Previously I wrote about the new Coach Ergo bag collection that just launched in the USA.
To my surprise (and I might add that it was a very pleasant surprise indeed!) I actually saw the whole collection (and more!) at the local Coach store in The Gardens just last week! Talk about fast.
Needless to say, despite being hungry, I just had to pop into the store to check out the bags. Its never a good idea to shop on an empty stomach you know… you might just end up buying something you regret!
The first bag I picked up off the display was the Pleated Framed Satchel Tote. That was the one I’d been eyeing from the web in Burnt Orange. In person, the colour is less red and more orange. A very lovely colour. However, I found that in person, the bag is too big. Its not so big that it looks bulky but it is way too big for my 5′ 2.5″ frame. Carried on my shoulder, it looks like the bag is wearing me not me wearing the bag. Carried in the hand, it definitely looks way too big.
The colour is cute – I love it. The design is cute too. There are 2 open compartments with a middle compartment that closes with a clasp which I found unique. I did not quite like the lining though. It made the bag look a tad tacky in my view. The leather was of course soft and supple as all Coach leathers are. The bag costs RM2400+ (can’t recall) so yes, its terribly marked up here.
In person, the Ergo Pleated Tote and Ergo Leather Pleated Hobo actually looks quite nice. The Ergo pleated hobo comes in 2 sizes and the smaller size is more a match for my frame. Unfortunately, I found that the strap did not sit properly on my shoulders, and it had a tendency to stick out. I suppose after using it a while, the leather might soften enough to slouch a little, but brand new, its too stiff for me.
I liked the Ergo Pleated Tote in white. It was so cute and in my view, nicer than the previous plain tote because of the pleats. Unfortunately, because it doesn’t close with a zip but only with a clasp, I can’t bring myself to get it just yet. And also, not at the prices we are seeing here.
The Ergo Convertible Tote is another interesting one. It folds over into a bag that looks like a clutch. However, unfolded and held by the handle, the bag is quite big. Folded over, it looks long and a little bulky if you aren’t tall.
Overall, it looks like this new Ergo collection is geared towards the tall or at least towards those 5′ 4″ and above. I found most of the bags too big except for the 2 I singled out above. I’m afraid I hated the designs in the monogram canvas. To me, they looked too tacky to look good. 😛
Oh and here’s another that I thought was way way over the top – Signature Stripe Floral Tote. Why spoil an otherwise lovely bag with those awful embroidered flowers?!
OMG….ugly…like so sesat the flower on the monogram. I’m eyeing the white ergo
I think it’s because they had such a good run with the ‘poppy’ collection – but me like the convertible tote! 🙂
S-kay: Yeah me too and that flower thing really got to me
Beetrice: Best check it out in person first. I found it a tad… odd.
Those pleated ones rule. Likin the white one too!
I love coach. A colleague is travelling to the states and I’ve already “pesan” a signature pleated hobo from him. I can’t wait for him to come back! I hope it’s as nice as you’ve described. (i haven’t even looked at the real thing at the coach store here yet!)