If its true that acne and pimples are signs of youth then I’m never growing out of my teenage years! The sad truth is that adults do get acne or if not acne, then pimples or spots.
You always know when to expect an outbreak – during that dreaded time of the month when hormones go a little nuts. I was told that if your breakouts are confined mostly to the chin area, those are hormone related. I paid attention and true enough, time of the month spots happen around the chin. Less so now, but I do still get one or two.
But sometimes, you may find yourself breaking out on other parts of the face at a time that is unrelated to your period. You might want to consider then, if it is related to any of the following factors:-
Cause: Your Shampoo or Conditioner
I experienced a bad breakout once with a conditioner that was great for my hair but hell for my skin. True, washing your face after washing your hair may help, but I tried that and it still didn’t do much for me. So, I’ve decided that there are some ingredients in hair shampoo or conditioner that may cause people to break out.
Cure: To check, stop using that particular shampoo or conditioner for a week or two. If your breakouts clear up, it might be because of the hair product.
Cause: Stress
Obvious as it sounds, stress is bad for the skin. If you close to exams, having a rough time at work, going through a bad relationship… anything that puts you under stress, then chances are your breakouts are caused by stress.
Cure: If its exams then its temporary until the exams are over. If its work or worry, then I suppose its harder to resolve but taking stock of the situation and trying to find a solution may help. Alternatively take time off and go on a holiday, or to a spa or just go for a facial or massage and relax.
Cause: Lack of sleep
I found that when I don’t have enough sleep, I start breaking out. There was a period of my life when I was not sleeping enough due mainly to my own folly, and my skin paid the price.
Cure: When I realised the problem, I made it a point to cut out distractions, stop staying up late, and get some restful sleep. 2 weeks later, my skin was back to normal. Don’t underestimate the curative powers of sleep.
Cause: Food
Sometimes, breakouts may be related to certain foods especially if you might be allergic to them. Dairy products are a common cause as well as over doing the fried foods. There is no scientific proof that chocolates will cause breakouts, but I’m Chinese and I believe that foods are “heaty” and “cooling” and “heaty” foods are more likely to cause breakouts. Chocolates fall under being “heaty” and if you overindulge, the skin pays the price.
Cure: If you can isolate the problem food, then it will be easy to cut it out of your diet. However, for most of us, its not that easy so moderation is key.
Cause: Dirty makeup brushes and sponges
Again, this is something quite obvious but often overlooked. Makeup brushes that are used everyday get dirty and caked up with powders and oils from your skin. Facial sponges for foundation or powder are the same.
Cure: Wash your brushes weekly! Some people say daily but I think a weekly wash is sufficient. Make it routine and you’ll find it easy to do. For facial sponges, wash them or replace them regularly. If you don’t want to use facial soap, there are any number of brush cleaners in the market that you can use. Look in any major brand and they should have a cleaner that is usually very easy to use.
Cause: Bedsheets and Pillow Cases
Another easily overlooked cause for pimples and spots are pillow cases. When you sleep, your hair oils will get onto your pillow case and this builds up. Then, when you put your face on it, it causes breakouts.
Cure: Change your bed linen often. If you have oily hair or an oily scalp then change your pillow cases at least once a week.
Cause: Touching your face often
Sometimes, without realising it, you may find yourself touching your face throughout the day. Your fingers and hands pick up bacteria easily and when you touch your face, you transfer this bacteria to your face.
Cure: Don’t touch your face or pick at your face! Picking at your face or at a spot will only make it worse. Easier said than done, I know but try.
Cause: Using the telephone
If you notice a breakout along your jawline, and you are prone to cradling the phone headset against your face, stop. Phone headsets have bacteria and cradling it against your face and shoulder is not only bad for your posture, it also introduces bacteria that forms spots.
Cure: Hold the telephone headset in your hand in a proper manner away from your face. Your face and shoulders will thank you for it!
Cause: The Sun
The sun is not only bad for the skin in terms of UV rays, but it also causes spots. I’m not quite sure how this is so. Perhaps, the sun and heat causes the skin to get oilier and the sebum gets trapped and turns infected thereby causing a pimple to form. But if you have been out in the sun for any long period of time, you may notice that your skin tends to be spotty or rough.
Cure: Stay out of the sun. Easier said than done in this tropical land of ours, but where possible, carry an umbrella, wear a hat or stay in the shade. Of course, these precautions are over an above using a suitable sunscreen!
There are lots more causes of acne or spots that I have read of but these are just a few that I personally have experienced and so wanted to share. If you know of other causes, or if you have experienced a breakout as a result of something not mentioned, feel free to share in the comments below! 🙂
Oh yes, I constantly have this problem. Every month, I get some sort of acne that leaves a giant scar on my face! It’s either on my nose, chin or cheek area right next to nose. So frustrating! And it’ll just be one at a time, so it doesn’t warrant me going to the doctor for oral meds. On the other hand, it leaves me with huge pitted scars! 🙁 I do think mine are hormone related, so can’t do much about them-boohoo!!!
