I decided to change the look of the site a little. Been thinking about it for a while but I think I’ve found a template that works.
If you run into any bugs or fall into any holes do let me know, yes?
Thanks for your patience while I get the site back up and running smoothly. 🙂
rinnah says
I’m on IE7 and the Google ads on the top is overlapping into the bar at the top… but I like the font size and the layout of the sidebars!
Though I miss the links that allow me to browse between the previous article and the next article. But that’s just me. 😀
Rae says
I love the new layout – v. cute! (I’m one firefox, it works like a charm. Which is nice, as a lot of layout revamps show up jumbled on the new firefox)
Tine says
Nice work. A bit busy between the posts and the comments though, but that’s just me. Overall, love the colour theme 🙂
ParisB says
Rinnah: Your wish is my command! The links are back. They were always there just MIA coz of wonky code.
Tine: Thanks. I’m trying to work out the bit between the posts and comments but hopefully it looks better in a longer post 😉
Andie Summerkiss says
I like it. Though the google adsense is a bit odd positioned, caught me off guard for a while there. But overall, great job! Btw, have you ever bought Steve Madden online?
jojoba says
this is something I can’t help you as I am an idiot when it comes to technical stuff. but i just want to tell you the new one is equally as good as the old. it took me a while to find the comment button though and I have a bit of problem with the side bars being dull brown and burgundy. i want colours! But you know me and shiny colourful things…
ParisB says
Andie: Thanks I’ll work out the adsense thingy lol… And no I haven’t worn Steve Madden before so I dare not buy online yet.
Jojoba: I worked out a clearer comment button, but I can’t do anything about the background I’m afraid. Too much of a dummy hehe..
~lalala~ says
awww… i kinda like the old template… i miss the pic of the brushes up thr.. well, maybe its juz me, but we haf to keep up wif change. good luck in ur future posts! 🙂
ParisB says
lalala: Aww… I actually liked the brushes too hehe… but I discussed it with a friend who suggested that it be more streamlined. Maybe we’ll have brushes again soon. Thanks for the feedback!
pablopabla says
Brilliant! Create a little more space between your sidebar widgets as they are a bit cramped up. And get yourself a nice looking logo for a song at the forum I told you about. It will do wonders to the branding of this blog 😀
Monstro says
I think the site seems to work a lil faster for me now. But visually, I find the copy (in design we call it leading–vertical space between each sentence) a bit too tight. So when you look at it, everything feels a bit more cluttered. If you opened up the leading some, I think it will feel easier to read. Also, I miss your top banner pic–there isn’t one now? Felt warmer overall when you had one 🙂 Sorry so opinionated!
Monstro says
Just wanted to add–feel free to call or email me if you need help with your layout. Not web savvy, but am design savvy 😉
beetrice says
I actually preferred the previous “sandwich” method of a sidebar on either side – made it easier to navigate. And I’d echo Pablopabla’s response as well…turn My Women Stuff into a brand, woot!
Other than that, hey, as long as the CONTENT doesn’t change, I’m a happy chickie. 🙂
ParisB says
Pablo: I tried and I hope it doesn’t look so cramped anymore. Will look into a logo soon. 🙂
Monstro: Thanks! I’ll be in touch with ya. Only problem is, I’m not html savvy too! So I guess we can come up with a nice design and then umm… work on it?
beetrice: LOL No the contents won’t change but I was getting bored with the previous layout. Who knows, things might change again later! I’m female and fickle 😉