I don’t normally do this, but this comment left by a reader yesterday on my previous article on why I don’t use MAC Cosmetics, struck a chord in me.
Here is what Leia wrote:
This evening (Oct 5 2007) I visited the latest M.A.C. outlet in Kuala Lumpur. This is the new mall in Kuala Lumpur, Pavilion. I was there around 6.30 -7.00 pm. I was served by a sales girl. I told her I was looking for a waterproof eye shadow or eye liner. She showed me some colors. She tested a few colors on my wrist and then I asked her if I could try on my eyes. She said yes and I chose blue cream eye shadow. She handed over the cream and a brush but she walked away. I was puzzled and waited for her return. After few minutes, she came back and we looked at each other. So I asked her what to do with the cream and a brush that I was holding. She said I am supposed to put on myself. I told her I had not used cream eye shadow and asked her to help me. So she put on one eye for me. After looking at the mirror, I did not like the color on me so I told her the same. She gave me some remover to clean one eye that I tried the color. After that, I said I could not go around the mall with one eye bare and the other eye colored (my original make up was on). So she said I could use one of MAC color to put on the side that did not have any make up. Then I said I would have different color on my eyes so I asked if she could find the nearest match to the color that I had on my eyes. She said she could find and asked me to look for the color myself. As I could not find any color that is almost like the color that I had, so I asked her if she could help to put on (eye shadow) the side that had no make up as well as covering over the existing make up on the other eye. She said that would cost me RM80.00. I was jaw dropped. I asked to confirm and she replied the same. Then she said I could pick one base color and do it myself. I am totally lost. I had no choice but picked one color and put on myself. Guess I was upset over this and putting on the color badly. She then offered to help and she did but, that was it. I left the place. The reason I walked into the shop because I was told about the product. Just that now thing has gone the wrong way and I was humiliated. What have I done to deserve this
This experience is also part of the reason why I find it hard to patronize MAC Cosmetics, products notwithstanding. Bar a couple of helpful staff, the majority have not been helpful to me – I’m sorry to say. My own encounters have been with unhelpful and patronizing staff, but never one as rude as in Leia’s encounter above or they would have definitely heard from me!
I have written to Leia to advise her to please please take this up with the company – no, not M.A.C itself but the company that brings them in who in turn, hire the staff here. There is no place for rude sales people in a service industry and M.A.C Cosmetics needs to understand that.
Update 2010: 3 years later I now drop by MAC once in a while. I’ve found that there are some helpful MAC sales assistants in the MAC stores at KLCC notably. I have also met helpful MAC assistants at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and Isetan Lot 10 so perhaps things have improved. I still don’t go to MidValley Megamall as I still don’t get served well there unfortunately.
Go one up. Submit it to the HQ of MAC, wherever they might be- Canada/US, I can’t be sure. I was bombarded with junk mail from Clarins once. Despite numerous pleas for them to stop, they ignored me. I threatened to go all the way to their HQ in France and demand to know how my email address landed in their database and a harried PR personnel contacted me with apologies. Sorry to say, that’s how things are done here in M’sia.
PB says: That is a good idea. From my personal experience however, taking it up with the HQ here is quite sufficient for the interim. But a lot depends on the brand manager and how she handles the situation. If its not satisfactory then take it up another step.
Actually one of the reasons I don’t use much of MAC is because of this. I don’t like the staff’s attitude. Rather snobbish I would say. I only get what I want from there and I’m out. And come to think of it, many of the other brands are the same.
It’s kind of a delicate balance these service staff have to strike. The other day I was at YSL and the SA was overly friendly. She kept calling me sister and I felt so uncomfortable.
PB says: This complaint seems to be a universal one pertaining to MAC. But I agree that overly friendly staff are equally creepy. SAs should learn that the customers aren’t their buddies but neither are they their subjects.
Good Lord, that sounds awful. Which exactly why I don’t go to MAC either. They have about the worst staff around (I’ve got a gripe about Sasa too, but will post one on that in a bit).
I’d do as Paris say AND do one up to the MAC HQ. We are consumers; we do not deserve to be treated like that.
PB says: Hear! Hear! Tine. And I’m glad you wrote about this too!
