My favorite eyeliner is the Bobbi Brown Gel eyeliner. It is the best I’ve ever used and it lasts all day. I mentioned previously that I use a short angled brush as an eyeliner brush. This is a picture of the said brush.
I like using this brush because it has short but firm bristles and its angled which makes it easier for me to use. It is an unbranded brush I bought from a local beauty supplies shop for RM8 and has withstood many washings with no problems. So its true that cheap can sometimes be good!
Anyway, I put together a little picture tutorial on how I use the gel eyeliner.
If you can’t view pictures, or if it isn’t loading, this is how I apply my gel eyeliner:-
- Lift the corner of the eye gently. Don’t tug hard on it unless you want to add wrinkles prematurely!
- Load up your eyeliner brush with the gel eyeliner and start drawing a line from the inner eye keeping as close to the lash line as possible. I usually hold up the corner of my eye as I find its faster and more effective this way.
- Draw the line right to the end of the eye. I like to flick it upwards slightly at the end but if you prefer something more natural, then let it taper off where your eye naturally ends.
- That’s it!
The last picture isn’t very clear but there is a difference when I use eyeliner and when I do not. When I use eyeliner, my eyes look more defined and larger than when I don’t. I only use eyeliner on the upper lid because I never mastered the art of drawing on my lower lid and because the few times I’d had it done, I did not like the look.
I use the same technique when using pencil eyeliners. However, as most pencil eyeliners tend to smudge on me throughout the day, I have more or less switched fully to using the Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner for my everyday lining. No other gel liner comes close for me! I tried the Kate gel liner but it tended to smudge too and had a horrid chemical smell.
I’m going to try a new technique soon using powder eyeshadow after a tip off from a friend. I’ll write about my trial and experience soon!
Do you have a tip for applying eyeliner? Do share in a comment below.
Stay beautiful,
hehe just bought my own bb gel eyeliner. still learning how to get a perfectly drawn straight line like yours! not easy leh…
btw – how do you wash the brush? I’m using bb’s eyeliner brush (75 bucks!!!!! argh) and after using it I just wipe the excess with tissue.. which probably isn’t enough because there’s always a little bit left which hardens the brush. should’ve just bought an unbranded one instead. 🙁
FA: Practise makes perfect! Good luck! 😉 And as for washing my brush, I wash it the same way I wash all my brushes – with Johnsons & Johnsons Baby shampoo. Works a treat!
i like to apply the eyeliner to my inner eyelid.
it did make my eyes look bigger and not over. i will only apply as you did plus the inner eyelid when i am away from Uni.
i love the invention of eyeliners~~
cant live without them anymore…
I only use eyeliner since I’ve never been able to properly define my eyes with eyeshadow. Never tried gel eyeliner since it looks a lil scary to me, but the automatic pencil type I use always smudges on me and I end up looking like some panda that got beaten up! Urgh!
Will try the gel type soon cos the liquid kind tends to make me look like I’m going out on a night in the town or something (hardly appropriate for work!).
Thanks for the tutorial. I’ve always been a pencil person, but am not satisfied since it smudges, even the waterproof ones. I’ve yet to try a gel liner –this will be the next challenge for me!
Absolutely love BB gel liner. Somehow I got a hang of it pretty quick. Lucky me. I wanna go get the blue one. Heehee
I normally wash it with a lil facial wash after drawing coz it’s the eye area so I prefer to be a lil more hygienic
just wondering any suggestion what eyeliner can last longer? noticed by mid day the color sort of fade. I am used to eye pencil. will this be better?
I use dark shadow and an eyeliner brush for the most part, and it helps to wet the brush before you dip it in the shadow.
Chris, you can try going over your liner with dark shadow, or priming your eye area with a base. Alternatively, there are products like Benefit’s She-Laq that you can use over your liner to make it completely budgeproof.
My lids can be oily on bad days so on these bad days, I’ve tested normal pencil liner, waterproof pencil liner and gel liner.
Verdict : Gel liner last the longest and stays the sharpest. Waterproof liner still requires a line over with eyeshadow..sometimes smudge. Pencil liner totally disappears or smudge by mid day.
As my partner-in-crime mentioned, dark eyeshadow as a liner for me. I’m tossing out my BB gel eyeliner. It belongs in the bin now. I still can’t master eyeliner much, so, my tip for that is NO EYELINER, hehe.
Chris: You HAVE to try Urban Decay Primer Potion. NOTHING and I really mean NOTHING moves.
Akiki: Aren’t they wonderful? I never mastered the art of lining my inner lid though.
GFish: Oh but eyeshadows are wondeful! Maybe try again? And I find gel liners easier to handle compared to liquid.
Montro: You’re welcome. So far this is the only formula that doesn’t smudge for me.
S-Kay: I have Sapphire shimmer too. Very nice! But still dark 😛
Chris: I did not find this gel liner fading much. To make your liner last, do as the ladies have suggested and dust some eyeshadow on top of the liner. It makes it last a little longer.
Shryh: I did that dark shadow bit too previously but I got bored after a spell… hehe… I also did not like how my eyeshadows looked weird after they got wet.
S-Kay: thanks for the feedback!
geekchic: I have to agree that using dark shadow is much more convenient. Having eyeliner on makes me feel just that little bit more pulled together some how 😉
great tips! one thing is, does the gel dry up fast?
yup, great tips! i got this bb gel eyeliner too but i havent opened it at all. i’m still practising using pencil eyeliner.. which i’m not good at it..
thanks for the tips.. when i feel confidence, i will try my bb gel eyeliner! 🙂
u were saying dat u bought da brush for rm8…may i know where u bought it???it’s quiet dificult to find some not brand brush so fine…
I can’t see the diference :/
i dont like bb eyeliner it ALWAYS slides off in about 3-4 hours i dont no how it lasts all day on u my eyelids arent even that oily. and im not saying its ugly but ur eyelid w/o eyeliner looks better. i switched back 2 elf after about a week
The 1st BB get eyeliner I used was the purplish one. It was great but it dried up with 2/3 left in the pot. It didn’t smudge and I could go to the gym wearing it without having panda eyes. After I threw that one out, I got the black one. I don’t know why but this one smudges after 15 mins.. Do the colors come in different formula? I’ve have 1/2 pot left and its time to throw it out too because it getting dried up. Once its slightly dry, it’s very difficult to get a smooth line and applying it on tugs at the lids.