I always ask for samples when I’m at a beauty counter and usually, sales assistants are happy to oblige. Well, some aren’t so happy but I get round them anyway 😛 After all, these samples (usually of skincare) are there to be given out so people can try a product to see if they like it before they buy it. Also, you sometimes get generous deluxe sizes of samples or gifts with purchase that can be very useful.
I always keep a box of samples of various skincare or makeup items handy and there are a few reasons why I like having product samples:-
- I get to try the product to see if it suits me or my skin. I used to think I had hardy skin until a sample of Clinique Total Turnaround cream made me breakout terribly. Since then, I never buy or use a new skincare product without first trying a sample of it. If the counter will not let me have a sample, I won’t buy it.
- I get to try the product for colour match. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you get samples of lipstick or foundation. I was given a sample of a Make Up For Ever foundation which many love but which I realised I could not use because it was a poor color match for my skintone. The only other way I’d have realised it was if I were to purchase the full sized foundation which would be a waste of money.
- Samples make it easier to pack when traveling. It is much easier (and takes up less space) to pack sample sizes of your favourite skincare for traveling purposes. That way, you don’t have to go through the hassle of decanting into smaller containers and you can just throw away the foil pack or sample bottles when you are done, thereby lightening the load on the way back (and making way for your shopping purchases perhaps?)
- Sample packs fit in your flight carry on. With the new flight rulings on carry on luggage which restrict liquid, creams and gel to a maximum 100ml per item, samples are the answer. Most sample sized skincare come in foil packets of 2g or 5g or little bottles of at most 50g or 50ml. This way, you never have to be worried about whether your skincare will be confiscated at airport customs!
Most department store brand cosmetics will have samples so, the next time you are purchasing something, ask for a sample or two. Sometimes, sales assistants might even let you have samples of products you are interested in, even if you don’t buy anything. After all, its a potential sale for them if it works for you. Not everyone is pleasant however and I never patronize unpleasant counters or if I see a particular unpleasant sales assistant once I identify them. Please don’t give me a spiel about sales people getting the rough end of the stick from customers. In a service industry brickbats are only to be expected – I should know, I’m in one too!
So just ask. You have nothing to lose and you might find something new that you like!
Stay beautiful,
OMG…how come you get those nice samples wannn? I always end up with those tiny 2g foil packets…hmmm…methinks it’s time to be a bit more demanding..hahha…
I feel bad to ask for free stuff when I’m not buying anything from them hehe (doesn’t stop me from trying though), unless the SA is really really nice and very accommodating – unfortunately not all of them are or they just mildly tolerate.
Most brands are not very generous with their samples unless you are a regular customer. I remember having this one SA (my favourite ever) from Shu who would PILE ME ON with samples. I’ll even tell her I need some for travelling and she’ll give me tonnes! She was the best SA I ever encountered because 1) she speaks in perfect english 2) she took her time to tell me about the cosmetic brands and the products, and even offers to try them out on me 3) she is very convincing 4) she never pushed for sales
Have never ever found anybody quite like her ever since she left. *sniff*
and I’ve loved Shu eversince. SAs really make or break a first impression to new customers.
p/s: sorry, went off tangent there. 😛
Shu uemura’s SAs are really friendly and generous!!! i had the same experience too!
Dang, girl. La Mer samples!
*covet covet* :p
I love L’occitane for their samples! Honestly, its one of the best sales strategies because I keep going back to them. My favourite SA is usually very generous and they are not at all pushy. its very comfortable to just browse around. I must have spent a fortune on L’occitane because of those samples(and the quality too!)
I don’t know how to ask for samples! Too thin-skin gua… I really need to learn from you, si-fu! 😀
when u ask for samples, would the SA deny you? i mean like will they refuse?
I’m very thick-skinned, so I ask for samples all the time! But I don’t have a La Mer sample la…I see one in your stash!
Beetrice: From the counter I’ll get the foil packs, but the bottles come from buying stuff 😛
FA: I got my Shu from a nice SA too. Nice SAs are great although they make you spend more.
Tine: heh… not all that great, honestly
curlylocks: I’ve never gotten any from L’occitane maybe because I balk at spending money on them heh…
rinnah: Practice makes perfect! I used to be thinskinned too
gtpsy: They won’t refuse by saying No, but they might say they have run out.
Giddy Tiger: Thats the best way to try things out!
Goodness! You really are good in getting samples. I’ve nvr really asked for samples, simply because I thought you would have to purchase sth first.
But, you’re right. As potential customers, we have the right to try out the products first b4 buying them. Afterall, skincare & cosmetics does make up one of my largest expenses 😛
One thing that made me curious…. does the SA know you *eg: you’re a regular*… or they just give out samples when asked ??