@Monstro : When I feel a giant one starting, I usually do one of 3 things – slather it with tea tree oil at night, dab on some pimple cream or slather on apple cider vinegar neat right on the spot. Most times, I managed to kill it before it got out of hand. Give it a shot!
i used to have pimples since i was a teenager.. but it get worst in early this year since i started taking evening primrose oil to cure my PMS and period cramps. i have oily skin, and i dint know that EPO is not suitable for those who have oily skin. by then, it’s too late..
i went for acne treatment at this cosmetic clinic.. (it is operated by non – skin specialist doctors).. he prescribed me acid peeling.. to peel the outer layer of the skin so that the pimples will have the chance to ‘breathe’ and disappear.. sadly, my skin became worst !!! it was really red and peeling.. and i had to go to the office and everyone stared at me.. and the pimple still growing at other places on my face..
the final resort was going to the real skin specialist. i was sceptical at first because i’ve tried taking all sorts of antibiotic medicines but nothing works. the doctor prescribed me isotretinoin and slowly, the pimples disappeared. the medicine dries up the skin so that the pimples wont have any chance to grow.. the medicine is so good and now my skin is smooth and there’s not even one pimple on my face..even during the time of the month. however, the doctor warned me to stop taking the pills at least 3 months before if im planning to get pregnant in the future as it will affect the foetus. and i need to drink a lot of water and put on moisturiser / lotions as it will really dry up the skin, even the lips and the scalp !! but the good thing is i dont have to wash my hair as often as before as my scalp is not oily as compared to before.
so, basically that’s my experience in battling with pimples… it was hell i tell u… and it really affected my self – esteem. thank god i found my solution..
i don’t have much problems with pimples, but like you, the occasional ones due to the crazy hormones.
pimples might be due to not enough of water intake, even though you have no problems with the other areas. 😛
@fiza : Thanks for sharing!
@plue: That’s another point to note, thanks!
Fiza!! it’s the primrose oil! don’t eat primrose oil! it will not only make you prone to acne, it also can make u fat! My elder sis went to the doctors cuz she suddenly had stomach aches but not it was not PMS cramps, he asked her whether she was eating or taking any primrose oils. She sai NO and asked why, then the doctor told her that it’s not really good stuff to eat. Cuz it can make a person fat and some people will get pimples after eating it… =_=” so Fiza stop eating the primrose oil!
PB, your post title is exactly my shoutout! I am bugged by acne again. Hormones play bigger part in my case. 2 weeks before our next menstrual flow, the estrogen hormone (the feeling good hormone) goes down, replaced by progesterone, and all problems set in. Like a package, dark circle+acne+fatigue in my case. Acne/pimple/redness. So, have to suffer for 2 weeks 🙁
I think another good reason is face product we use, be it make-up/face care esp masque, which contains ingredient tt our face sensitive to. Again, variability in all persons. As thr is no same set of genes. 🙂
For a moment I thought you had a severe breakout, PB…
Thankfully I’m not plagued by the time of the month spots, but I notice that I tend to get a spot or two if I have been applying full face make-up for about 2 – 3 days running. Not due to improper cleansing, but I think my skin just rebels against having any warpaint on for long hours. Haha.
@Abby : I’ve actually taken Evening Primrose Oil regularly without problems – no weight gain and no breakouts. It also helps me with menstrual cramps. Perhaps it reacts differently with different people. Thanks for your thoughts.
@Natalie: Hormonal acne are the worst and yes sometimes skincare or makeup that don’t agree with us cause acne too.
@rinnah: Haha… not a severe breakout, no but I’ve been there done that! Makeup shouldn’t cause problems – maybe its just not suitable? Especially foundation because that covers the whole face.
ohh this is a good article, PB! i find that i get pimples if i don’t get enough sleep. and oh fried food and beloved junk food. i love my McDonald/KFC and such so much but too bad it is the main cause of acne popping up on my face. so now i eat in moderation … haha.
@charlieee : Oh yeah fried foods do that some how. Moderation is the key.
Great article! Would also want to add that having bangs (fringe) could cause a breakout on the forehead too. The sweat and bacteria looming under all that hair could cause zits. It happened to me anyway 😛
@Tine : Oh yes that can happen too especially if you have oily hair or don’t wash your hair everyday. I do like bangs though – it makes me look younger LOL…
When ever I feel a spot coming I put a dab of emu oil antiseptic cream on it. It’s from http://www.emu-oil-well.com and it’s amazing. It’s got tea tree and stuff in it but it doesn’t dry out your skin. It bring down the swelling and redness and most importantly for me stops the pain! It doesn’t clog pores either so won’t contribute to breakouts.