helpful – orangey doesn’t sound good to me at all! Thanks for the offer 🙂
Maybe you can check out this website for reviews if you haven’t come across it:
Most agreed that it’s not suitable for fair skin though.
Hi Lisa
Yep I’ve checked out the reviews but elsewhere – generally its been just ok. I do want to try it in person or at least have a report from someone who has tried it.
I don’t believe in a one-shade-suits-all thing. How does that work for really pale or really dark skin??
Hi Tine
Thats what I thought too!
nice theme!
i saw this at guardian too and too bad they have no tester. but i do think tht it is so so similar to BB since it is also ONE tone for all and it will magically blend into most tone colors. i wish i could test this out to try though.
Hi prettybeautiful
Thanks! Yep that’s what I thought too – its such a concept similar to BB creams. Will let you know where I find a tester 😉
Sounds like BB cream. But anyway, I just bought a BRTC BBcream. If not I will really love to give Olay a try, way cheaper though.lol!!
Correction,correction to u all women… One shade fits all is impossible for foundation but this one is not o foundation, it is more like a tinted moisturizer…Word ‘ A Touch Of…’ here indicate that it is only slightly tinted which means it doesn’t has deep pigmentation like foundation or powder, that’s why one shade fits all because the color is not really shows on your skin…imagine you mix a very little bit of your foundation into a scoop of your moisturizer lotion, your lotion will change its color according to your faoundation A BIT but try putting it oon your skin and you will find it is not act like your foundation as the coverage is poor..This is because it when you do so, your lotion not transform into a foundation but becoming tinted moisturizer…So, ladies, beware before you jump into puzzlement..!!!!
I’ve bought the Complete Care one in shade fair and I can honestly say that it’s the best tinted moisturiser I’ve used. I previously used Nivea Visage and I had to use my Olay Complete Care Day Cream underneath it as it was a useless moisturiser, so the Olay one actually saves me money!
I’ve been using this product for more than a week now and so far so good. It does blend with my skin type but unfortunately to the extent that it appears as if I did not use any foundation at all. Since it’s basically a moisturizer, you would not expect any mattifying effect and good coverage. I still have to put powder on top. Feels great though after application. Olay products has been excellent moisturizers. I’d rate this product 7/10.
I bought this product a few weeks ago and i absolutely love it. Im a 25 year old who wears MAC foundation which is particularly heavy during the week days for work however, for the weekends i wanted something that worked as a mosturiser and gave some colour to my face and this product certainly does both. I must admit, the coverage is not the greatest but you cant expect that from a tint. I do use a bit of concealer to cover up any spots if needed. The colour is fantastic on my skin and gives it a lovely glow. I would recommend this to my friends!
hi, i have really pale skin (Chanel #05 or #10, basically the lightest shades on the market) and for me this is a little too dark, i mix it 2 parts with 3 parts of the regular “gentle” olay total effects foundation and then it works great, but it doesnt cover anything – even if i use it alone. but it does help on days when i am very pale (and i mean even paler than my usual very pale) due to lack of sleep etc.
if you want a bit of fun give it a try, but dont expect wonders.
hope this helps, cheers!
p.s. i can send you a sample in a small ziplock if you like, where do you live?
This works so well on my skin.Definitely my HG moisturizer 😉
i know im pretty much waaay late on commenting~ but just thought id share a li on my experience with this.
im pretty tanned/olive (thai) skin n have always had trouble looking for a foundation that would work really well (unless i mix it up a lil)~
im also the typical lazy makeup
girl as well, so when i found out i had a brain tumor preventing destoryin my hormones n dryin up my skin (possibly aging me as well) @25~ i went to look for my first anti wrinkle cream (early prevention is the key to aging i guess). and with olay tinted moisturiser~ i was surprised!
it blended so well with my skin~ i skipped everything (even base and powder). it felt pretty natural, not thick or cakey and my collegues ha no idea i wore makeup to work. every1 just thought it was good skin! so i definatly recommend it and believe it was seriously “one colour fits all”,because this by far has been the best foundation ive tried!
Can you please help me how to open Olay total effects 7-in-1 anti-ageing cream
normal spf 15..i’m trying all my best to open it but its not work.
Looking for Olay 7 in 1 Total Effects Anti Aging Daily UV moisturizer with a touch of foundation……medium skin tone