A while ago, I wrote about 5 beauty must not haves that I could happily live without, following on a tag from Tine at Beautyholics Anonymous. I said I’d break it up into 2 posts so it wasn’t so long. I didn’t forget.
So, here are my 5 Skincare and Beauty Don’ts – Things you should never do skincare or beauty wise.
- Never pick at a pimple. Everyone says this and its the easiest thing to ignore but it is most important. I speak from experience. Pick at a pimple and risk scarring which will take you years and vats of Vitamin E oil to fade. So, never pick at a pimple. If you have a pimple or spots, use something to curb the inflamation and it will heal on its own. I use the Kanebo Blanchir Smoothing Conditioner which is not formulated for this, but works for me. An Aspirin Mask works too.
- Never forget your sunscreen. If you truly care about your skin, protect it with sunscreen. I cannot stress how important sunscreen is. Skip the sunscreen and risk premature aging. No point piling on the makeup or spending on anti-aging creams later in life if you skip the sunscreen now.
- Never use a foundation color lighter than your skin tone. I know of some people who try to use foundation to look “fairer” so they go for a colour thats lighter than their natural skin tone. It looks awful and unnatural. On darker skin, it makes you look ashy and grey so don’t do it. Foundation is not a colour corrector. Its a “foundation” – a base for the other colours to go on.
- Don’t forget your hands. Most of us have a skincare regime for the face. We cleanse, tone and moisturise our faces at least twice a day to keep it looking moist and firm and in some cases, young. But how many of us have a skincare regime for our hands? I for one tend to forget this important step. Hands a very telling of age. The face may look young but a quick glance at a person’s hands will tell if they are truly as young as their face looks. This is because most people forget their hands. So, use a nice moisturising cream or lotions for the hands especially at night before you go to bed to keep them soft and the skin supple and maybe they will help lie about your age too!
- Don’t forget your neck. The other part of the body that will tell your age better than the face is the neck. Most people forget about their necks too, when they moisturise their faces. So, next time you moisturise your face, add a dab or two of cream on the neck area and massage it in. You don’t want your neck aging before your face does!
And here we are. 5 skincare and beauty tips I suggest you do not forget.
Do you have other tips for skincare and beauty don’ts?
Stay beautiful,
I was reading your tip on the hands part and going like, “yeah I so need to remember my hands!” and then I was thinking to myself….the neck is important too…and then like a flash of deja vu, your next tip was the neck! LOL
i also put sunscreen on my hads as they age faster than my face. ha! also thick urea cream for my feet at night as they crack so easily in this hot and humid country!
*chastened* I kena all 5. LOL. Better start doing what I need to do now before I regret later, hor?
Giddy Tiger: Great minds! Its so easy to overlook these 2 parts of the body and they tell the age the most!
Jojoba: Ah! I tend to forget my feet though…
Rinnah: yes yes, prevention better than cure!
Yay!!! so far, the only thing i forget is to put on sunscreen, actually I never forget, just oo lazy for the step Hahahha thanks for the reminder PB
My moisturiser comes in a tube so whenever I squeeze it on my palm before dabbing onto my face with my fingers, I make sure to squeeze extra so that after I moisturise my face, I just rub my hands with the excess moisturiser. That’ll make sure you dun miss that step =D
And if you must (totally desperate) squeeze your pimples, make sure to slab on some pimple gel after and put on vita E when it starts to dry until it disappears so that there won’t be a scar. Hehehehe
TOTALLY guilty of #1…you know all that nonsense about not having breakouts when you’re an adult? So not true. Sigh, I better learn to leave them alone though…itchy fingers!
Nikki: Living in a tropical country as we both do, this is essential! Make it routine and you won’t forget 🙂
S-kay: wow thats some expensive hand moisturiser! 😉
Monstro: Whoever said adults don’t get acne should be shot!
great article! i totally agree with #3… i just don’t get the whole obsession with fair skin. if you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful no matter what your skintone..
my personal #1 skincare tip is to make sure you face is properly cleansed. there are soooo many facial cleansers that don’t actually clean well, and when you tone your face afterwards it takes 3-4 cotton pads before it comes really clean. and if you never use toner at all (because some skintypes don’t really need it) you wouldn’t even know your face isn’t clean! no point buying and putting on makeup/sunscreen/pimple gel/aspirin/antioxidants/exfoliants/vit E/just about anything to improve your complexion if your face has all this leftover dirt that isn’t being cleaned.
i prefer Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser–wash twice with warm water. takes off even waterproof makeup and anything Colorstay without drying out your skin, and reveals zero dirt on your cotton when you tone. i hear that oil cleansing stuff is really good too but never tried it personally
hey this is one good article! i always neglect my feet and hand.. and also my neck.. i think i should put more attention to them.. as now my feet started to crack.. 🙁 since i moved to malaysia.
but i somehow apply sunscreen every morning, although my office is jz across the street from my house and i seldom be under the sun.. 🙂
i jz read your article about making aspirin mask.. wow.. i never thought about it before.. thx for your idea.. i’ll try it soon!! (i do have problems w/ oily face and easy to breakout skin.. 🙁
Oupsss….I some time forget my hand&neck!! Thanks PB….I think i should pay more attention to them from now on…..
to be honest, I never forget, just too lazy! hahahha but for the other steps, I religiously do it! hahahha I know I know..I will start again 😛
Jooj: Thanks for the tips! I double cleanse with oil cleanser then normal cleanser. Skin is lovely and clean!
Maria: I apply sunscreen even when I’m just staying IN the house! LOL…
reeka: Hands and neck areas are easy to forget. I forget too sometimes.
Amen to the skincare tips! I made a boo boo on applying foundation DARKER than my skintone. My mistake for assuming that all MAC NC30 formulae would be the same. I had to use a lighter loose powder to balance the tone out. Tsk tsk tsk.
But yeah, the neck is one place that I sometimes forget 🙁
I have tried picking and not picking at my pimples, and somehow I find that if I don’t pick at it, the pimple would leave a red bump on my face after it has healed, and it takes forever to go away! But if I pick at it, it leaves a scar. sigh…