Guess who’s in Marie Claire magazine for November 2008?! 😀
Not on the cover (of course! Though I wish I could be that tall!)
If you flip on over to page 149 there in all its glory is my short little interview with Marie Claire together with picture! OMG! 😛
I was called “The Blogger” and yes, I’m known there also as Paris B! 🙂 I’ll try to get a scanned copy up soon (I don’t have a scanner) . My thanks to the lovely Afdeza and crew for the article and pictures and to Ee-Tan for alerting me to the fact the November issue is out!
Coming this week too! What a wonderful birthday gift to be sure! 🙂
Update: 12 Oct 2008
Here’s the scanned article for those who have no access to the Malaysian Marie Claire November 2008. You may click to enlarge.
Congratulations on being featured on Marie Claire. That’s fantastic! But now you’re no longer anonymous. Hahahah 😀
Do scan the article when you can, as I don’t have access to Malaysian Marie Claire here. Cheers 🙂
Wow, must scan and show us! We’ve not seen Paris B close up! 😉 But I must say, you’re very fair!
congratulations!!!!! i’ll definitely get a copy 🙂
Congratz… it feels like meeting my fav beauty blogger in person… keep up the good work… its a nov copy right?
@Tine : Thank you! Well there is still relative anonymity 🙂 The scanned version will be up soon.
@Sesame: Thanks! Up close and personal eh? 😉
@Kimberlycun: Thank you!
@Affy: How sweet of you to say so. Yes, its the November issue thats just out in stores.
Hey it’s a pic of your WHOLE body!! 😀
Congrats on being featured-very cool!
And Happy Birthday!!!
Well done & congratulations! You deserve it 🙂 Maybe you’ll now inspire me to start reviewing more stuff I’d bbeen buying 😛
hehe…well done! finally full profile eh? 😉 (love the dress in the pic too btw!)
wooooow Paris…congrats!
I’ll but it 😀
to Affy,
is that u from the indonesian fashion blog? 😀
@Monstro : ROFLOL! The sum of parts! 😛 Thanks!
@geekchic: Thank you and please do! It’ll help us all.
@beetrice: Heh… yeah it was a matter of time I guess 😛 Thanks!
@reeka: Thanks!
Wow! awesome…i shall get that copy soon. Now i shall know how PB look like & if i get the chance to bump into u, i can say hi
and the legs!!!
ok, i am dying to see the close-up version. i think i like your hair this way better than when we met up.
congrats!!! i should have bought that meg this morning! but i got 2 other different ones.
darn it. will head back to the news agent tomorrow.
Happy Birthday Parisb and this is a wonderful bday gift! To finally see a FULL FACE OF YOU! 🙂 hehehe I can’t wait to see the scanned version, congratulations!!!! 😀
@Smiley : Heh sure thing!
@Jojoba: Yeah it was a bit unexpected LOL.. The hair is a bit of a mess now – need a haircut badly! Thanks! 🙂
@nikki: Haha I think that’s what everyone’s thinking “We’re finally seeing PB!” 🙂 Thanks girl! Scanned version will be up soon.
Waaaaah! We have a mini-celebrity in our midst! Hehe. 😀
Congrats on the feature… I’m going to pop over to Kinokuniya at lunchtime today to buy the mag and support you!
i was thinking about it this morning while on the way to office, and voila! it’s out! gonna go buy one and support! 😛
They should have given you a foot spa massage too since you are obliging them with an interview 😀
Congratulations & Happy Birthday! I’m excited to know more about my fav. blogger. Gotta get that copy during lunch later. Marie Claire will have you to Thank for the increase in sales. (Ha Ha)
@rinnah : Thanks Rinnah! 🙂
@plue: Thanks!
@pablopabloa: Haha… maybe next time eh? 😉
@Ant : Thank you!