I totally agree. I have stopped going to Mac too. Anyway, you I suggest Leia to contact Suria Meriang Sdn Bhd and complain to the MAC brand manager here in Malaysia.
PB says: Yep, I gave her the contact number and address. I hope she takes it up!
MAC SAs are total snobs. Can’t stand them. Like I’ve mentioned before, the moment you walk in..they’ll start screening through you to determine whether you’re worth their service efforts.
The only time when I like MAC SAs are during the warehouse sales (awesome SAs there) and the one in Gurney Plaza.
You guys might as well just go to 16th Floor at Menara Tan&Tan. MAC, Estee Lauder and all that are under that company. I saw a few MAC SAs going there before. Maybe something can be done since the SAs are normally hired there.
PB says: I heard they have moved offices to the Midvalley area but I might be mistaken. Either way, since MAC is brought in by Suria Meriang SB, I told Leia to contact them about her encounter
Absolutely agree with you – service sucks big time at MAC, especially the Suria KLCC outlet. They need to buck up! Gotta learn from other brands like Estee Lauder and heaps of others who have the time and patience to assist customers.
PB says: Welcome! I can’t believe how many people are having awful experiences with MAC!
I had a bad encounter at MAC (MidValley) too! When I wanted to try MAC cosmetics, as I walked into the shop, one guy greet me. Too excited about their products, I have gone straight to the makeup bar without notice him. When I refer back to him since he is the one who greet me first, he is showing me some LOOK, “Just-now-I-serve-u, u-don’t-bother, now-I-don’t careeeeâ€.
Oh Well, I gave him back the same LOOK??
When I asked him about the appointment for a makeover for the coming Sat, he told me that u have to book at least 3 days (without looking at the appointment book), and it’s fully booked by now!!!!
Asked him about the other branch’s contact no, very reluctant to give! I tried myself for the makeover in MAC at Lot 10, the girl press my eyelashes so painful, and it was an awful makeover ever! This is where I stop using MAC!
PB says: I hope MAC is reading this and taking notes! They are losing so many potential customers. But never mind, there are better brands out there – trust me on this one! 🙂 Btw, I had an awful makeover with MAC once too. They gave me foundation that was 2 shades too dark and drew on black brows that scared me. Needless to say, never again!
Yeah i had the same experience twice… Bought compact powder which was 2 tone dark frens thought i went for extreme sun tanning… i agree that MAC SA sucks big big big big time… I feel like slapping them.. especially the B****es..
But they earn good money and i guess it’s this pride that made them into they are now.
Yeah, never again! The previous makeover was so awful! Till I took down the makeup and doing it all over again before the dinner. I really don’t want to look like a Fool!
PB says: And I did the same 🙂
they recommended me the wrong concealer, it was orange and i ended up looking like a clown with orange eyebags 🙁
PB says: Oh my… that must have been traumatizing.
Sadly, it seems that the CHEAPER (well, comparatively!) cosmetic counters have better service than the irritating high end ones.
Maybe it would be a nice touch (albeit extremely sarcastic) to remind the snotty ones that THEY’RE the ones that need to earn a living on your business – so they’d BETTER BE NICE!! *rofl*
PB says: You hit the nail right on the head. WE give them the business or have they forgotten?
I dont want to step in there again ever since they didnt give me a damn when i walked in with shorts…
PB says: Well you’re not missing anything.
Wow..so many traumatising story about M.A.C MUA, Cant believe it!!
I once step in MAC Mid Valley back in 2005 the MUA that i had experienced with.. shes the only tan malay looks like mix african american girl that helps me well… got my foundation all good!!
Then I was in M.A.C Sogo last year.. the same girl and the team was warm.. I am not whole loads of MAC fans.. some of my frieds isnt lucky enough to get the right MUA.. the snobs and stuck up attitude still scares them.. sad I hope theres more warm MUA like her around..
Hope the management will do something abt this.
PB says: I suppose you were lucky with MAC. I must admit I have encountered one or two well mannered MUAs but the majority are horrendous. I hope someone from MAC is reading all of this!
i frequent mac in lot 10 isetan. the salesperson there are very friendly and helpful. and i don’t look like a million bucks. should give that a try. the only problem is they have very limited stock to most of their stuff. they’ll help u put on the cosmetic u wanna try on u without any complains.
