I was just at The Body Shop yesterday picking up a replacement bottle of Vitamin C Skin Boost when my eyes fell on a new Body Shop makeup collection. I’ll be the first to admit that The Body Shop makeup doesn’t excite me, but for some reason my eyes were drawn to this one.
The Deadly Desires Collection (Source)
Can you see why?
Isn’t this just about the prettiest Body Shop collection ever?! This is the Deadly Desires collection by The Body Shop – a rather strong offering which I found surprising from this rather bland brand. I mean, a name like Deadly Desires sure does not conjure up an image of The Body Shop! 🙂
The main reason why I was drawn to it was because the blushes made me think of Shu Uemura glow on blushes. They had the same rectangle pan and wasn’t there a Shu Uemura collection that had a pretty pattern on the surface of the blush? The difference is that The Body Shop pans are much larger.
Here is another picture I collaged from Bjooti.net.
Deadly Desires Cheek Bloom and Duo Eyeshadow (Source)
I was in a bit of a hurry so I failed to see how much they cost. However, I did quickly test the blushes and eyeshadow and oh my goodness! I’m in love!!
Ok, maybe in lust 😛
Firstly, the blushes. I’ve owned a Body Shop blush before. The usual one that comes in the round pan. I must say the quality is good and so is the staying power. I’m not quite sure where my blush has disappeared to now.
The 2 blushes are Cheek Bloom blushes in Desert Rose (rose) and Dune Pink (peach). The blushes have shimmer but are very finely milled and the texture feels really nice. Dune Pink is a light peach pink that is beautiful. The pattern on the surface is raised and has a dusting of shimmer on it. It truly is gorgeous. Desert Rose is a straight medium toned rose pink but I did not test that one.
But the ones that really surprised me were the eyeshadows. There are 2 duo eyeshadows that come in a rectangle pan. From previous experience with The Body Shop eyeshadow singles, I was not impressed. The texture is hard and pigment was poor to me.
The Deadly Desires eyeshadow duos however, are divine! They are soft to the touch and apply smoothly with fine shimmer and decent pigmentation. Khaki Green has a bronze shade with green tones and a dark olive green while Eucalyptus Gray has a light silver and a medium gray. The pattern in the middle is embossed quite deep and has shimmer.
The 2 pen things you see are Lip Clicks which are lip gloss in a clicky pen with brush applicator. Think Stila Lip Glazes and you’ve got the idea. There are 2 colours – Spice Red (red) and Dusky Pink (rose). There are also 2 metallic eye pencils – Rocky Blue and Cactus Green; and a mascara.
I have never been tempted by a Body Shop collection before but Deadly Desires is definitely a deadly tempatation! I may find myself back at The Body Shop again quite soon, I fear.
PRICE UPDATE: Eyeshadow duos are RM55 and Blush prices are RM79. I just bought Dune Pink and the Grey duo at the airport! 😛 They are due to launch officially on 29 August 2008 and I was told they do not qualify for the sale discounts.
it is VERY pretty! gosh, packagings are getting prettier and prettier! UH OH!
@Nikki : Yeah and its pretty impressive too!
just as pretty as Revlon’s, but I suppose from your review the quality is very much better?
i am gonna go look in TBS later to check out the price! I love TBS blushers! They are really pretty and pigmented. But I’m kinda sad they revamp the packaging, and increase the price but the pan is so much smaller. >_<
I am hoping they release a pink tone cheek stain like Posietint, I definitely would go and grab it!
TBS is finally picking up with the rest! 😀
filled with happiness,
@plue : They surpass Revlon’s big time! Much better. And I prefer these blushes to the regular line of blushes. Whee!
you are making me going broke!
is this an LE item?
if it is, how long will they be available??? >_<
i hate the idea of not getting at least 1 of the blushers!
@plue : Gosh TBS should pay me a commission 😛 I reckon its LE. Pretty things usually are
they should pay commission
because they are making such a profit from us!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! those blushes are fab! am heading to body shop after this (ignoring my shrinking wallet). they should pay u for advert n review. thanks paris!
Ooo, thanks for the review on the Vitamin C Skin Boost. I just started looking into introducing Vit C to my skin since age is catching up. Long gone are the days that we get to go to bed with makeup on and still wake up with radiant skin. *Sighs*
heek heek…well, Body Shop has sales now, so might be worth it… 🙂 can’t remember the exact percentages, but if I know it can go up to 30% for 7 items and above.
omg.. they are so pretty!! love their design this time. i think they’re much better than revlon (in terms of design)…
shud check the price when i hv chance to drop by TBS.
plue: I hope they are reading LOL
Anis: You’re welcome! I should ignore my shrinking wallet and get a blush too heh…
MisSmall: The Skin Boost is my fave product for now. Can’t take care of our skin too early though I never advocate sleeping with makeup on 😉
Beetrice: Yes, 10% off for 3 products – not hard to achieve.
Zeren: Please do and if you can, please update here too! I forgot to check them out in my excitement lol…
I’m a huge fan of TBS’s shimmery blushes, so if these are better than the regular line, I will have to check them out!
This blog is so bad for my wallet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monstro: Oops! I hope you don’t stop reading though 🙂
omg… im wanting the khaki green eyeshadow and one of the blushes… 😐 can anyone update us on the price? if anyone has already gone n checked it out?? and yess… TBS should Pay you PB. thanks to you, theyre making loads of extra profit frm us 🙂 hehe.. think i must go find 5 more items to love to get the 30% discount again…
also, just thought id share an experience with u ladies, the SA at TBS did try out the Vit C range scrub on my hand when i went in to buy the skin boost and i must say, i think im in love. the consistency of the scrub is great- not too finely milled. however it is finer than our average St. Ives scrub which im lovin too… the only thing stopping me is the darn price- RM79. 😐
@nkp : I have updated the post with prices. Not sure if it qualifies for the tiered discount but check and see.
lovely! lovely! lovely! when did The Body Shop become sooo… lovely!!!
Hey…I stopped by my usual outlet, and I got the Lip Click and Eye Pencil with the discount… 🙂