When I was last at my regular hairdressers, I was flipping through a magazine and saw a bag from Coach that really caught my fancy. It was the Coach Ergo Leather small hobo. I own 2 Coach leather bags myself (purchased online before Coach came into Malaysia) and I love them both.
I loved the chocolate colour of the bag and I love hobo shaped bags because they slouch beautifully and don’t get out of shape. In fact, this bag looked so similar to one bright yellow Coach one I presently own that I pondered the merit of even wanting it.
So, 2 weeks ago, I popped in to the Coach boutique at The Gardens at Midvalley to check it out in person. This bag costs about RM1060 or so and looks just as lovely in person. I loved the feel of the leather. Coach’s glove tanned leather is wonderfully soft and supple and smooth to the touch. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that for a designer bag, you can’t get a better deal than a Coach for leather. Most other luxury designer leather bags are upwards of RM3,000.
However, upon sighting the Ergo leather bag, I knew that I could not get it simply because it was too small. I carry a lot of junk around in my bag and just fitting my wallet, mobile phone, makeup pouch and keys alone, would take up all the space there is. I am not one for small bags and I would not pay over a thousand ringgit for that. I might consider it at US$198 though! Anyway, it was with great regret that I replaced the Ergo small hobo on the shelf.
And then, my eye fell on the Coach Ergo Leather Tote.
This one retails at RM1750 for both the leather and signature canvas print versions. I am not sure why, but I was absolutely captivated by it. It sat well on my shoulder and was a good size for me to lug my things around both on a week day and on a weekend. I liked the inside lining which is that of a bright striped print satin-feel cloth which was unexpected coming from a somber looking exterior. I loved that contradiction!
However, I balked because the bag has no zip closure. It is open at the top and only closes with a clasp. I am paranoid about bags without any zip closures despite owning one or two. Most of these bags are held close to the body so it isn’t all that bad. I tried to convince myself that the design wasn’t all that pretty. You have to admit that it looks useful and practical but can hardly be called a “pretty bag”. And yet…. there’s something pulling me towards it…
This one comes in leather in 2 colours here – Black and Tobacco (brown) and the signature canvas print comes in black and dark brown. Considering that its only US$328 (RM1,049.60) the price here is pretty steep. Then again, its imported so I guess there’s that too, unless I can get someone to buy it in the USA for me (doubtful). Sigh… still wondering if I should get it… 😛
Giddy Tiger says
I would gladly review it if you could get me a sample! hehehe
PB says: I’d review it if I got a sample too! 😉
Pim says
Why don’t you get a large Ergo?
PB says: I didn’t like the way the large one slouched
beetrice says
It’s a COACH…need I say more?? 😀
PB says: 🙂
Tine says
Coach!! Of course COACH!!!
I am a HUGE fan of Coach but tadak $$ to buy. My two Coach bags were gifts from dear Mummy, and even those were bought during sales (my leather one was only US$150! Cheap!).
Buuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyy … *trying to hypnotise you* 😉
J. 1o says
Ladies… A friend of mine runs this site: http://www.delightgallery.com
You may check it out for Coach bags with a lower ‘RM’ than the selling price in Malaysia…. straight from the US 😉
PB says: This is not sanctioned by My Women Stuff – please proceed at your own risk
gwen says
hi there. if u stil wanna ‘Coach’ this Coach, i might be able to do it for u!! i do go to the US. 🙂 email me if u interested
Rea says
Hi, not too sure if this will help but I just purchased the EMBOSSED OP ART PATENT LEAH bag direct from coach.com using this service called vshub.com. I combined my bag with a few other GAP stuff and after averaging out the shipping costs imposed by vshub, my bag cost about RM1800 only. In KL they are selling for RM2125! Hope this helps! Cos I know how it feels not to be able to buy stuff from websites that don’t ship to Malaysia.
asha says
go to ebay
you might find some good deals on coach