PB says: Thanks for the tip. I no longer frequent MAC but someone may find this useful.
woo… i would just give her my furious look and use tissue to wipe off my other side of eyeshadow and walk away throwing the tissue on the floor… she’s so arrogant… dam…
thats y i dun buy mac cosmetics.. coz they’ll give you those look which like looking down at you wont buy the products. i went in like 2wice only since i started buying make up. i’ll always go back to nice SA coz they’re nice..
i’ve attempt before once, when i wanted to buy mac eyeliner for my friend, i went there with my bf, i walked into midvalley’s mac counter by myself first, then there’s a guy came and approach me.. then when my bf came in behind me.. he then moved away and ignore me testing all the eyeliners there…
that was really bad… cant i bring my bf along to buy cosmetics??
PB says: Aww… another bad encounter… MAC really should be reading this…
here also in India at Mumbai i went to Mac but no response.. waited , waited and finally went away to sheisido. where i was treated very well.
PB says: In India even?! *shakes head* Welcome btw 🙂
Leia.. im really sorry u have to go thru this but my advice is that when you want to try on cosmetics, ALWAYS makes sure that you’re not wearing anything. cosmetics i mean. simply because.. im sure you know that over the counter sales person is never going to put eyeshadow on BOTH of your eyes and in order for you to avoid any embarassment for going shopping around the mall with one eye bare and another smokey eye.
so now you know, to avoid any embarassment, thats the way to go.
i was surprised to read so many bad remarks about MAC SAs. i started off with no knowledge on make up at all till i walked into MAC at KLCC somewhere in june 2007. d SA was great!spent like an hour with me teaching me how to do my eyes, face, brows , lips, everything.
from then on, i bought all my cosmetics from MAC and i have been to all their counters in KL. i must say i have never met a rude or unhelpful SA.they r all fabulous to me.
i guess i was one of d lucky ones. or maybe it’s because i look rather intimidating and scary?? hahaha! cheers!
just read this post,
can i re-post this in my blog??
i wanna show to my friends that :
branded is not equals to good service!!!
another proof!!!
thanks a lot
been to MAC (sogo) counters a few times, some SAs were ok – quite helpful, but some were really clueless about MAC products even..when asked to reccommend a suitable lipgloss colour she just lined up the new ones altho any sane person would know, nobody is gonna wear a glittery neon orange colour to the office (!). hopeless..
PB says: Pity about their service isn’t it?
so you find the majority of mac staff to be rude and unhelpful? REALLY? you must have gone to a lot of counters. because mac is quite large and has a lot of staff.
i dont think it’s fair to group all mac artists and say they are SNOBS or presume we all dont know what were doing because youve had bad experiences somewhere. (i say we because i am a mac artist)
there are times when we will walk away from our customers when its busy while they continue to look. but lack of communication on both ends can cause confusion like the girl who had that experience. if she wanted her to do her eyes she should have just spoke up and say “can YOU apply the shadow on me” not “can i try this on” because that implies she wants to do it on herself.
it was wrong of the artist to imply that she had to spend money to get shadow applied because that is completely false… that i will attest to. but i think that experience was so awkward because of the lack of communication.
and you have to understand, we get defensive customers all the time that have their guard up because they think WERE ALL BITCHES. were not all snobs and actually we are excellently trained in all areas of our products and whats in them and why they are beneficial.
im sorry to hear some of you turned away from our brand because its an awesome brand that stands for so much. we are all ages all races and all sexes. we provide and excellent generous recycling program. and we have raised over 100 million dollars for the mac aids fund from viva glam lip products. on top of that we dont test on animals nor use and by products in our makeup.
PB says: Thanks for giving your point of view. I’m not sure where you are, but the problem is that we don’t have that many MAC counters here and I’ve been to all and possibly bar one, haven’t received good service or to be more precise receive snobby service from the rest of the counters. I’ve read of similar experiences at other counters in other parts of the world. Its not a generalization, but the case is very strong against the SAs. Then again, there are still MAC fans so I guess it doesn’t hurt them.